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Five Paragraph Essay

A five paragraph essay is a formal arrangement of a written argument. It is a common requirement in schools, colleges and universities by the students. In a five paragraph essay different aspects of the topic are shown. Every paragraph holds different information of the topic of the essay. The five paragraph essay fulfills its purpose very well, as it has five paragraphs each carrying different content. In all the five paragraph the same rule follows that all main point of the topic should be covered in same number of lines. Consistency should be there in five paragraph essay. The five paragraph essay should be organized and have proper structure.
1. Introduction
2. Body paragraph one
3. Body paragraph two
4. Body paragraph three
5. Conclusion
1. The introductory paragraph talks about the topic generally and it consists of an opening lines. This opening line can be generalization about the life around the topic. It can also be a quotation. The opening lines should be very interesting that the reader gets keen to read the essay. In the introductory paragraph few lines of the thesis should also be written. The thesis statement should come at the end of the introductory paragraph and it is the final sentence of the introduction.
2. Body paragraph one should start from a changing sentence and should take the reader to the first information regarding to the topic. This is also known as mini-thesis. The paragraph is continued with the sentences mentioning some information regarding the topic. This information should have only one theme and it should be expressed in a quotation. Body paragraph one will have only one theme in order to avoid confusion. {t_essay_3} 
3. Body paragraph two should have a different theme from the first one. It should explain information regarding the theme. This paragraph should again have an opening sentence.
4. Body paragraph three should follow the same rule and have a different theme citing evidence for it
5. Conclusion is a wrap up of entire essay. The conclusion should have sentences proving that the writer proved the theme mentioned in above paragraphs. In the conclusion paragraph little more information regarding the topic can be given. The paragraph should be written in an organized way and well written. A mini-thesis should be written in concluding paragraph. The most important thing in concluding paragraph is to restate the introductory paragraph.
  The five paragraph essay should have some quotations or keywords so that it becomes exciting for the reader to read the paragraph. The supporting ideas in introductory paragraph should not be changed as the reader expects the chain will follow. There should be goof transition between all the paragraphs in order to make the essay interesting.  


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