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Creating Organizational Initiatives


The organizations should work on creating a supportive climate for ethnic and cultural minorities to adjust to a host culture. There should be a range of shifts in education and social sphere, which would provide ethnic groups with more space for living and foster their well-being. The restructuring of social and educational spheres can solve the problem of cultural diversity and eliminate the language barrier (Borrego & Johnson, 2011). Creating a culturally competent environment provides advantages both for the residential population and the refugees for several reasons. First of all, the residential population will have an opportunity to share the experience with the national minorities and establish a fruitful cooperation with other cultures. In their turn, the refugees will be able to maintain their national identity and acquire knowledge about a host culture.

The assimilation of the ethnic groups and their accommodation in the city should not start with categorization and labeling because it can have a serious impact on retaining social identities. The task of the city is to accept a new culture and make everything possible for developing a supportive cultural and organizational climate in which the refugees would feel comfortable and could live in a culturally native environment (Borrego & Johnson, 2011). Such an environment should be achieved with the adoption of radical shifts in social and educational infrastructure of the city. The shifts should refer to the search for the experts in culture and languages, as well as a profound knowledge of ethnic and social identities. The public administrator should take responsibility and search for new candidates that will be able to participate in new training programs for children and adults migrated to the city. They should be able to improve the delivery of service by promoting new conditions in terms of cultural affiliation and language.


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Being more culturally sensitive implies expanding knowledge on the traditions and lifestyles of different communities, such as Thai community or Chinese community. Although these communities refer to the Eastern traditions, there are still evident differences among those. In order to create competent practices, the local managers and public administrators should pay special attention to such areas as education, social services, medicine, health insurance, and employment. All these aspects must be considered to reduce the consequences of cultural shock and facilitate adaptation and assimilation.


Due to the fact that refugees are from Afghanistan and Iraq, their culture and nationality are attached to a high-context environment in which the collective manner of teaching and serving should be encouraged. It should also be mentioned that the refugees come from different regions and, therefore, the task of the public administrator is to classify the ethnic groups by using the native language of those groups. The families should be placed in similar conditions to feel the maximum comfortableness (Hasmath, 2011). The concept of nationality should also be considered to ensure that the dominating majority within the established group of refugees would feel more support because of their prevalence over other ethnic minorities. Nonetheless, the cultural differences between the groups are almost insignificant because all the groups refer to the Oriental culture. The government should also decide what languages of communication prevail among the groups to know what shifts should be made in education.

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In order to promote successful management of the migrants, a culturally sensitive program should be developed. Specific attention should be given to training course, the language of teaching, the language of service delivery, organization of additional communities for ethnic minorities, and development of medical establishments that would provide help and assistance for refugees. For the refugee campaign to be successful, it is essential to develop a culturally sensitive program for a refugee population. When a professional creates a working relationship with a client from different cultural and ethnic background, the attention should be given to the development of culturally-sensitive practices. Such an approach includes not only cooperation to gain information about client’s cultural and national affiliation, but also how the professional’s personal cultural outlooks influence his/her ability to cooperate with the given clientele (Wrench, 2007). The first step of the public administrator is to develop the center for effective practice and collaboration with refugees, in which the cooperation initiatives will be directed at the refugees with disabilities, children, and those who suffered from the military actions in their countries. Second, therefore, should be the center for mental health interventions for refugee children. The adaptation of immigrants will go through several steps.

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The first step toward increasing cultural competence would be involvement of refugees and immigrants into the healthcare system. They should learn more about healthcare services and medical intervention to make sure that they can address any medical establishment and ask for help. Online resource center for immigrants and refugees should also be created. This center must provide pamphlets, manuals, and brochures for the immigrants to better orient in the new city. The resources should also include dictionaries and books with the translation into their languages. The introduction of new books and materials implies reconsideration of the municipal budget, which should provide extra money for the refugees. Financial literature in this context is a crucial skill to gain to reach self-sufficiency and establish cooperation with financial professionals who deal with immigrants, students and refugees. Since children should go to school, it is essential to find teachers of Arabian languages, as well as ESL teachers who will be able to provide children with all necessary knowledge on the language. Further, cultural orientation materials should be provided to service providers to learn more about Arabian culture.

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Learning more about the new culture and starting a new life on their own is the second step of cultural cooperation. It implies that both residents and refugees should be ready to accept and deliver information, paying attention to community policies and principles. In their response, the established communities should also promote a new liberal policy that would encourage immigrants to attend meetings and exchange information (Wrench, 2007). The attention to healthcare should start with the surveys and feedback received from the immigrant patients. Specifically, it is essential for the researcher to define whether refugees are satisfied with healthcare services they received. The public administrators should encourage them to write comments in native language. The social workers should involve family members into the development of culturally-sensitive plans, as well as healthcare plans. In such a way, they can facilitate the process of plan accomplishment.

Training staff and making it bilingual is also among the key assignments that should be accomplished by the government. Hence, knowledge of two languages can allow volunteers and social workers to understand the refugees’ concerns and eliminate problems in the shortest time possible. Including bilingual staff and patients into developing quality improvement indicators is also important. There should be a complaint mechanism developed for refugees because they could be dissatisfied with the proposed services at preliminary stages. Therefore, the public administrators should make sure that the patients know how and in what cases they can address the officials for help and assistance. Furthermore, the volunteers should also monitor the cases when the patients are reluctant to make a complaint because they do not know how. In these situations, the task of the administrator is to trace any displays of inadequate behavior.

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As it has been mentioned before, about four areas have been involved in carrying out the plan – legal, educational, social, and political. All these spheres should be reconsidered to ensure the fast accommodation of refugees in the city. The employment issues should also be solved for the workers to accommodate at the workplace. Certainly, the issues of cultural diversities are taken into consideration in the majority of organizations. Nonetheless, social workers and labor unions should also be concerned with the case.

Both cultural and organizational capabilities play a crucial role in managing the refugees’ movement and settlement in the city. Each local manager should distribute responsibilities among the social workers and volunteers to make sure that each individual in the system performs his/her tasks and reports to the manager (Dana, 2007). Cultural diversity issues should be premised on the principles of equality and transparency, which are among the major organizational components. Such aspects as integrity, change management, leadership, and quality management should be introduced for achieving the desirable results.

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The top executive of the city should make sufficient efforts for allocating financial resources and distributing responsibilities among municipalities. In this respect, the attention to these resources should be congruent with the availability of finances and city budget. In case the budget is insufficient, the municipal government should ask the officials for extra financial support for the region due to the increase in population rate. The resources required for settling 15,000 refugees are tangible and, therefore, the adjacent regions should also take an active part in helping the immigrants. The entire population should also be informed about the new minority groups that will reside in the city. They should take the corresponding steps that would encourage the refugees to communicate with the residents and establish trustful relationships. Schools and other educational establishments should also be controlled by the top executives for the purposes of achieving the highest quality of teaching. Bilingual teaching is the key to introducing new approaches.

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The public administrators should also introduce a new social philosophy in the city. Specifically, acquainting with the culture should not be associated with conflicts and misconceptions only. In fact, it is a great opportunity for everyone to learn more about cultures. In such a way, it will also be possible to learn something new about medicine, social order, politics, traditions, and worldviews of people with diverse cultural and social backgrounds. As a result, the residents’ outlooks on illnesses and disorders can be changed as soon as the new cultural outlooks are presented. In case a provider is culturally competent, it will be much easier for him/her to choose the best treatment for the patient. The importance of learning about customers and health beliefs of a patient can foster acculturation and contribute to the higher quality of cross-cultural communication. At this point, establishing personal contacts with communities can also create new traditions, experience, and knowledge.

While managing diversity and taking control of ethnic groups and minorities, the government should make everything possible to prevent any displays of discrimination and inequalities among the residential population (Wrench, 2007). Diversity management is also among the key issues that should be introduced into the organizational system of the public administration. In this context, introducing changes to the demographic development could be a good decision because it can provide a rational distribution of the labor force. The public administration can take advantage of the population increase and encourage refugees to introduce their knowledge to organizations and industries. In such a way, the government can contribute to the economic and political welfare of the city. In general, all recommendations should be directed at advancing cultural capabilities and creating a culturally sensitive environment.



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