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Weathering Activity across Different Climates

This objective of this paper is to describe the specific environmental factors, which influence the rate of weathering along with the factors responsible. The most important factor would be analysed as well.The rocks weather faster whenever there are changes in the temperature. A period of freezing and thawing has a great impact. When the ice over the rock melts after a freezing season, the water widens the cracks by seeping into the cracks. Subsequently, the process of freezing takes place during which the water expands and further widens the cracks. This process of weathering of rocks is also known as frost wedging (Chesworth, 2008).Moisture or precipitation level

The level of moisture or precipitation levels is another important factor, which influences the chemical weathering of the rocks. The high volume of rainfall results in water dissolving the rocks or acids carried by water dissolves the rocks. Rainfall also results in high level of physical weathering.Mechanical ExfoliationThe mechanical exfoliation is the process of rocks disintegration as it breaks apart in layers, which are parallel to the surface of the earth. This is due to the expansion of the rock as it is uncovered. The lower confining pressure causes this phenomenon. The exfoliation process is common where the exposed rocks are of plutonic igneous category (Estigarribia, 2006).Abrasion of Rocks


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The abrasion of rocks is a result of physical grinding caused by various factors like sandblasting or wind. The high-speed wind results mechanical abrasion in rocks either due to rocks falling over each other or weakening of rock joints.Oxidation or rusting of rocksAll the rocks having varying degree of iron-bearing silicates in their composition will get oxidised and hence rusted. The common reaction minerals in such situations are limonite, goethite and hematite (Estigarribia, 2006).Most important factor in rock weatheringThe temperature & moisture level are the most important factors in the weathering of the rocks as all other factors are specific to certain types of rocks but these factors influence the weathering of all variety of rocks.



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