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The Method of Human Communications

Language is a method of human communications either written or spoken. It consists of words and morphemes which are arranged in a conventional way to come up with a conventional meaning (Forster, Mohan and Hector, 2003, p. 47). It can also be a language of sings and gestures like in nonverbal communication. Language is an important part of the human life since it helps people to communicate and understand each other.

Lexicon is a bridge between language and the knowledge expressed in the language. Each language has a different type of wording and a different mechanism of combining the words. The lexicon is like the key to unlocking the meaning of every language.

Each language has distinct features but there are some basic features of language that are similar in all languages. These features are; Arbitrariness – every language has its symbols which are mostly words in most cases (Forster, 1981, p. 55). The second feature is duality. There are two levels: the primary and the secondary. The primary consists of the units of language and the secondary consists of the elements of the language. The third is systematicity. Every language must be systematic. It must follow a certain system. It also must have a structure and dependency (Forster, Mohan and Hector, 2003, p. 47). Each language seems to have a certain structure and people seem to understand this pattern.


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There are the following levels phonetic, morphemic, the levels of words, sentences and text (Kinoshita and Lupker, 2003, p. 3). The phonetic is the spoken sense of the language and a word is a combination of letters to make a meaning; as a sentence is a combination of words that give meaning as a group. A text is a combination of sentences that make a meaning. With language we are able to communicate what is going on in our minds in order to understand ourselves and the other persons better (Kinoshita and Lupker, 2003, p. 13).



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