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Reflection of Our Worldview in Decision Making Regarding Suffering and Death

The belief of traditional Eastern pantheism denotes the ideology that God is best witnessed in the process of relating to the world with the key idea covering the sacred aspect of nature (Armstrong, 2003).


  • Table 1
Assumption Naturalism Secular Humanism Atheistic Existentialism Eastern Pantheism New Age Christianity



      Ultimate and absolute    



Human nature       No ultimate destiny    
Human problems       Suffering and evil are not actually real    
Solutions to human problems       Human try to be "good" and be morally upright with hopes of getting a reward in the next life for the goodness    
Human value       Common human values are having family and friends    
Human purpose       To develop the  flow of humancivilization    
Ethics       They are not absolute to reach enlightenment of being good    
Suffering       Are not actually real but just an illusion of those experiencing them    
The meaning of life       Is to pass beyond all self-awareness and existence, and to realize one's oneness    
Human desire       Should be beyond moral concerns for human actions    



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  • Table 2
Worldview Life Domain: Money & Career Life Domain: Sexuality Life Domain: Family Life Domain: Suffering & Death Life Domain: Friends Comparison to Christianity  



Secular Humanism              
Atheistic Existentialism              
Eastern Pantheism They holds no intrinsic good nature Sexuality is given by morality Dependent on the country's law and the main religion Death of an organism is not its end, but as merely a change. nonsensical illusion Cannot be used to produce a syncretistic world   religion.

New Age





Personal Reflection

Pantheism is basically considered as related to theism, though there is a denial of the theist claims of existence of personal God. It however recognizes the involvement of systematic and rational function of universe and nature (Hanegraaff, 1996).

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Assumption Naturalism Secular Humanism Atheistic Existentialism Eastern Pantheism New Age Christianity



        Reality is sentient. Reality is not sentient.



        Has actual place in reality Has no actual place in reality
Human nature         Do not relate so much on morals. More related on morals, rather than biological, psychological, sociological, or other aspects.
Human problems         Suffering re not actually real Suffering is related to sins
Solutions to human problems         Can only be solved through human realization and interaction. God can provide a solution to all human problems.
Human value         Is basically determined by the value the human put on themselves. The value is determined by the moral standards a person expresses.
Human purpose         Is to achieve a high psychological and realization status. Is to fulfill the purpose that they were created by God for.
Ethics         Ethics are not a real justification of being good. Good behaviors are the basis of a good Christian.
Suffering         Are just an illusion. Sins and suffering are related.
The meaning of life         Its beyond existence and awareness. It’s a concept of existence, social ties, and happiness.
Human desire         Is to have wealth, power, health, and fame,  Is to have obedience, self sacrificing and willing to perform God’s will




  • Table 2
Worldview Life Domain: Money & Career Life Domain: Sexuality Life Domain: Family Life Domain: Suffering & Death Life Domain: Friends Comparison to Christianity



          Do not belong to the same level.
Secular Humanism           Universal human dignity and individual freedom are essential.
Atheistic Existentialism           It is just a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
Eastern Pantheism           Eastern religions emanate from personal mystical experiences.

New Age


It’s the extension of one’s personal power. Accept ones sexual orientation however it is. Marriage and family are viewed as outdated. It is an illusion created by the mind. It does not really exist. Treat their friends with love and respect even though we disagree with their theology.  
Christianity It’s a gift from God. Viewed as evil and sinful unless in marriage. Fulfils the purpose  of human life. Is a causal effect of sins. Take friends as brothers and sisters in Christ.  



Personal Reflection


New age movements are seems somehow odd and distinctive to most of ancient believers. But there is no actual difference between object and people and their beliefs. The new age looks forward to global unity and oneness where there is much emphasis on advancement in science telecommunication which will lead to global cohesion and unity.

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It may look arrogant to describe in fair terms the view of the world in simple terms. The pantheists, who view God as always everywhere has no personality, and the physical world around is just an illusion. If therefore their belief is right, our main goal should to establish reality of the relationship between man and God. Though it is very hard to fully answer such questions in such short essays, the cosmology of most Eastern religions is a cyclical repeats of creation and destruction. My view is that above all these hypotheses and believes science is the inherent way out to provide credible solutions to issues.




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