The two major themes of Christianity that I consider as surviving unchanged are the death and the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus Christ as well as the early Church, through the Old Testament writers predicted these key events. For many years, non-Christians were attacking these themes as if Christ never existed or he never rose from the dead. However, these views have remained unchanged within Christianity. Christ’s death, which resulted from him being crucified, is an event that is honored by Christians because of their belief that the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ turned God’s wrath from sinners (Wright & Borg, 2000). To Christians, Christ is the son of God and the messiah who was arrested, tried and crucified under the order of Pontius Pilate. This redemptive suffering and eventual death of Christ forms the basis of Christian theology, which includes atonement and doctrine of salvation. Therefore, by believing in this, Christians are assured of sin atonement, regeneration, righteousness and everlasting life in the after-life. Through his resurrection, Christians establish that Christ is indeed the one who claimed to be. Moreover, the resurrection is an assurance to Christians that one day they will resurrect like Christ and this fills them with hope.
If I was the Pope or nun or monk, I would respond very casually to Luther’s Theses. I would concede that Luther’s 95 Theses contained some valid points that ought to be considered. This would have been good for the church because Luther would not have formed different faction, thus the church would have remained strong. As a Christian, I believe that selling of indulgences is wrong and that is why I would support some, but not all Luther’s Theses. It goes without saying that currently, Christians have the freedom of scripture interpretation. Thanks to Luther and other reformists that came after him.
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