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Reading Assignment

In Zhou’s book on Contemporary Chinese America, the first chapter focuses on Chinese Diaspora and international migration. The international migration was affected by both Chinese in the diaspora and the economic activities prevailing in the society. The dominance of the Chinese was overturned by western civilization. As the old Chinese were articulating to their old culture, the civilization brought about changes in an individual’s way of life. The author argues that westernization brought about the industrial revolution, which necessitated internal migration of individuals within the territory. It also facilitated the opening of its doors to the outside world; therefore, international migration became rampant. Although it is perceived that international migration would enhance international trade, negative effects accompanied this migration.

Consequently, as international migration became a common issue in society, the government institutionalized it bilaterally. The informal networks that were created ensured that various institutions worked together with the government facilitating migration. This was undertaken when responding to economic and political changes. The diasporic communities were integrated into the system in order to provide labor to the Chinese economy and the outside world. There is a connection between the Chinese and their diasporic communities. In the near future, the Chinese emigrants will be more numerous than any other in the world. However, the challenge posed is how to manage these immigrants in an individual’s country.


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In my opinion, Chinese diaspora has influenced the economic stability of various regions in the world. The technological know-how and the ability to undertake economic development without favor is vital to the diasporic communities. The Chinese, whether diaspora or not, have an absolute control over the labor market across the continent, especially with their vast majority that is incomparable. However, the question remains: “Can the Chinese diasporas be managed effectively in the international level?”



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