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Michael Jordan vs Lebron James

I have grown up imagining Michael Jordan as my ideal. He was outstanding in his performances and there was none to stand in front of him. However, whenever I look into the new generations kids, even my daughter, they hardly seemed to know Michael Jordan. This seemed pathetic to me. They rather know LeBron James, a new basketball player, with whom I hardly have any acquaintance. However, I still want to look into the popularity of LeBron James and want to assess whether he is equally a star like Jordan.

Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born in 1963 and established his fame as an American professional basketball player. Later he turned up as a businessman, and thereby has the majority ownership of Charlotte Bobcats. As inscribed by National Basketball Association

"By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time."

This is so true about the player. When Jordan joined the team of NBA's Chicago Bulls in the year 1984, he became a league star of the century. People were crazy about his deliveries, defense and slam dunks. His slam dunks from the area of free throw line in a very popular slam dunk contests, made him called "Air Jordan" and for some he was "His Airness".


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On the other hand, when it comes to the achievements of LeBron James, I have discovered that this player is from Miami Heat and was nicknamed as "King James". The amazing part is that the new generation really like his performance and admires his capability to win over the title of "Mr. Basketball" from Ohio for three times. National Basketball Association too considers this player as an amazing superstar with excessive potentialities.

While looking into the records of LeBron James, I have discovered to that he is even called "next Jordan", to which Michael Jordan defies. Thisis a justified comment as Jordan has got six trophies from National Basketball Association, whereas James could not collect any till date. I totally support Jordan’s declaration not considering James of any level to him. But if I really try to justify Jordan I will miss the point that LeBron made it to his first NBA Finals, at the verge of his fourth season, that is in the year 2006-2007 (though the team got swept for 4-0), whwereas, for Jordan, it took until the verge of his seventh season to meet the first Finals of NBA (to which Bulls won).

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To be more specific, LeBron averaged to a number of 20.9 points/game in his first season, and notably since then not averaged lesser than a score of 27.2 points/game. On the other hand, Jordan came into the league with an average of 28.2 points/game and then followed to ‘took off’. However, it was Jordan who won his first scoring title in the third season with 37.1 PPG average, whereas LeBron could manage to win only one scoring title till date. Moreover, Jordan won a total of five NBA MVP awards in his entire career and that seemed outstanding to me. But when it comes to LeBron James, he could only make up to two consecutive NBA MVPs.

At this point I must consider that though the records of LeBron are not equal to Jordan, yet he has achieved half of the trophies in a very small span of his career. LeBron has got far to go and I am sure the way the new generation supports him, he will definitely overcome all the records of Jordan. It will be fair to consider both the basketball players as ideal for their generations. As Jordan was popular in our times, LeBron is famous among the youngsters.



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