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I love performing magic especially in front of an audience. It is a source of intrigue to many. There is one experience though that got me thinking. I had just pulled one of my magic stunts when a kid shouted, "There's no such thing as magic! It's all a trick!" I soliloquized on this for a while and realized that people believe that science holds the answer to every magic trick in the world. Come to think of it, isn't the world so astonishing and full of perplexing things that can all be considered magical?Think about Einstein's theory that your mass increases proportionally to your speed. Isn't this just a proposition supported by mere numbers? Well, isn't it dumbfounding that these numbers can represent magic? Science had in effect revealed many tricks but each time a new trick always took the place of the former. Science therefore cannot explain the intricacies of this universe. Magic can hence be said to be a set of observations and mysteries that can be represented as equations of numbers that scientists seek to unlock.



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