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Immigrants to United States

The debate about immigrants to United States has been controversial. Various authors have articulated their views about the matter. This issue is intractable for the country, immigration has brought about controversial laws in Arizona, and involves the 12 million undocumented workers in America. While both Nazario and Ramos emphasize the value of immigrants to the United States economy and culture, opponent writers argue that immigrants are destroying both American culture and economy. I agree with both Nazario and Ramos immigrants bring a lot benefits not only to the American culture, but also to its economy through labor availability and hard work.

Immigration presents various economic benefits to the United States. Nazario (122) illustrates that various immigrants engage in "low-paying jobs as nannies or maids" that most Americans are not able or not willing to work. This offers cheap labor to various industries, firms, and business and keeps the American economy working. Many immigrants are hardworking people with immense talents and passion for work the environment. At the differing end of the economic sector, the Cato Institute claims that one-quarter of total United States engineering and technology firms started between 1995 and 2005 had no less than one major founder who was an immigrant. In addition, 25 percent of patents presented in 2005 listed a foreign-born as an inventor of co-inventor. Economics tend to concur that immigration is a net benefit to the United States economy.


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Immigrants fill jobs that ordinary United States citizens normally reject, assist the United States financial system maintain competitiveness in the world economy, and inspire job creation in depressed neighborhoods. However, net earnings for the economy can cover up serious losses for the susceptible subdivisions of the United States population. It is no secret that various employers ranging from suburbanites to small outworkers to key corporations would rather seek the service of foreigners who normally work harder for less compensation than United States citizens. The 1990 extension slots for high-skill immigrants have led to increasing levels of unemployment in the United States for engineers, computer coders, and PhDs in technical sectors. These findings imply that immigration assists to sustain the innovative nature of the American economy.

In case of impacts of immigrants on culture, racial, cultural and ethnic mixture expose American populace to fresh ideas and new ways of life. Undocumented immigrants offer America the opportunity the culture of various cultures. This helps America to live up to its name 'The melting pot.' The main reason behind this is that America is enormously diverse and consists of different people with various work ethics and social status. They ferry in their culture, religion, and ideology to America. They are an optimistic influence on United States of America. Diversity initiates Americans to fresh forms of cuisine, religion and ways of communication as well as language, and aids to inform Americans about ways of life from various parts of the globe. There is an increase in cultural diversity as immigrant move into the United States.

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The world looks as if it growing tinier by day, with various cultures within readily available nowadays than earlier. Immigrants relocating mean additional cultural restaurants to dine in, more ethnic centers to enjoy, and flexible access to commodities available in various countries. Although multiplicity may at first presents conflicting issues between people of diverse races and ethnicity, generations of interaction minimizes ethnic conflict. Understandably, employers tend to recognize a stronger work ethic among the immigrants, even at similar wages. On the other side, in the nonexistence of these workforces, some employers would have to part with higher wages and reimbursements, and might well draw more and higher-quality American-born workforce.

According to Ramos (10), undocumented immigrants, in addition to manual work, work hard in various security agencies. This is not to mention looking after so many of the nation's children, while the folks have gone to work. This is beneficial in that it creates time for the American citizens to work in their fields of work without bothering about family duties. Ramos is fond of the capabilities of undocumented immigrants who, at that time, may be invisible to the American economy, but rise out of the shadows. Ramos highlights a story of a migrant to the United States without documents in 1987, was a farmhand who earned $3.35 an hour, and proceeded to become a neurosurgeon and valuable American citizen. This highlights how American immigrants are integral undocumented immigrants are to American citizen's daily lives.

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Instead of stealing jobs, Ramos claims that the country requires immigrants to supplement a retiring labor force. He depicts that undocumented immigrants pump roughly $10 billion to the economy annually and that authorizing undocumented immigrants could make up to $5.4 billion in tax earning and generate 900,000 (Ramos 43). In addition, undocumented labor force offers opportunities for cheap, talented labor force. Immigrants normally arrive because of employment inclinations. This means that they provide skills that are very in short supply in the United State. This will bring about key advantages. For instance, if the workforce of United States neurologists in low, arrival of more neurologist immigrants will considerably assist the health care industry.

In addition, immigrants usually come with their children and younger families that will offer more young labor force. This will significantly lower or slow down the increase this key workforce ration. By offering workers at diverse skills to the health care and elder care sectors, immigrants workforce tend to minimize scarcities that might otherwise happen, and thus help augment the supply, and minimize the cost, of health care services to American citizens. In addition, offering more students and experts in the sectors of science and engineering, they assist the United States to sustain its international "comparative advantage" in these sectors.

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Various critics have maintained that immigrants take on jobs, bring down wages, and exhaust excess tax money as a result social services. However, what people do not recognize is that the works immigrants perform are the job most citizens in the United States do not like. Immigrants taking up these works are a resource of low-cost labor; but these price reductions are ultimately passed on to the consumer, so United States citizens profits from this as well. The commodities produced through the hard works of immigrant laborers can also create additional profits as the commodities can be sold at a lower fee.

In conclusion, immigration does come with disadvantages: greater poverty levels, escalation in crime, lower unskilled wage, education expenses, and a few others. However, the benefits of immigration far outrun the disadvantages in various perspectives. Ramos and Nazarios help to outline the various benefits of undocumented immigrants to the United States economy and culture. Immigrants offer cheap and expertise labor to benefit the United States economy and its citizens. In addition, various immigrants bring diverse culture that helps add flavor to the United States culture and international recognition.

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In addition, arrival of immigrants helps to add competition in the American labor market. They take on jobs usually ignored by their American counterparts. While Ramos recognize that immigrants arrive to supplement the country's retiring workforce, Ramos recognize the fact that the undocumented immigrants can take on any job available in the labor market. Immigrants bring about competition in the labor market that eventually boils down to cheaper consumer products in the market. Therefore, according to Ramos and Nazario, immigrants bring a lot benefits not only to the American culture, but also to its economy.



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