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Effective Visual Communication


The ability to communicate effectively is vital in all sectors. In today's world, visual communications ranching from television screens and web pages to various environmental contexts such as displays and signs are playing an important role in effective communication. For example, the visual communication has been used as a discourse mode and an effective way of developing cultural and social identity in the Western civilization. It is evident that people are able to communicate more effectively when using visual communication. The use of visual communication is very important in the creation of work presentations for those who want to pass effective messages. This paper identifies the various approaches of effective visual communication such as symbols and signs, images and groups of images and charts and graphs and it helps the presenters to realize the power of visual communication.

Symbols and signs

Symbols and signs are visual shorthand for passing various concepts to people more effectively than words alone. When the signs and symbols are well linked with words, they enhance better transmission of knowledge relative to the traditional layouts. The symbols have a special meaning that allows people to express, communicate and conceive ideas. They help people to reflect on the underlying ideas. Similar to symbols, signs effectively pass information because they can be used as devices that are bound to the presenter's action.  Symbols can be used to represent various objects, processes and actions. Drawings, illustrations and photographs are some of the pictorial symbols. They enhance effective communication by representing the objects as a more realistic symbol. After looking at the symbols and signs, the viewers can easily translate them into real words (Wileman, E. R. 1993).


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Images and groups of images

Well designed images contributes to effective visual communication because they easily attract and catch he people/viewers' attention. The images assist in piquing the interest in verbal presentations when they are applied to some visual aids such as posters. An image display that is visually attractive and stimulating easily catches the attention and interests of the audience and it therefore lead to more participation in various communicative activities. Many scholars have placed their focus image based communication such as video clips and advertisements having a common idea that they effectively convey the expected meaning. They claim that this communication method gives a possibility of analyzing the meaning hence giving a versatile approach to teaching and learning. When the images are used alongside word or narrative based explanations, they give a very powerful expression that is multi- form (Lackovic, N). Most of the brain's activities involve the analysis and processing of visual images and it is evident that visual representations are more superior relative to verbal communication (Schwartz, G. D. 2006).

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Charts and graphs

One picture can be worth a thousand words. When charts and graphs are used, they assist the audience to compare and understand the trends and relationships that are being explained by the presenter. Graphs and charts are effective in the provision of a wide range of information at the same time. For example, a color chart, organizational charts and word charts helps the audience to visualize the vital information. Nowadays, technology such as the use of computers can assist in generating good graphs and charts that can be used in various presentations hence facilitating the effective communication (Fujishin, R. 2000).

In my opinion, the use of images and groups of images is the most effective communication approach. This is because they can be used to convey messages to many people especially the illiterate people. Others, such as use of graphs and charts and symbol require the audience to have knowledge in order to interpret them.


If all visual approaches are designed in a manner that engages the people enough thus putting them in a position of good analysts instead of mare glancers, their future will be brightened. The ability to employ the use of visuals in passing various information/messages is an important resource for the modern presenters. With the wide variety of the components and new tools that can be incorporated into these presentations to display the information, the presenters have a golden opportunity to make their presentations more dynamic and compelling g than before.



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