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Communication Across Cultures

Being a manager in a given organization is very challenging, not only in matters regarding good management in relation to planning, controlling, organization and decision making but also communication skillsMost managers have good communication skills. However, most people make mistakes when it comes to communicating with a person with a different cultural background. Communication mistakes arising from cultural differences can be attributed to lack of enough knowledge when it comes to cross cultural differences, it is very important to ensure that we have enough knowledge on how to communicate with people who have different cultural background with us.The importance of cross culture communication in a business:

•Assists in market expansion•Promote good working environment•The global business expansion ratePromote good working environmentThe managers should ensure effective use of cross cultural language because it enhances good a good relationship between employees and customers hence promoting an environment favorable for conducting business.Assist in market expansion


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The use of proper cross cultural language enables the manager t o convince many customers since he is communicating with them in a form that they deem fit and they understand well.Enables organization to stay in sync with timesWhile conducting business transactions, managers should ensure proper use of cross cultural communication, this is mainly because the world this day is a "global village" in order to fit to the market one needs to understand the correct cultural language for his online customers to enable efficient communication.Cultural differences with regard to communicationA culture is a belief or way of doing something shared with a group of persons with regard to a particular issue (Nisbett, 2003). The groups of people hold beliefs of how certain things should be carries out ranging from the communication means, dress code and even sometimes cultures prescribe the sitting position of a person and their intimacy to other people. The main cultural practices that affect communication are:•Differences on how one should sit and other body movements•Differences in attitudes towards factors that affect human relationships



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