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American Food

American food is company that sets its objectives among others as to deliver quality services according to the customer’s demands and expectations. It is a rather vigilant company in the competitive market, expanding its market share as well as its profitability even in the face of a declining industry in terms of volume. It is well structured organization that has been able to hold on in the market world with the increased social and legislative challenges. Their main policy that keeps them on the lead is probably their motive of always attempting to recognize and satisfy the consumer’s needs. It is a rather informed company that tends to keep on searching for new and better market opportunities and safeguards its advantages over its competitors to always keep ahead of the others.

Apparently, Americana has in its own ways managed to develop into the fastest growing burger chain that was established in Kuwait in 1980. Due to its aggressive nature in its origination, it opened thirty other outlets throughout the region in major cities within a very short time. It has come up to be the leading restaurant in fast foods particularly hamburger in the entire region. This is mainly due to the fact that it concentrated n the exploration of new business specifically in the fast food market. The launching of Americana’s own creation in 1972 following the introduction of the international franchise in the region boosted growth in the fast food industry. Following the launching of their creation, Chicken Tikka paid good dividends to the Americana organization and apparently led to the establishment of twenty other unique restaurants in the region.


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Americana is apparently related to definite cuisines, apple pie being among the many examples. Some of the solid American foods offered by Americana include mashed potatoes and meatloaf. The fast foods on almost all the menus of the Americana foods in the country are the hamburger and fries. In addition, the Americana also offers some products such as, vegetables, canned fruits, potato chips, canned fruits, chocolates, biscuits, frozen potato among other dairy products. It also offers olive products that have been canned that include both green and black olives.

In 1981, it opened the Beefy in Egypt and thus became the very first industry to set up a plant that dealt with canned in the region. It produced about 4,000 tons of canned meat yearly and thus made canned meat of high quality to be produced locally for the first time in the region at competitive prices. Another success that was established by the Americana is the production of the Gulfa Mineral water in 1977. It used the Evian technology to make pure and fresh water that met the world standards from the natural springs in Ajman Asia and produced approximately 3.5 million cartons yearly.

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The organization set up Farm Frites in 1990 which was a join venture between Kuwait/Egyptian/Dutch. This venture combined the renowned quality potatoes of Egypt, the advanced production technology of the Dutch and last but not least, the dynamic and innovative management of the Americana. This led to the production of another great winning product in the market. The plant ensured that it met the needs of the whole of the Middle East by producing approximately 20,000 metric tons annually.

Americana has since grown into a world class organization in the production of foods and beverages. It brought developed the best tomato ketchup in the world in 1992 in Egypt through the establishment of the Heinz plant at the dinning tables. Its establishment of the category leadership in Egypt makes it possible to exploit opportunities in export as well as obtaining capacity of venturing into other markets in the Middle East.



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