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Building Facades

Annotated Bibliography

Clarke, J , "Photovoltaic-integrated Building Facades." Renewable Energy 8.1-4 (1996): 475-79.

This outstanding study serves as one of the most informative and exemplary scientific guidance on how the brick composition schemes may hypothetically affect the climatic conditions of the interiors of the house, while ensuring the stability and the solidity of the building structures. The proposed brickwork is known to be the most eco-friendly and energetically consuming one.

Overall, the study reviews the brickwork of the offered scheme from the various aspects.  First and foremost, the energy saving aspects is duly accentuated, as the report recognizes the importance of the ever-growing ecological needs of the humankind. Another aspect that is worth accentuating in this study is the fact that this instrument provides a detailed insight into the geographical peculiarities of the question. In other words, it is amplified for the target readers in detail what peculiarities may ensue, if the building of a specific construction under the proposed method will take place in a certain geographical area.


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The costs of the prospective building are analyzed alongside. Overall, it can be inferred that this report is of immense practical and theoretical significance for both the builders and the engineers.


Lebron S,  Woodson S,  Sinno R.R. "Reinforcing Building Facades with Geotextile Fabrics." Journal of Architectural Engineering 14.2 (2008): p. 53.


This outstanding scientific work provides probably the most detailed understanding on how the building façade may be reinforced by the geotextile fabrics. The main value of this study is that it accentuates both the designer aspects of the construction, as well as those aspects that are connected with the erection of the façade as well.

The need to reinforce the building is duly analyzed and discussed by the authors of the articles. In particular, it is mentioned by them that the need to reinforce the building may be caused by the factors of different natures, in particular by the changing climatic and weather conditions.  Moreover, the need to reinforce the façade may be as well dictated by the necessity to decorate the façade.  The authors provide detailed samples from the internationally recognized masterpieces of the worlds architecture, making particular aspects on the buildings erected in the kingdom of Spain, because the climatic conditions of this state is particularly changeable and therefore the need to adapt the façade and to reinforce them is the highest among the entire European society.

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Bernard A. "Insulating Building Facades." Building Research & Information 11.3 (1983): p. 162.

As far as the work of Abraham Bernard is concerned, it must be noted that his “Insulating Building Facades” published in 1983 in the Building Research and Information still serves as a landmark scientific source when a specific type of a building is being erected, irrespective of the numerous technological advancements and accomplishments that have been achieved during the previous decades.

The main value of this source is that this article may serve as an effective and detailed guidance on how the building can be erected from the fundament to the roof, while specific accent has been made on the issues pertaining to the decorating and making of the façade. Moreover, the need to insulate the façade is duly acknowledged and both scientifically and practically justified by the author, who eventually renown’s the fact that if the façade of the building is not insulated the proper way, the practical value of this façade is automatically considerably diminished.

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The author of this study extensively reviews the aspects connected with the geographical and climatic peculiarities of the specific regional of Europe, the United States of America and Eastern countries and provides guidance on what peculiarities are to be stressed in a specific geographical region.


Boli, J., and M. A. Elliott. "Facade Diversity: The Individualization of Cultural Difference." International Sociology 23.4 (2008): 540-60.

An outstandingly important study of  the one of the most leading architecture professors and practicing architects who have already gained global recognition and acknowledgment undoubtedly serves as one of the most effective and informative guidance on how the façade shall be properly erected and what elements must be additionally considered by the builders,  by the engineers who manage and device the project, as well as  by the architects who provide counseling to the first groups of the specialists.

The importance of this research can hardly be exaggerated because solely this article reveals the cultural peculiarities of the different ethnical and religious groups that must be separately and individually considered by the building company when a specific type of a façade is being constructed. According to the authors, this need is primarily dictated by the cultural discrepancies among the nations.  In other words, following the statement of the authors, the cultural decoration of a façade erected in Europe may happen to be entirely unacceptable for the one constructed in the countries of the East or in the Asian countries.

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Köhler, M. "Green Facades—a View Back and Some Visions." Urban Ecosystems 11.4 (2008):  p. 423-36.

This study has been composed by one of the most renown Austrian architecture luminaries, whose contribution to modern architecture can hardly be exaggerated by the contemporary building company, as well as by the architecture scientific communities. In his “Green Facades – a View Back and Some Visions” this prominent architect and edifice engineer extensively discourse about the effect that is exercised by the light and by the color on the goals of the façade building.  The character of the study is rather argumentative than descriptive in its nature, because the author fervently advocates the idea that color peculiarities of a specific building must never be undervalued by the one who supervises the building procedure and most importantly by the one who bears general responsibility for the projected outcomes of the edifice construction.

The importance of this study can hardly be exaggerated by the practicing building companies and by the building-oriented scientific communities. In  the event a specific building project requires counseling on the colorful decoration, no doubt this very research is the best source to het consulted with.

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Assignment 1

Having analyzed the situation with the two  projected facades several issues must be accentuated:

1) First and foremost, the façade A (the right one) does seem to be erected solely for the industrial purposes , whereas the façade B ( the left one) does seem to be erected for the purposes of the human dwelling inside the erected edifice. Following this assumption, it can be easily encapsulated that the façade A must be extra durable, while façade B needs extra decoration work. Besides, considering the purpose of the façade B, the designer does seem to oversimplify the project and from the designing viewpoint the façade looks poorly.

2) Secondly, the geographical location of the facades must be considered in order to accentuate the heating systems accordingly. In the first instance, the façade is located in the heart of the industrial city, and taking into consideration the fact the it is industrially purposed, the heating systems may not be too complicated for this project. As far as façade B is concerned, it is isolate located in the high mountains area, where the changes in temperature are considerably frequent. Therefore, the heating systems, as well as decorating constituent of the project must be considered accordingly.



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