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Value can be expressed as monetary worth of something, the importance of something and other meanings in mathematics, phonetics, music, linguistics and graphical arts. For purposes of this essay, value is a belief, a mission, or a philosophy that is meaningful to a person’s life. Values are at the core of human behavior. Values develop in human beings based on their individual perceptions of what is important in their lives.

When data from the environment is received in the human mind, either through seeing, hearing, feeling, touching or smelling, it is processed into information, and then based on this information the mind develops thoughts, which are processed into ideas that yield our opinions about any subject. Based on our opinions, the brain then formulates beliefs that dictate our attitude towards life, and it is our attitude towards life that is perfected over time to become our values.

What we often don’t notice is that value is a personal quality, if we, for instance, perceive honesty or punctuality to be important in our lives, through the mind processes mentioned above, we will strive to mould our actions to fit into the requirements of honesty and punctuality. Through the years, we will live dedicating our processes and strength into being punctual and honest. With time, these practices get so engrossed into us that we cannot be separated from them. At such a point then, an individual is said to have attained the specific value, honesty and punctuality in our instance.


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Therefore because a value is attained through dedication and practice we can only conclude that, the individual himself / herself chooses the values to live with thus becoming the source of their own values in life.



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