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Logical positivism

Logical positivism is a way of expressing thoughts championed by a group of European philosophers in the early years of the preceding century. According to Ibrahim (2007), the concept was principally disturbed with the logical scrutiny of scientific understanding. It discredited theories in disciplines such as religion and ethics labeling them fields deficient in cognitive meaning. Ibrahim (2007) reports that these philosophers argued that such fields similar to metaphysics only articulated the stance and wishes of their theorists. Risjord (2010) also denotes that, despite its apparent discriminatory approach to thinking, its supreme way of looking at theoretical statements and classifying them as either falls, factual or hollow has wide applications in the field of science.

 In the contemporary society, logical positivism has found extensive applications in the field of sciences. Reportedly, it has dominated thought and research and played a critical function in eliminating non scientific approaches to research and theory development. In essence, the adherence to scientific techniques in solving issues in the field of nursing is a perfect application of relative positivism (Cormack, 2000).


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Naturalistic Paradigm

According to Tatano& Polit (2009), paradigms are a universal view, a common perspective on the complexities of an empirical world. Apparently, its description takes into thoughtfulness, the mounting assumptions about the reality. Similarly, naturalistic paradigm admits the assumption that, there exist manifold interpretations of actuality. In this paradigm, the aspiration of the researcher is to comprehend the way dissimilar individuals construct their own reality within their social background, (McGee, 2003).

Inductive Reasoning

According to Tatano & Polit (2009), Inductive reasoning in nursing research refers to a logic course of action in which the conclusion arrived at is based on cases. This style of reasoning follows a linear path such that if the premises are true then the derived conclusion has to be true. The stepwise path involves making surveillance, followed by an exhaustive scrutiny of the results. This leads to one obtaining an inference that confirms the illusive fact.

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Deductive Reasoning

According to Munhall (2010), deductive reasoning is a way of reasoning in which a person starts with the general ideas about the subject followed by a stepwise elimination of the unwanted ideas, until the precise fact is unraveled.


Tatano & Polit (2009) denotes that, in research, causality is the evident connection between one occurrence and the subsequent occurrences. In this relationship, the second occurrence is a characteristic consequent of the initial occurrence. The rule of causality strictly notes dictates that knowledge of a present function following a strict path of interrelationship ship automatically gives a bearing of the subsequent functions. In systematic research, the knowledge obviously leads to the detection of an effect, (Tatano & Polit, 2009).


Risjord (2010) notes that blocking concept is a procedural concept applicable in the creation of linkages between pieces of data during evaluation and representation of research result. Blocking addresses the linkage problem by generating candidates for marching based on the defined similarities between the data. In this regard, blocking enables the presentation of data to follow closely by other related pieces of data. Tatano & Polit (2009) notes the significance of blocking in earlier stages of research. In their proposition, research heavily relies on blocking techniques to achieve results. It provides an outline that directs how and when a given procedure takes charge of the research control.

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According to Burns & Grove (2009), homogeneity is a property that describes the similarities flanked by elements in a research data. Statistically, it is the Pearson’s correlation, estimated from data resulting from a research undertaking. Ibrahim (2007) denotes that, homogeneity in a research data is easily obtainable using the analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Empirical World

According to Burns & Grove (2009), empirical world refers to the experiences that are detectable through one’s senses. Accordingly, it forms a significant fraction of individual existence characteristically known as reality. This world involves the numerous activities that individuals do. The general agreement on the existence of the empirical world is attributable to its inherent properties of predictability, controllability and ease of comprehension. Reportedly, the ability to think concretely has its basis in the empirical world and is associated with being sensible, realistic, unyielding and pragmatic. Being a solid thinker means pursuance of facts and its application in solving present problems, (Burns & Grove, 2009).

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In Burns & Groves’ (2009) volume, it is evident that one of the practical examples of an empirical space is the environment in which a nurse practices. The provision of care and coordination of the unwell, families and communities takes place in varying environments. These areas include acute care and pediatrics where their knowledge and skills are extensively tested. In this regard, they need to act sensibly, realistically, unyieldingly and pragmatically in solving obtainable problems, (Burns & Grove, 2009).

Three Ways of Acquiring Knowledge and an example of each Identified Way

According to Prince and Felder (2008), the three foremost ways of acquiring understanding are deductive, inductive and deductive-inductive. In deductive technique, knowledge tapping is from prior knowledge through reasoning. An example is the teaching and learning of sciences and engineering. In this regard, tutors edify by explaining the fundamental ideologies followed by illustrations of the main principles using mathematical models. The tutor then gives practical drills and tutorials. It is significant to note that, comparable examples and exercises is what emerge in the concluding exams. In this regard, the students pay modest attention in the necessity of all that presentation. Evidently, there is no practical example given about the applicability of the knowledge.

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Contrastingly, inductive method of knowledge acquisition emphasizes observation of the subject, why and how the various composite parts behave. It employs a leaner centered approach to of knowledge acquisition in both teaching and learning that is of extensive significance. For example, we know about gravity because we can see thing falling. Deductive inductive method uses theories reinforced with real world example.

Two Essential areas  to the Body of Knowledge Required for Nursing Practice

The two areas are basic for any aspiring nursing practitioners are academic and learning skills and clinical practice skills. The ability to demonstrate complete comprehension of all the disciplines underpinning the nursing practice is vital. The principal areas of knowledge which comprise biology, psychology and related sciences, are vital in attaining the required knowledge. Clinical skills are the vital skills necessary in the effecting of duties as a nurse. Furthermore, to be a recognized nurse, one needs to register with the professional nursing society. Additionally, the registration demands that one demonstrates excellent theoretical and practical skills (Wheeler, 2010).

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Who was the First Nurse Researcher?

According to Tatano & Polit (2009), Florence Nightingale, a pioneer researcher in nursing was born in a comparatively able family in a diminutive Italian town adjacent Florence. Her service to the wounded during the Crimean war and subsequent publications formed the corner stone for the study of nursing globally. Her first work as a researcher was the investigation of the cause of death of the numerous wounded soldiers who died in the Crimean war while undergoing treatment. From this study, she discovered that most of the soldiers died because of poor care while they were receiving treatment. This motivated her to write a book called the “Notes on nursing” which was the firs reference book in the study of nursing, (Tatano & Polit (2009).

The Purpose of the National Institute for Nursing Research

Gerrish & Lacey (2010) explains that the national establishment for nursing research is part of the wider institute called the national institute of health. Its principal objectives are to sustain clinical and essential research to ascertain scientific foundation for the care of folks across their life span. Moreover, they carry put patient management at infirmity until revival. This ensures abridged risks of ailment and disability during the period. Additionally, It is bestowed the undertaking of promoting superior traditions of life.

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What does one Hope to Gain from this Course?

I hope to develop the essential skills required to succeed as an excellent nurse. This I plan to do by acquiring knowledge in the various characteristics of the profession and a complete comprehension of both the academic skills and clinical skills expected of a nurse.



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