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When I visited the home, I identified that among notable problems, Fisher had weight loss and poor diet. These problems are of a priority because, first, Fisher is a widow and is often unaccompanied. Her only child, Thelma Jean, dwells far away and has own family concerns to grapple with. Therefore, Fisher lives in seclusion and support from her family is dismal.

Her advanced age and health condition makes her feeble such that she cannot whip up a proper meal. Her 3-day stay in hospital was to address dyspnea, weight gain and other chest conditions. Her movement is somehow limited, and she is unable to go to the grocery to buy food. It is presumable that she only takes food rich in starch, which may explain her rapid weight gain and poor dieting. Being alone implies that she cannot take medication on time as per the doctor’s prescription.

To address the above issues, Fisher needs to have food supplements to help her stabilize her weight. Similarly, her diet needs to be recommended by a dietician. She also needs a round-the-clock helper. A helper will cook food, supervise her eating and medicine taking, and aid her movement and hygiene. All these interventions would suffice.


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Having someone by her side is necessary because of her advanced age and health conditions. A helper will take charge of her life since Fisher cannot do most of her daily chore on her own. A helper will contact her doctor in case of an emergency.



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