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Ego Leads to Danger

Ego is the feeling of inflated and exaggerated opinion on self. It is an idea a person develops, which often leads to a feeling of superiority to other people. This is a dangerous feeling indeed, because it makes a person has a perception of exaltation, greatness, feeling righteous, and wise in one’s own eyes. Hence, Jesus Christ warned against ego in Matthew 10: 39, “He who finds his life will lose it.”

There are different ways through which ego leads to danger. Ego begets other sins and loss of acceptable character in the society. Subsequently, the interaction and association with other people deteriorates. Personal considerations in making decisions influence the way a person does everyday activities in the quest to achieve life goals. Often than not, self-love extends to self-praise and thus a person loses humility. Such people do not take responsibility but rather try to justify the wrong deeds. Egocentric people see themselves righteous and always seek the attention of other people because they rejoice in that.


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Egocentrism has spiritual impacts too. God teaches that it is necessary to be humble always and while making request. Since egoistic people highly regard themselves, they do not wait for God to respond to their prayers. Thereafter, ego may cause anger and annoyance. The self-feeling interferes with love of leadership in church thus bringing division. God wants his flock to seek his Kingdom before seeking any other thing. It is common to find that people with ego do not feel comfortable with people. They feel threatened and sometimes turn violent, a vice God condemns.

In conclusion, ego darkens a person’s character hence leading to poor or no communication, association or unity with the society. The rebellion to leadership puts a person in danger of being outcast. Indulgence in violence risks the life of egoistic person too. Therefore, ego draws a person away from God and puts them in their own circles of life.

Discourse on the Method and its Application in Life

For a long time, people struggle to understand the philosophical role of the mind and body in carry out activities. Understanding the interaction between the outside world and the intrinsic players in a person’s life may be immensely helpful in performing different talks, especially scientific researches. Descartes in his book, “Discourse on the Method”, shows the transition of a period in when the world held one view and a way of thinking. It is essentially significant to understand Descartes philosophy in describing the occurrence in life today.

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Over a considerable time, before Galileo and Descartes time, Aristotelian paradigm swept across people who held views of life in a unique way different to what is common today. The comprehensive understanding of Aristotelian tradition offers a basis for understanding Descartes and subsequently the knowledge on science and life. According to Aristotelian understanding, what happens in mind is purely reasoning and understanding. In addition to mind, there are sensory perceptions through senses such as eyes, smell, and imaginations, which do not add to the mental abilities (Descartes 20). Instead, sensitivity connects humans with the outside world. This means that if a person sees something it is not necessary that they will understand. Instead, seeing provides immediate knowledge on the objects around us. In the same way, science involves taking observations (sensory experience) and imagination then trying to deduce conceptual meanings from observations. In application of syllogism, Aristotle thought that senses are indubitable, and deductions from mind are logical; hence, scientific knowledge is unquestionably certain: a concept that Descartes disputed later in his life.

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According to Descartes, sensory experiences and imaginations are just as subjective as reasoning and understanding. Descartes questioned the certainty of what we perceive thus shaking Aristotelian tradition. Therefore, there should be a distinction between what the world offers and what we want in life.  A person (Mr. Hoe mentioned) who just uses eyes to observe the world and lives by it is likely to fail in making practical applications. Thinking of what to do is crucial as it correlates the situations in both the outside world and us. According to Descartes, if observations do not offer certainty in science, then finding scientific truths go beyond just sensory experience.  Making observations should be objective and interpretive act done under extra care and circumspection of potential results. It is probable that Mr. Carl who just thinks over life will not achieve fully. Instead, the understanding of life becomes even more difficult and things pile up leading to confusion. Making decisions should be interactive and aimed at achieving something. Understanding decision’s influences and impacts enable a person makes practical judgments on life.

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Today, scientists concur with Descartes that absolute certainty is impossible. In the same way, life does not present certain moments where we do what we plan. Scientists believe that wise theories, with careful supporting observations, draw the understanding of concepts towards certainty. Therefore, dreams of people correspond to the theories postulated in science. The ability of a person to live to the realization of a dream is like proving that a theory is practical and workable. People who strive objectively in life succeed than people who do not. After all, there is no way to find with certainty that a part chosen by somebody will bear fruits. Mr. Gold who works along the dream line resembles a scientist who works at proving a theory. He is more likely to succeed because of following a path to goals. Life is all about taking risks. Descartes never reached a conclusive point that observations can prove a theory, but he created a partway.

In conclusion, it is evident that living by mere observations and thinking does not lead to success. Practical applications of available resources in an objective manner, provided by set goals, are more likely to give positive results in life.



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