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The Constitutional Convention

The Constitutional Convention of 1787 addressed to the tribulations associated with the fragile central government that was in play regarding the Articles of Confederation. The emerged issues included: the sectional disparities between the South, North, and Western areas that had become even more complex; matters of slavery, taxes, and sovereignty that had repeatedly put businessmen and leaders at a precarious position as well as industrialization issues. In addition, the westward growth also led to disagreements that developed into the Civil War.

With regard to these conflicts, quite a good number of compromises had to be put in place so as to ratify the Constitution. The compromises included equal representation between large and small states in the Federal government. This mostly affected the electoral procedure. This ensured that the smallest state, Rhode Island, was bestowed with similar powers like the most densely populated state, California. The equality between Rhode Island and the American major state, Alaska was also ensured. By consenting to identical representation for all the American states, as they were referred by then, it enabled these states to have similar electoral powers at the government’s level. The size of the states did not matter anymore.


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The Constitution of the United States that materialized from the conference set up the central government with more precise powers. These powers included those connected to the procedures concerning dealings with overseas governments. Under this improved government system, a lot of the duties for foreign associations are tagged under the clout of an administrative branch. However, very influential decisions and powers such as contract approval, remain the derogation of the legislative arm. Following the required amount of state endorsements, the Constitution was implemented in the year 1789. Since then, it has served as the foundation of the United States federal government.



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