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Drug Abuse Treatment

This paper is on drug abuse treatment in prison systems. Various reports have shown that a number of prisoners in U.S prisons have serious drug abuse problems, thus in need of treatment before they return to the society. A report by the bureau of justice and statistics showed that 45% of federal inmates and 53% of state inmates meet criteria of substance abuse or drug dependence. Drug abuse treatment involves the psychotherapeutic intervention that endeavors to reduce the dependence on psychoactive drugs. Drug abuse treatment within a prison system also deals with challenges associated with closed systems and resultant risky behaviors that may lead to contraction of HIV and other blood borne infections. It is noted that drug addiction comes with significant social, financial, psychological, and legal consequences. Studies have shown that the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts within a prison enables reintegration into the job market, offers training, and minimizes re-incarceration. This paper analyzes various research findings regarding drug abuse treatment and how prison systems approach this issue.


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This paper notes that the provision of treatment to drug addicts leads to positive behavior change in prisoners. Research has shown that the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts within a prison enables reintegration into the job market, offers training, and minimizes re-incarceration. Several ways have been mooted in support of treatments to the inmates. Among them, some of the policy makers root for the indulgence of medical staff of the prison. This option is thought to provide an ample time for the interaction of the care provider and the drug addict. In addition, other options suggest for the indulgence community based organizations. This calls for the need by policy makers to customize drug treatment systems that will provide healthcare to all inmates with drug abuse challenges, despite their gender. On top of that, some policy makers suggest that an integrated drug treatments system needs to be established to provide more consistently therapeutically based approaches within prison settings. What is more, there is a need to come up with more community based interventions in order to reduce the need for custodial sentences, and ensure that care continues in the seamless manner after release.



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