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The Individual Attitude, Job Satisfaction and Motivation

            The paper discusses the general behavior and the related factors that help to determine the underlying reasons as to why people behave in one way or the other. Organizations all over the world have employees. These are the people responsible for the running of these organizations and the success of the organization depends on them. Attitudes refer to the ways in which people respond to certain issues base on the original or pre-conceived ideas that help shape their level of thinking. Employees in all the organizations that need manpower do have attitudes just like any other person involved in any activity. There are several factors that may shape the employees attitude and some of these factors are; terms and condition of work, salary and remuneration package, work environment, policies of management and the response from the senior members of the organization when it comes to the looking of the welfare of the employees.


          The welfare of the employees touches on their social lives that are embedded in the emotions. Emotions play critical roles in the success of the organizations, yet many people in the key decision-making positions and leaders with outstanding technical and financial skills fails to understand the important role emotions play in work settings. The emotional consideration in any organization is very important in determining the employee’s attitude toward the jobs they are doing, towards the management in such organizations and the ultimate relationship with other employees. The emotional related attitudes can be traced to the leadership and the management training postulating that doing business is purely rational and logical process that should not include the emotions which generally is a misnomer. Employees are human beings with emotions shaping their attitudes towards jobs and the organizations they work for.


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              Terms and condition or work, remuneration packages and the general environment also play key important roles in determining the attitudes of the employees. The strict conditions and terms of services that do not put into perspective the human nature of the employees, making them work like machines and robots may affect the employee’s moral making them to have negative and/or positive attitude toward the organization. The remuneration and the salary packages should be commensurate with the work done. Employees who are overworked and paid meager wages may opt for other jobs, this makes them not to commit to their organizations because of the negative attitude they have based on the little pay. Better rewarded employees have a positive attitude towards the jobs they do.

          Job satisfaction is how people really feel about their jobs and different aspects of the jobs they are doing. It is the extent to which people like the jobs they are doing that is satisfaction and the extent at which people do not like the jobs they are engaged in, that is dissatisfaction. As it is generally believed, job satisfaction is an attitude variable, that is, job satisfaction can be well thought-out as a universal feeling about the job or as an associated constellation of attitudes about the various aspects of the job. Job satisfaction is therefore defined as an expression of an individual well being related or associated with the job assigned. Job satisfaction depends on the level of both internal and external outcomes or the results and how the office holders of both jobs view those results. The outcomes have different values for different people. For some individuals, responsible and challenging work may have neutral or pessimistic value depending on their learning and prior understanding with the related work providing intrinsic results. For some individuals, such results and outcomes may have high positive values. Therefore people differ on the importance they attach to the job results and outcome. Those differences would therefore account for different levels of job contentment for the same job tasks.

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          Job satisfaction and job motivation are two sides of the same coin. It is not that workers dissatisfaction is unimportant, but alleviating it ought to not be the primary concern of the management. The motivation of employees has a direct impact on the job satisfaction. People who are esteemed are focused on their work more than on their personal contentment. The question one need to ask is this, aren’t all satisfied worker productive in their related job duties? Some people may be satisfied with their jobs because they do not need to work hard. Motivated and satisfied employees are the best way to ensure that customers receive the best services and keep returning. For example, sales are determined by satisfied customers who are driven by satisfied employees. Optimal staffing has been shown to impact directly on staff moral and job satisfaction which in turn transfers to the customers experience at the bottom line. People become or gets dissatisfied with their jobs because the jobs do not make meaning to them, the only way for managers to make their employees happy is to engage them in the meaningful employment.

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            Job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction is a value judgment by an individual worker. If job values are perceived as being fulfilled, the employee will experience the pleasurable emotions of satisfaction. If they are perceived as being frustrated, the employee will experience the un-pleasurable emotion of dissatisfaction. This raises one big question, what values do employees seek from their jobs? In the realm of the work itself, most employees want work that is personally interesting and significant, success and sense of accomplishment, progress, growth, responsibility, autonomy, role clarity, and lack of conflict, feedback concerning performances, freedom from physical strain, benefits and security in the realm of promotions and enough money to meet expenses. Other factors like working conditions, where most people would prefer convenient location and hours, safe and attractive physical environment, equipment and resource that facilitate work accomplishment

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Employees like supervisors who are considerate, honest, fair, and competent, who recognize and reward good performances and who allow some elements of participation in decision making. Employees also like organizations which show basic interest for employees and employee’s welfare, values and principles. The above underlying factors are important in determining the reasons as to which the employees attitudes may be influenced. The measure of employees attitude is portrayed by the establishment of the organizational rules and principles as discussed above. The terms of service and conditions of work plays the roles in determining how the employees will behave at the work place, how their attitudes will be shaped and how they will react and relate with management, the core workers and the customers of the organization


           Individual attitudes, job satisfaction and motivation are the key determinants in establishing the company’s success or failure. The individuals who are employees of the organization, the individuals who are the clients and customers of the organization and management of the organization complete the web of operation for the company or any other organization. When management is organized in order to facilitate the operations of the organization, the benefits will radiate to employees who then will pass the same motivation and the benefits to customers. The satisfaction from the top to the bottom will ensure the company succeeds. When the reverse happens, the whole system will come down, dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction will make the operations of the organization to dwindle.



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