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Lenin and the Russian Revolution

Lenin, just like other Russians of his time, was not a comfortable man in the 19th century Russia with its imperialist rule under the Czars. Then when he thought that the socialist revolution would finally free Europe, it failed according to his own view of socialism. Lenin was not for World War I and was very disappointed when all the socialist countries of Europe supported the war. After the abandonment of power by the czar and engagement of Russia in war with the Kaiser, Lenin’s mission crystallized into taking over power in Russia. His principal tactics were propaganda and totalitarianism. Marxism as a movement did not promote dictatorship, violence or militancy but social welfare and ideological revolution based on the common citizen’s desire to live a better life and the good will of socialist leaders to steer a nation to economic prosperity. But Lenin did not see this as the viable route; he believed that the working class would not bring the much required change by themselves so his solution to this was to establish the military wing of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party with the help of the Bolsheviks. Lenin fiercely defended his totalitarian leanings in many forums in both Europe and Russia. Indeed wherever he was he sought to dominate. Contrary to fundamental Marxism, Lenin was of the view that workers were not capable of starting off the socialist revolution and hence the need for dictatorship.


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It is this distorted view of Marxism that led Lenin to push for the revolution and what he termed class consciousness. It is evident that Lenin’s differing form of Marxism greatly influenced the Bolsheviks and Russians in general and it can be said that his constant agitation brought about the Russian revolution. He believed that power belonged to the workers but the care takers of this power had to be the elite few him being one of them. The revolution came about also as a result of his fiery socialist activities all over Europe and his criticism of mainstream socialism. His ideologies effectively set off the Russian revolution.



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