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Evaluation Plan

Evaluation plan requires the use of the most appropriate method to assess the progress of the project. It is advisable to consider factors that have a direct influence in the implementation of the project. In this case, staff and the leadership team must be involved directly as they are the main players.

Survey Questions to Evaluate the Project

Has the organization improved as a result of implementation of new strategy? Yes….No…..

How frequent do you visit the healthcare each year?

Less than once per year …..   3 or 4 times…..   5 or 6 times…. more that 6 times…..

Would you recommend the new policy?    Yes   …….     No……………..

Has the new policy interfered with your ability to enjoy your visit into the healthcare?

Yes..…….          No ……….

How has the service provision been affected?

Improved   ……………deteriorated……………….

Has the satisfaction among the nurses and the patients improved?



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Advantages of Using Surveys

The use of surveys is advantageous because: they provide an effective means to gather information in a research project, less time consuming (Oppenheim, 2000). Easy to handle as well as the fact that it is easy to gather data from a large portion of respondents.


Please describe the task you perform and how the new policy has affected the success or failure of your activities.

Task 1  Information required
Task 2  
Task 3  
Task 4  
Task 5  
Task 6  

The use of questionnaires has the following benefits: responses are standardized making it more objective, they are quick in collection of data compared with other methods and finally, it is possible to gather information from large group of people (Oppenheim, 2000).



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