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State Board of Education Curriculum

The workplace continues to experience change due to rapidly changing technology and global economic forces. These transform the work requirements of students that necessitate them to graduate ready to perform work that require strong academic skills and application of essential skills such as critical thinking, literacy and analytic capabilities, as well as increased proficiency in math and science. The graduation requirements for secondary school should therefore reflect the changes in the workplace. The promotion of the curriculum ensures that more students enter college or workforce when they are ready to succeed. This move is an effort to ensure that students gain necessary skills for college and work. The curriculum prepares students for post-secondary success. Students at all levels, including those who may not want to go to college, benefit from the curriculum.

The performance in the courses has a startling effect on the students’ readiness for college. The costs associated with training students who are not ready to go to college is high, and this may be higher when they are unprepared for work. The curriculum is designed to ensure that each student enters work or college with a higher probability of success.


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The curriculum in high school should ensure development of a talented labor force that is economically competitive in the world. The curriculum provides better and more rewarding quality of life for the citizens. The courses are the gatekeepers to well-paying jobs. Preparation for work and college consist of courses that are taken in high school, which is the foundation

The more rigorous courses the students take enable them to persist and obtain a degree at the end. They have higher rate of staying persistent on the academic track as compared to students who did not take such coursework. These students stay enrolled and work for a degree.

Students’ outcome will always be related to the type and quality of available curriculum. Rigorous courses such as have positive effects on college graduation as well as on earnings later in life. Not all rigorous courses are equal (Rose & Betts 33).

Students who pass through a rigorous curriculum in high school can immediately enter a dual enrolment program in colleges (Ravitch 355). These students leave school much further along. This reduces cost as well as time for a post secondary degree. Students may not be ready for college unless they take additional courses from the traditional core. The content and quality of the core courses need to be improved through additional courses that students take, and this reflects how rigor the curriculum is. The courses enable all students to have equal opportunities to be prepared for post secondary education. Many students who take the core curriculum are unprepared for college and work challenges.

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Positive outcomes can be achieved through rigorous courses as qualified and professional teachers are recruited to teach. Thus, the schools are able to assign teachers to courses that they can handle best. The content of the rigorous curriculum can be taught and learnt effectively. Students in rigorous schools improve their ACT test scores in mathematics. Most students do not take the right number and kind of courses they need to be ready for college and work. The requirements for graduation must be aligned with readiness expectations of college and work. These courses cover what students ought to know and are capable of doing in their high school courses in specific subject areas. As such, students can have solid foundation to begin next courses.

The courses will improve teacher support in education and preparation, which are crucial to the success of students in classroom. The quality of courses can be enhanced through hiring of qualified teachers and provision of training or professional development support to the existing teachers. The teachers are assigned on the basis of their qualification to handle a subject area. Inexperienced teachers are not allowed to teach the students who need best teachers. The rigorous courses must be offered under high quality standards so that students are prepared for work and college education. The students are frequently monitored so that they are able to learn what they are needed to learn. In such cases, interventions can be made to improve students’ progress as required.

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The global economy is technology based and students are in danger of competing in international arena if the vigor of the courses is not raised. The students’ competitiveness in the world must be raised and maintained. It is also important to strengthen the high school curriculum to improve the readiness of students for college. Substantial proportion of students has not been offered education they deserve in order to receive boost to be ready for college and success after graduation. The nation is at risk of losing to the better prepared international students who take technology-based and other courses oriented at overcoming global challenges. 



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