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Risk Assessment

The project’s primaryuseof carbon tetrachloride requires a significantlevelof risk assessment. Therefore, the consideration of exposure, toxicity and ecological risk assessments should be prioritized before the implementation of the project. Exposure assessment should consider thecontextof exposure. This can be occupational exposure or exposure from being in the proximity of the project. Significantly occupational exposure assessment shoulddefinethe methods and tools to be used in the assessment (CDC 2002). These tools should be able to providereliableand actionable results. However, exposure assessment may notgivedefinitive solutions to the risks posed. The determination of the degree of exposure cannot beimplicitlyconclusive since other factors may contribute to the levels and degrees of exposure. The dependence of historical data and predictive models may notrealizetheobjectiveof the Assessment. A degree of uncertainty should be considered given the circumstances and method of exposure.


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Risk assessment in the work place aims at identifying and categorizing the risks while evaluating the significance of the exposure. Toxicityassessmentissignificantin the determination of the extent of exposure. Carbon tetrachlorideis characteristic tohigh toxic levels. The need for toxicity assessment protocols issignificantinoverallriskassessmentfunctions. The chemical, physical and biological aspects of the project should be clearly defined (CDC 2002). This will enable effective toxicologicalanalysisof the project in aiding risk management.However, the toxicity assessment may be influenced by other factors,which are not,part of the project.The projects toxicity will differ from one individual to the other. Therefore, it will be difficult to determine the toxiclevelthat will affect all individuals exposed.

Carbon tetrachloride exposure to theenvironmenthas significant risk implications to the ecosystem. The exposure of carbon tetrachloride to the environment is essentially through Air and water. Therefore, exposure through water impacts critically to the ecosystemespeciallywater bodies. The ecological risk assessmentsentailthe collection, analyzing and organizingviabledata (EPA 2008). Thedataarecriticalin establishing thebasisof the risk assessment in lieu of the project. However, given the disparity in ecological risk assessment methods, it is difficulttoassessthe risks posed to the ecosystem. The project cannotrelyonpreviousdata on the effects of carbon tetrachloride.This is a result of the data being significantly case studies,whichcharacterizethe,exposureand the associated ecological effects (EPA 2008).Amethodof ecological risk assessment must, therefore, be conducted to include the projects parameters and the extent ofdependencyon carbon tetrachloride.

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However, adetailed,inclusiveexaminationof the project’s risks and the risks management options available iscritical.The regulatory requirements for the uses of carbon tetrachloride should be strictly adhered toby the project.The implementation ofsafetyprotocols and operating procedures in the workplace mayaidin mitigating the risks associated with the use of carbon tetrachloride.The governmental,regulatory bodies like the CentreforDisease Control (CDC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should be intimatelyinvolved offeringguidelines in implementing safety mechanisms.Thisactionwould significantly contribute to the risk management efforts of the project. The governing regulations and laws on the industrial applications of carbon tetrachloride should be theprincipleconsiderations when choosing theprojectand implementation decisions to be made.

A significant consideration of options and alternatives to Carbon tetrachloride is crucial (UNEP 2010). However, other options available to the projectincludeinitiatives to recycle waste materials resulting from the use of carbon tetrachloride. Thealternativeto dumping Carbon tetrachlorideresidueas waste materials is torecyclefor re use or to be used for other industrial applications. However, the recycling should be done in compliance to the stipulatedsafetyprotocols and procedures. The minimization of carbon tetrachloride’s exposure to the environment is essential. Carbon tetrachlorideis characterizedby assimilation into the atmosphere; hence it acts a significant contributor to the depletion of the ozone layer (EPA 2007).

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The pollutant prospects of carbon tetrachloride should be considered when itis assimilatedinto the project. The probability if the project contributing significantly to air pollution and global warming should be discouraged by theheftypenalties and fines imposed on such enterprises. The project should consider the atmospheric pollution standards and regulations. In the event, that theprojectis unable to meet the stipulated standards, then it should be restructured to meet the requirements. Controlled atmospheric emissions will reduce theprobabilityof risks occurring. This willenablethe projecttocontrolthe risk environment while complying with all the stakeholders’ requirements.

The hazardnatureof carbon tetrachloride posessignificantrisks to the population and the ecosystem. Therefore, the disposal of carbon tetrachloride should consider these aspects critically to reduce thepossibilityof risks. Hazardous materials are subject to strict disposal protocols to prevent the possibility of contaminating the environment and the surrounding population (ATDSR 2011). The project while considering these shouldfindalternative methods of disposing hazardous materials. The risk probability of mishandling of hazardous materials isextremelyhigh. Given the governments requirements on handling and disposal of hazardous materials, the overall costs of the project may outweigh the expected benefits.

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The use of carbon tetrachloride, though it may effectivelyaidin the projects intended purpose, hassignificantdrawbacks. The associated costs of maintaining theproject'sviability may not be feasible given the contributing factors. Therefore, aconsiderablesolution that has no significant risk implications should be considered. Given, itsharmfulnature, Carbon tetrachloride may not be theultimatesolution to the projects dilemma (UNEP 2010).A moreprofoundsolution which requires minimalsafetyprotocols, guidelines and procedures,should be considered.The risks associated with the projectculminateto significant liabilities in human resources and mitigation costs. Therefore, the complete abandonment of Carbon tetrachloride as theprimaryprojectresourceshould be considered. This willavoidall thepossiblerisks associated with the project.



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