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Beethoven's “Fur Elise”

One of the most popular and significant piano pieces, “Fur Elise”, is a masterpiece in its own way. Composed by the legendary Ludwig van Beethoven in the 18th century, this piano piece is believed to be inspired by Theresa, a woman whom the composer was in love with and wanted to marry, but, unfortunately, he did not (Davies 57). “Fur Elise” was composed in 1810, and published only in 1865, long after the death of the famous composer. It is believed that inability of early publication was due to the poor handwriting of the artist, which made some of the notes illegible. However, after its publication, the piece was highly evaluated and became one of the greatest piano pieces in history.

The simplicity of the piece comes out very strongly and progresses from the first note to the last one. Its grace is unrivalled, evoking the pleasant emotions of calmness and felicity. Mildly melancholic “Fur Elise” tends to evoke an almost sympathetic or a little bit somber mood in the listener and has an inexplicable power to capture even the hardest hearted person in the overwhelming whirl the emotions. It is a touching piece, which one will always remember, as its unforgettable motive leaves a pleasant sign in every heart. Its unique nature, combined with simplicity has made “Fur Elise” a favorite piano piece for millions of people around the world. The piece “Fur Elise” managed to capture raw emotions, which have been immortalized forever in its notes.


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Unfortunately, Beethoven has not got a chance to play “Fur Elise” for an audience during his lifetime. Only after 1865 it was performed to the audiences. “Fur Elise” has influenced many famous pianists and inspired them to improve their piano playing mastery. For a long time this great piece of music was used as stepping-stone by those, who aspired to reach the pinnacle of the music art, especially of the classical music.

“Fur Elise” is probably the only piece of music that any piano enthusiast has tried to play while learning to play the piano. It is a “must teach” in piano classes and it still intrigues and fascinates music teachers as well as students. For most people acquainted with playing the piano, the first few notes of “Fur Elise” are easily recognizable and easy to play. However, as the piece progresses, it gets more and more complicated, thus limiting the number of people who can perfectly play the whole piece. Many contemporary pianists yearn to play “Fur Elise”, but only few can actually play it. “Fur Elise” is a “must play” for students wishing to learn and conquer the piano.

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Ludwig van Beethoven is undoubtedly one of the greatest composers who have graced the earth with many fascinating works. His “Fur Elise” has been played millions of times in almost every corner of the world (Davies 34). It has been adapted as sound tracks for several movies, used in children’s toys and entered into many classical music collections. Beethoven is immortalized by his great pieces, including “Fur Elise”, which is still one of his most splendid works. There is no doubt that “Fur Elise” will continue to enchant music lovers all over the world and stay in their hearts forever.



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