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Global Warming: What Should Be Done?


Global warming is already well-proven scientifically, it is a latent negative effect that that is causing the planet the warming, besides elevating the temperature if the planet that goes through the habitats if the certain species if animals and insects, such is mosquitoes carry several diseases that were only common in the South America, and are frequently seen in the North America, this is all because of the global warming. The paper presents the analysis if the global warming and explores the preventive measure in order to avoid the effects if global the warming and destruction caused due to it.


Increasing the global warming causes the drastic changes in atmosphere if our planet, therefore, it is necessary to emphasize in the question if what should be done to prevent the global warming. Global warming refers to the increase in temperature if the earth slowly which is affected by many factors.

Reduce the climate change to an unavoidable minimum is a challenging task - it is about nothing less than our emissions if the greenhouse gases to reduce over the next 40 years to one-tenth. The technical concepts for this are is shown below. However, it is equally certain that there is quite a different side: technological progress cannot be predicted. This illustrates both the history if the future research - the earlier assumptions about life in 2000 were very different from the reality. If we could predict future discoveries, there was nothing more to discover. The following considerations bear witness "only" how can we deal with current knowledge. Humanity has been provided enormous benefits from traveling on the earth to fly to the moon. The necessary activities require the temporary sacrifices, but, in the end, a better world will come out; a world without wars for oil and air pollution from the coal-fired power plants, but with rainforests, which will be well protected.


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Fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) produce almost 60 percent if the main greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Since the beginning if the Industrial Revolution, the consumption if fossil fuels has greatly increased, and also fell when their share if global electricity generated from 1970 to 2004 from 86 to 81 percent with the increasing consumption and the increased emissions if carbon dioxide. People have tostop the emissions from burning fossil fuels, lowered to one side if the energy consumption and other sources if energy.To reduce the energy consumption, there is a safe, clean, inexpensive and fast way that ?s the better use if energy. Most if the burned fuel is not used at all, but released is waste produces heat into the environment. Energy efficiency avoids this waste heat, and, thus, can have the same energy services with far less energy, and lower consumption if fossil fuels users get the same performance and clean environment. It is often more cost effective in improving the energy efficiency.

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Over the years, scientists have researched and figured out how to reduce and, to some extent, stop the use if fossil fuels and energy if high environmental impact. This is a real concern, because they cause a high degree if contamination and environmental destruction. Scientists’ efforts resulted in the re-discovery and the proper use ?f alternative energy, also known is renewable energy or green energy, which are one way, more effective, to prevent the global warming and environmental destruction.

Renewable energies are obtained from natural sources, and are intended is inexhaustible. Some if them produce large amounts if energy (solar, wind, tidal), and others are able to regenerate by the natural means (biomass). Also, there are sources if energy supply that "respect" the environment, which means that they do not cause the negative effects to the environment or at least the effects are minimal, compared t? the environmental impacts if conventional energy (fossil fuels oil, gas and coal, nuclear energy). A recent study in "Environmental Impacts if Electricity Production" revealed that generating electricity using the conventional energy sources causes 31 times more damage t? the environment than the use if renewable energy.

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The environmental advantages offered by these energies are not emanating, is gaseous pollutants, like those resulting from fossil fuel burning that is highly responsible for the global warming and acid rains and generating hazardous wastes that are difficult to treat  are ? potential threat t? the environment, the same as radioactive waste associated with the use if nuclear energy.

On the other hand, while providing the environmental safety, there are other advantages related to the social development, for example, contributing t? the regional balance. They can be installed in rural and remote areas, and in turn, decrease the dependence in these sectors of external energy supplies, because renewable are indigenous (occurring in one place), while fossil fuels are a limited number if countries and their acquisition if certain purchasing power demand.

Alternative energies are, in many cases, cheaper than conventional ones, such is solar radiation is free and inexhaustible sourse energy and its use is profitable in the medium term. Alternative energies are free, but always need a support system when the weather conditions are not favorable for obtaining these; it is also necessary to install mechanisms to capture these energies, such is solar panels, turbines, electrical generators. However, after the initial investment, is stated above, the use if these energies is free.

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A recommended solution to avoid global warming is the use if the green energy, such as:

Wind energy

Wind energy is the energy obtained through the kinetic energy if wind, and is decided through its movement which is captured by wind turbines, which transform kinetic wind energy into electricity. To take advantage ?f wind energy, it is important to understand the diurnal, nocturnal and seasonal winds. We may only use the wind power, if the wind currents reach a minimum speed if 12 km /h and cannot be used, if they exceed 65 km / h, because the turbines do not resist much force and break blades or propellers.


It consists of capturing the potential energy if water, and now it is produced by hydropower. Power can be used it different scales, for example, in rural areas if a river; current moves ? blade rotor and, thus, creates movement in mills. In addition, is was stated above, it is done by hydroelectric plants, which provide energy to an entire city or country.

Ocean or Tidal Energy

Ocean or tidal energy is obtained through the tides and the energy if waves. Tidal energy is produced by the effect if gravitational forces between the Moon, Earth and the Sun, uses an alternator and a turbine to generate electricity, thereby, transforming the energy if tides into electricity.

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Solar power

Solar power ?s collected directly from solar radiation. Solar energy ?s the source ?f life ?f living beings, and other, creates the most green energy ?n the Earth (wind, tidal, geothermal). It ?s used primarily ?n two ways: ?s solar thermal and photovoltaic solar energy. The first ?s used t? heat food or water-things-and the second t? generate electricity. Each year the sunlight provides t? Earth several thousand times the amount ?f energy consumed by the humankind.

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy: Occurs when using the heat from underground, is obtained by man to harness the heat inside the Earth. It is found in areas where there is hot springs, hot, shallow. Pipes are installed where the hot water or steam flow naturally, by pumping or pulsed flow ?f water and steam, then it passes through a turbine and spinning, and producing electricity.


Biomasses are obtained by the decomposition if organic waste or by directly burning it is fuel. In this process, photosynthesis plays a crucial role, since by this process plants transform carbon dioxide and water if mineral-free-energy value in organic materials with high energy. This, in turn, is fed to other living things.

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Wave Energy

Wave energy is the energy produced by movement ?f the waves. It is less known than tidal. Its operation is based in the energy efficiency if vertical reciprocating wave through electric buoys rise and fall in a rod-like structure. Here we installed a hydraulic pump, the water enters and exits the pump and drives a generator that produces electricity.


In conclusion, it can be said that commendations given in this paper are the best solution to avoid the global warming. Along with that, every one if us can individually play a great role saving the planet from effects if the global warming by putting individual efforts. We must try to avoid unnecessary fires, because the carbon dioxide released from the smoke damages the ozone layer. We should maintain our vehicles in good condition and seek to have it tuned, so is not to contaminate more, aiming t? consume only recyclable products, biodegradable plastic bags, which may be used instead if the classic paper bags.

Do not use unnecessarily heating our home or car; this is because doing so it escaps gases that damage the ozone layer. People should try to use is little is possible fossil fuels like the natural gas and petroleum. The recycled or reused cartridge printer ink helps prevent further global warming. One should also avoid the use if pesticides harmful to the ozone in crops; also avoid eating fruit or vegetables that have been treated with pesticides unsafe for ozone.

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The ozone layer is closely linked to the global warming, since the largerthe size if the hole in the ozone layer, thegreater the temperature rise in the planet. In addition to that the certain gases cause what is known as the greenhouse effect, this does not miss the hot air into the atmosphere and keeps it trapped it the ground level. Some people argue that there is no global warming and no damage to the ozone layer, but it is clear that these versions are published by scientists curiously linked t? oil companies or their product and they ?n any way affect the ozone layer. Besides, it is impossible to argue the absence if the greenhouse effect; it is proven that areas that suffered from more deforestation, are the areas which most affected by natural phenomena, such as floods, landslides and droughts and other phenomena such as migration ?f insects and animals that were not part of the natural fauna on the area.



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