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Psychology Paper

When the police officers stand to hear a testimony from an eyewitness, several factors may tend to affect the level of truth in the information given. In addition, wrong information given by eyewitnesses led to numerous false convictions on innocent individuals. The eyewitness’s persuasive nature tends to lure the police officers into believing the whole story of information given regardless of whether it occurs true or false. Secondly, the investigation departments possess no connection with scientists who would assist in the verification of information given. Thus, this leads to inaccurate information.

The first way of avoiding misinformation from eyewitnesses includes laying down warnings that help to avoid exaggerations from the eyewitness’s information. Next, the police officers can try to evaluate the eyewitness’s speed to identify or recognize scenes or individuals in order to verify the level of sincerity in the information given. Thirdly, a review of the information given by the eyewitness should occur to confirm that what the eyewitness stated was true.


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An eyewitness’s information may not occur suitable for use in a court of law. This occurs since the information may occur over emphasized. Thus, procedures such as DNA testing should appear to verify the truth in the information. An eyewitness’s testimony may occur permissible in a court of law. Thus, the jury should only work with the first set of information given.

Since time immemorial, scientists hold that the memory of human beings tends to appear crucial in storage of information. Thus, arguing that the information given by eyewitnesses is fundamental in solving cases in a court of law (FELDMAN, 2001).

For Jill Price’s hyperthemistic syndrome, the condition possesses more positive impacts than negative ones. Thus, it may enable one to remember vividly occurrences of the past without much struggle. However, the syndrome occurs rather unusual in terms of the recovery of past information. Thus, it may lead to wrong data given since the level of truth cannot be verified easily by a court of law.



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