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Psychological Disorders

The success of clinical assessment, diagnosis and treatment is dependent on the availability of relevant information. The information available will enable the psychologist to determine the reasons for the patient’s abnormal behavior and the respective treatment. The chosen approach will be determined by the data collected in the course of assessment. Individuals respond differently to treatment; therefore, the doctor must consider the appropriate and effective assessment tool to use (Comer, 2010). However, the patient’s treatment should consider the reliability and validity of the test results in determining an accurate diagnosis. Given assessment tools may prove effective in reaching the desired results while others may not.

The interpretation and presentation of data collected after a comprehensive assessment relies on the diagnosis determined. A clinician will determine the extent and resulting effects of any information disclosed to the patient (Sue et al., 2006). The purpose of any information disclosed to the patient is not to aggravate the situation but to treat the underlying problem. A clinician’s raw data is essential and critical to the understanding of the disorder and the prescription of the right course of treatment (Comer, 2010). Clinicians’ tendency to share summaries with the patients is professional and cautious. A clinician may determine to what extent he or she should disclose the findings to the patient.


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It is my contention that as a patient that any information, which the clinician considers detrimental to recovery should not be disclosed. However, the information relevant to my recovery and overcoming of the afflicting disorder should be disclosed in full. The relevancy and necessity of disclosure should be left in the clinician’s discretion based on the comprehensive assessment results (Sue et al., 2006). Instance may arise when disclosure of raw data may confuse the patient further aggravating his/her condition. The clinician should weigh the benefits versus the drawbacks of full disclosure to the patient.

A clinician’s raw data intends to aid the clinician in understanding the patient. However, remarks that may be used by the clinician to describe the patient or his/her condition may offend the patient. This may result in the patient discontinuing the treatment sessions and committing or omitting actions that are critical to one’s mental health (Sue et al., 2006). Clinical data aims at finding the ways of treating and preventing further abnormalities in a patient. The clinician should decide, given the available data, whether it is safe and sound to share this information with the patient. In any case, the objective is treatment of the abnormality and not to the contrary.



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