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Overcome with Sadness

Rehabilitation hospitals assist people to deal with stressful situations after experiencing life-altering, but unfortunate events (Cameron, 2003). Through physical and mental therapy, the victims of these traumatizing events work towards accepting their new realities by positively accepting the significant and unexpected changes in their new lives (McKenzie, 2002).

John Dogh is 28, and the predicament facing him would be unnerving to many people of his age. John is hurt by a shotgun, while riding his bike in the desert. John has temporary lost his common sensibility, and is delusional and utterly unaware of the nature of his accident. Later on, he realizes that he has lost the use of his legs as because of the spine injury. The unsettling realization leads him into self-denial; he also blames the health care professionals treating him, his pastor, and God. Henceforth, John wallows in depression and self-loathing for six months.

A concerned young healthcare specialist, aware of the psychological impact of John’s disability, takes time to help him adjust to a new lifestyle. Although, John is still skeptical about leading a normal life, he is more positive and is willing to explore the possibilities of his new life. The young health specialist convinces John to spend more time outdoors with persons of similar disabilities.


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John’s acceptance of his disabled condition comes after a life-changing encounter with a small boy who is curious to know his story. The boy, though not on a wheelchair, cannot participate in basketball because of his short height. John has the opinion that it was of little use playing basketball on a wheelchair. After the experience, John’s healing process is finally complete, and he embraces his new physical state. John is no longer overcome with sadness, and is willing to do the best he can for a man in his condition.



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