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Free Custom Philosophy Essay Paper

A Curriculum Philosophy essay

Curriculum can be defined as the set of courses, and their content, that are offered in learning institution whether primary, secondary, college or university. It can also be defined as the set of courses and contents that are offered in a ...

A Theory of the Origins of Modern Capitalism. Weber's Theory as in Dialogue with Marx and Engels essay

Introduction Materialism is a concept that considers the economy (economic environment) as initially the only active factor and the true subject of the historical process. The founders and main investigators of materialism were Marx and Engels ...

About Freedom essay

Freedom remains a diverse topic. In this paper, I consider economic freedom. Economic freedom refers to the liberty to produce, sell and utilize resources while allowing others to do the same. It is the basis of prosperity and explains why ...

Alejandro De La Garza essay

The term spirituality comes from the word, ‘spirit’, and a suffix ‘-uality’. Spirit has a general meaning of entity or life force, which is not physical. Spirituality thus means anything that has a relationship with spirit ...

Allegory of the Cave essay

Plato is son of an affluent and dignified family; he was organizing his profession in politics when the trial and ultimate execution of Socrates altered the path of his life. He discarded his political profession and changed to philosophy, starting ...

Amos, Hosea, and Jeremiah essay

Some Christian scholars think of righteousness in the Old Testament as a call to a legalistic religious system rather than to a compassionate religious system. Tsedaqah was definitely a call to justness, fairness, and upright living, but it was ...

Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma essay

Analysis of the Interviews The two interviews with the doctor and the church minister are both against assisted euthanasia. Assisted euthanasia is the process whereby the medical personnel terminate the life of the patients with the aim of stopping ...

Ancient and Modern Philosopher essay

One of man’s quest since the beginning of time is the love of knowledge. This can be seen by the many philosophers that have existed in the world. Philosophers do not take any spoken word, theory or concept lightly (Broughton 24). They would ...

Anne Conway essay

The work by Anne Conway considered today to be a philosophical treatise in most ways has a lot of common with a number of works by contemporary philosophers and other great thinkers. The work,The Principles of the Most Modern and Ancient ...

Aristotle on Virtue Ethics essay

Virtue ethics primarily entails the description of the rightness or appropriateness of human action as derived from ethical theories. In the modern day world, these virtue ethical theories have been challenged on account of their failure to guide ...

Aristotle’s Approach to Human Desire essay

Ethics has been examined using numerous theoretical frameworks proposed by various historians. In this regard, Aristotle is among those historians who provided a unique perspective on the application of ethics in the contemporary human society. ...

Aristotle's Critique of Plato essay

The arts are seen to play a positive role in the lives of many people. Across cultures, times, places, and class-divisions, people sing, dance, decorate, enact, represent, narrate, and express, in conventionalized ways, to audiences who enjoy and ...

Aristotle’s friendship essay

Aristotle addresses the topic of friendship in Book 8 and 9 of his Nicomachean Ethics. Aristotle makes the argument that friends can be regarded as second selves. Aristotle says that just as virtuous behavior improves an individual, friends have the ...

Aristotle’s Theory essay

Aristotle propounds his critical understanding of the notions of the good, happiness, virtue, and justice in the book entitled Nicomachean Ethics. With regard to the concept of ‘good’, he says that every art or enquiry is always directed ...

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics essay

Happiness is the main life’s goal for each person. Nevertheless, states of happiness vary as much as the methods of achievement. Considering a certain aim as the life purpose, an individual use to examine it. A person questions oneself and ...

Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche essay

The history of development in philosophical thought was primarily based on Christian traditions and morality formed from religious doctrines. Nietzsche reveals real sources of philosophical thought that were predetermined by Christian morality for ...

Can Ethics Be Taught? essay

Question (3a). Can ethics be taught? Can practitioners know ethical behavior, that is, what is right and wrong in professional practice, but yet not practice such behavior they know to be right? Explain your answer. Do you think practitioners become ...

Cephalus’s Opinion essay

The assertion that justice and truth are directly linked reiterates the fact that, in Cephalus’s opinion, people are defined by the nature of their lives; therefore, the characterization of the old age and misery cannot be attributed to all ...

Chinese People essay

Chinese people are known for their cultural belief to appease the spirits of the dead, which is done through various ceremonies and measures. The Chinese people have a lot of respect for the dead, and they believe that the dead cannot rest until ...

Classical Liberalisms, State, Capitalism, and Libertarian Philosophies essay

Introduction Noam Chomsky has been working in linguistics for a long time. Noam is widely known for strong critique views on the American government and the leadership styles employed. He has also been in the front line on the liberation process of ...

Crito essay

In the Trial and Death of Socrates, Crito informs Socrates that the ship has been delayed and will not return until the following day. No execution could take place while the ship was absent and this gave Socrates one more day of life. This ...

David Hume & Immanuel Kant essay

David Hume played an influential role in the awakening of Immanuel Kant from his dogmatic slumber through critically analyzing the general view of rationalism. According to his analysis, Hume realized that some judgments thought to be analytic, ...

Descartes and Gods Existence essay

Decartes is one of the greatest phylosophers of the 17th century. He made radical turning of the mind by the critics of traditional culture, physolophy and scientific legacy, and nominated new principals, new type of knowledge, that is focused not ...

Describe Aquinas' cosmological argument for the existence of God essay

Describe Aquinas' cosmological argument for the existence of God, and explain how three of the arguments fundamental premises might be challenged The cosmological argument centers on change and also motion. This argument starts with the existence of ...

"Discipline and Punish" by Michel Foucault essay

In Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, Foucault deals with the disciplinary institutions and practices that emerged in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. While Discipline and Punish is concerned with the birth of the prison in ...

Dualists essay

Dualists also subscribe to the fact that the mind can exist separately from the body. When an individual sleeps, the mind is able to form dream while the body is still resting. If the body could be integrated with the mind, it could be hard for the ...

Engineering ethics on BP oil Spill essay

Oil is one of the core industries that are driving the economic state of most oil-producing countries. Investment into the oil industry is quite lucrative because of the high turnover rewards for investors and workers. However, danger posed by ...

Epistemology essay

Objectivityhas always been a corephilosophicalconcept. It has various definitions depending on the source. A proposition is definitely regarded as objectively true whenever its truth conditions in all aspects are met by use of independent minds. ...

Ethical Decision Making Problem essay

Nursing is a profession that mostly pertains taking care of the patients and administration of drugs. Similar to other professions, nursing also has ethics that govern the nurse’s daily routines. Ethics refer to the rules and regulations that ...

Ethical Practices essay

Ethics is principles of wrong and right that people, acting like free moral agents can use to select on them and guide their behavior. Ethics in an organization refers to issues that the managers have to confront in their daily business decision ...

Ethics and Sports essay

Sports refer to all forms of competitive physical activities that are organized in a particular pattern. Individuals engage in sports with the aim of improving their physical fitness, earning a living, and getting entertained. The choice of a sport ...

Ethics Paper essay

Introduction The term ethics refers to a philosophical concept which is used as guidance to human being. It helps individuals to understand the concept of life in its totality by distinguishing between morality and immorality. Ethics is a very ...

Existential Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre: Existence Precedes Essence essay

Such fundamental questions as life meaning, freedom, spiritual and physical existence were important to philosophers during all periods of history. Unlike divine conceptions addressed to the religion, predetermination, unity of purpose and destiny ...

Existentialism essay

Existentialism is a philosophy that puts emphasis on the existence of people, choice, as well as, freedom. It stresses on individuality and the issues associated with the existence. There is diversity in the philosophy of existentialism. This essay ...

Extended Review and Evaluation of Biographies of Jesus by Romano Guardini essay

From the start, Christianity has been rooted in the paradoxical claim that a human being executed as a criminal is the source of God's life-giving and transforming Spirit. From the start, this "good news" has been regarded as ...

Faith and Religion essay

Soren Kierkegaard wrote on Fear and Trembling (1986) using the pseudonym Johannes de Silentio. The name Johannes de Silentio that was chosen by Kierkegaard meant John of Silence. It is not easy to understand why he choose this names but some of the ...

Freud and Nietzsche essay

Friedrich Nietzsche in his “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” and “Beyond Good and Evil” praises the uniqueness of the superman over the crowd of people, the latter ‘blinded’ by the self-imposed frame of morality, religion, ...

George Carlin versus Friedrich Nietzsche essay

From time immemorial, philosophers have been known to contemplate on the most complicated problems that other people did not dare to question. Ordinary people found it difficult to ask and discuss these things openly because they did not have the ...

Good Life essay

Everyone admires to live a good life, though there is a differing opinion on what the good life is exactly. Each and every individual has his or her own perception on defining good life. Though many would associate good life to wealth, love and ...

How would Schopenhauer analyze Travis Bickle’s behavior? essay

Taxi Driver by Martin Scorsese is a disturbing and a gritty movie that reflects a modern film classic where filmmakers display nightmares and the alienation present in the urban society. When considered from a postmodern perspective, Taxi Driver ...

Human Life essay

The thought of the meaning of life is inextricably linked with another thought - about the meaning and ultimate purpose of the universe itself. In this context, life is meaningless if the whole universe is pointless. Empirical data, acquired to ...

Humanities essay

The evolving aspects of technology make it a diverse anddynamicfactor of human life in the world today. Therefore, it iscriticalthat the constant developments in technology be checked to ensure the fundamental characteristics of human natureare not ...

Imperative essay

Imperatives are formulas for reason. Hypothetical imperatives are those instructions that are good, and are a means to getting something. They compel action and tell us how to act in order to get something. An example of a hypothetical imperative is ...

Insights of Marx, Durkheim, Weber and Simmel on the Nature of Social Life essay

Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Max Weber and Simmel made more contributions than all other philosophers on the nature of social than other philosophers in the 19th century. It is from their contribution that nature of the social was regarded as the ...

Interpretation of Love, Marriage, and Family essay

Love and intimacy were now believed to be the proper foundation of a marriage and forming family. The literature of the nineteenth century repeatedly insisted that marriage and family without such love is a travesty. Courting couples should ...

Jackson’s Mary Argument essay

Mary is locked up in a black and white room where she is educated through the black and white books together with some lectures that are conveyed on the black and white television. Thus, she is able to learn everything she needs to know concerning ...

Johannes and Nietzsche essay

Nietzsche criticizing morality is a complex and long issue. He rejected morality and he fundamentally denied the core of the moral theories. He wrote books that were highly critical of morality, science, religion and contemporary culture employing ...

John Hick essay

The idea of an omnipotent and loving God has drawn different opinions from various individuals, both believers and non believers. This difference in opinion brought out by the contrasting views presented in “The Problem of Evil.” B.C ...

Juxtaposed essay

This philosophy reveals the existing juxtaposition between danger and honesty. Indeed, it is a dangerous philosophy because it shows how an allured man submits himself to the traps of pleasure. On the other hand, it is an honest philosophy because ...

Kant Position on Free Will essay

Introduction Does free will exist or is it just an illusion people tend to believe? Free will is the ability of a person to perform what he or she wants without hindrances or constraints. According to this definition, so many assumptions exist ...

Kant’s Freedom Theory essay

Kant has come up with many theories .many have been criticized and here is an example of such critique. Kant tries to motivate in his definition of freedom and free will when he says that each and every event always has a cause, and he goes a head ...

Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals essay

Kant’s Groundwork for Metaphysics seeks to expound on ethics in comparison to other branches, explicate the justification for the groundwork, and explain the various branches under moral philosophy. According to Kant & Ellington (1993), ...

Kant’s Moral Theory of Deontology essay

Introduction Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was a German philosopher whose theory is considered the basis of deontological ethics for a number of reasons. The term deontology originates from the Greek word deon (duty, obligation)and suffix logia. It is ...

King’s Claims essay

The views and claims of Martin are in every way justified. Blacks have suffered for many years at the hands of the whites. We are all children of God, whichever color we are. In the eyes of the Lord, we are all the same and equal. If we are equal in ...

La Tesse Boney essay

Kant’s moral theory is based on the moral supreme principle and the unconditional essentiality. The case being that we should act on principle that can be universally acceptable to all. The theory states that when people act in an immoral way ...

Laws of Thought essay

This essay investigates the literature on “Law of Thought”. It looks at various aspects of sentence structure that make them perfectly comprehensible. Among these are clarity, precision and accuracy of a sentence. According to the ...

Learning Theories essay

Radical Behaviorism Radical behaviorism is a philosophy that uses the experimental analysis in order to describe behavior. It was developed by psychologist known as Skinner. He tried to explain human behavior scientifically using physiological ...

Liberalism essay

Liberalism is an existent fact that in the minds of the people who practice it that there should be liberty world over and in addition, to that equal rights. Through these views, the liberal minded individuals portray a lot of distinct ...

Libertarians and Equality essay

Introduction Alexander Hamilton once stated that as long as liberty is in existence, inequality will always exist. This is because it is the unavoidable outcome of liberty (paraphrased). Articles that try to prove the presence or absence of a ...

Life and Philosophy of Rene Descartes essay

Rene Descartes is one of the great thinkers who have ever lived. This has made to be the founder of the modern philosophy. Descartes was born on March 31st, 1596 in a town known as La Haye in France. He was born of Joachim Descartes and Jeanne ...

Logical Positivism essay

Logical positivism is just another name for the logical empiricism otherwise referred to as neo-positivism and scientific philosophy. Logical positivism and logical empiricism are branches of analytical philosophy which employs the principle of ...

Martin’s Views essay

On April 16 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a letter from jail. The world knows this letter as the Letter from Birmingham, or The Negro is Your Brother. Martin Luther King dedicated all his life to fighting injustices in the community. As we ...

Marx and Nietzsche’s Critique of Bourgeois Theory essay

Introduction While philosophers were solely determined to acquire knowledge, the lives of Karl Marx and Nietzsche were dedicated to putting into practice their vision of a better society and life. They identified the flaws that existed in society ...

Master Morality essay

Master morality: this was defined as the morality of the sturdy willed by Nietzsche. He disapproves the analysis, which he spots with current British principles, which fine is the whole lot that is useful; what is awful is that which is detrimental. ...

Mill's Utilitarianism essay

According to John Stuart, the criterion of moral action whether it is right or wrong is based on the property of actions performed. To perform a morally right action depends on the morally right property to perform the right action. Moral reasoning ...

Moral Development Paper essay

Moral development constitutes a psychological adaptation theory on moral reasoning based on ethical behavior. One of the theories used to explain moral development was by Lawrence Kohlberg (1981), a psychologist who developed the theory from Jean ...

Morally Intelligent Organization essay

An organization, in which cultures are infused together with worthwhile values and where there is a consistent action by the members in alignment with the values, can be said to be morally intelligent. Such an organization will have morally ...

“My Grandma Always Said” essay

Life if full of experiences that have cognitive teachings in the end. As people interact, make mistakes, pursue goals or even just enjoy life in different ways, it is rare to miss a connecting addition of value into what life is about. In the same ...

Nietzsche’s Critique of Morality essay

Introduction Friedrich Nietzsche was a renowned German philosopher who lived in the late 19th century. His extensive studies, arguments and counterarguments on morality and ethics are a source of inspiration and the subject of extensive studies. ...

Normative Ethics essay

Moral theories are majorly concerned with the way of dealing with the questions regarding life; nature of good and bad, right or wrong. There are four major ethical theories whose orientations are different . Their contribution in human life cannot ...

Nursing Philosophy essay

From time in history, individuals have put their time and resources to search for truth and the reality of the world we live in. The search for truth and reality is called philosophy. The nursing philosophy is interested to examine the relationship ...

Personal Educational Philosophy Statement essay

The essay is my personal Educational philosophy statement. It is worth noting educational philosophies are what dictate purposeful activity in curriculum development. Philosophies help individuals in making rational and sound decision because at any ...

Personal Ethics Issue essay

Personal ethics refers to what an individual considers right or wrong in his actions.  Personal ethics is distinguished from business and legal ethics because they do not emanate from personal conscience, but their manipulation comes from the ...

Personal Teaching Philosophy essay

Theoretical Underpinnings of my Teaching Philosophy My teaching philosophy draws upon the theories of constructivism, particularly social constructivism, which was developed by Lev Vygotsky. With regard to the constructivism learning theory, the ...

Philosophers essay

Philosophers often involve themselves in several activities, in their field of specialization. Some of the roles of philosophers today have contributed massively to the knowledge bank and academics as a whole. Philosophers look at arguments in an ...

Philosophers’ Matrix and Analysis essay

From the past, there have been many philosophers who have generated philosophies and theories that have been applied and worked in various aspects of our today’s society and mostly in our system of education. There philosophies have impacted a ...

Philosophy and Economy essay

The relationship between the United States government and the people has been changing gradually since the end of the civil war. Government’s involvement in the lives of American citizens has been on the rise. Here, then, are some examples of ...

Philosophy and Morality essay

Knowledge is the most regarded branch of philosophy that many scholars take much interest in more than any other. There are different philosophical theories such as the correspondence, pragmatic and coherent theory that try to explain the actual ...

Philosophy - Ethics, Technology, and Engineering essay

Professional ethics has been a major concern in many countries as technical skills and competence are required to ensure quality production. Lots of lives have been lost due to noncompliance to the engineering code of ethics. All engineers owe a ...

Philosophy of Death essay

Introduction Literature is defined as any creative work of man, whether written or spoken. Literature can be any published source, either in the fiction form or the non- fiction form. There are two techniques used in literature, poetry and prose. ...

Philosophy of God’s Existence essay

Argument from Evil is a renowned argument that tries to dispute the existence of God. Normally, God is considered to be omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent. The argument about the existence of God is attributed to Epicurus. According to Davies ...

Philosophy of the Mind essay

Philosophy has been widely used by numerous scientists in an attempt to explain commonly occurring phenomena. In this regard, numerous theorists have proposed suitable methodologies that can be applied in the realm of philosophy. One area that has ...

Philosophy Questions essay

Q15. Explain what Libertarianism is. What additional question must be asked if libertarianism is true (don’t just give me the name of the question, but state the actual question)? What is one way for the Libertarian to respond to that ...

Plato and Socrates essay

If it is concluded after a serious reflection that the war which we have been engaged in is unjust, the advice that Socrates might give us is that compensatory justice should be enforced. That is, we should compensate, give benefits, to the persons ...

Plato's Allegory essay

Plato’s images of the soul as described above as: a rational soul (intellect), the spirited soul (will) and the appetitive soul (emotional). From this three, he justifies that it is a disadvantage to oneself to be unjust since the three souls ...

Plato’s Theory of Forms essay

Various definitions on forms existed before, but Plato dug deeper than the definitions to question what form was. He argued that what he knows and what is known must exist in the same way. If there is a change then there would nothing to know and no ...

Political Philosophy essay

One can say that political philosophers have been a vital part of society today. The contribution that these philosophers have made towards political governance and streamlining government systems has been notable. However, as much as political ...

Popular and the Traditional Culture essay

The tradition to respect and observe the beliefs of a certain culture are instilled in us through the parental institution and parenting method. The dynamics that are connected to the belief that there is life after death is emotionally logical. Not ...

Pragmatism, Realism and Idealism essay

Idealism Idealism (French “idealisme” from Greek “idea”) is the general designation of philosophical doctrines asserting that the consciousness, thinking, mental and spiritual things are initial, fundamental, and a matter, ...

Pressing Moral Issues in Society Today essay

The most pressing issue in the present society is the negative impact the technology has had on society and morals as a whole. It is notable to say that life has changed by a massive margin over the past 2 decades that have seen a leap in the level ...

Rationalists essay

Rationalists hold that knowledge is based on ideas or reason. On the other hand, empiricists posit that knowledge comes from one’s senses or impressions. Therefore, it is a clear distinction between these two schools of thought. With respect ...

Raven’s Paradox essay

Raven’s paradox also known as Hempel’s raven or Hempel’s paradox is an elaboration of how inductive logic contradicts intuition. The paradox reveals serious problems associated with their theory of induction which makes a ...

Rhetoric by Aristotle essay

From the first and the second chapter of book one, Aristotle is talks of rhetoric as that aspect of finding in a situation all the possible means of persuasion. In the first chapter, Aristotle defines dialecture which he says is the counterpart of ...

Rhetorical Parlor Discussion essay

In 1930’s discussion on the problems facing the society in America, one of the controversial issues was the major problems that burdened people’s lives. On the one hand, Orson Welles argues that the current ideals practiced in the ...

Role of God essay

The book of Daniel essentially represents the fundamental role played by God towards the elimination of representatives of evil. According to Collins, Flint, and VanEpps (2002), “In Daniel 7, the monsters are four, coming from ‘the four ...

Self and Reality: Vedanta and Mimamsa essay

The nature, phenomena and people are units of absolute, and beholding it, its main principles and ideas are main issue in Vedic learning. Mimamsa and Vedanta are two of six main Hindu philosophic schools that try to explain objective laws of the ...

Seneca’s Moral Epistles essay

Seneca brings out different ideas in his 124 letters found in his book, ‘Moral Epistles’. The discussion is mainly focused on some selected four letters to his friend Lucilius. Through his letters, Seneca communicates ideas like, time ...

Shankara`s and Mimasma`s Theories essay

As Shankara seeks to interpret our world phenomenon within the meaning of the theory of illusory perceptions, he considers very carefully the aspect of errors in perception, all the more, an explanation for these errors, presented by other Indian ...

Socrates essay

In his quest to find the true meaning of justices, Socrates poses the onus of defining justice to Polemarchus. Polemarchus observes that justice entails giving each what is owed to him. However, exemptions are made in the event that the individual ...

Socrates and Machiavelli essay

Book analysis and understanding is very important, because it helps in making satisfactory comments and arguments about the dominant themes in any presented literary work. In this essay analysis out of many themes reflected in these two novels: The ...

Socrates Apology essay

The Apology by Socrates is a speech which he gave during his unsuccessful defense against the charges of corrupting the youths and being atheist, in addition to being a teacher who accepts money and his curiosity of his searches in earth and heaven. ...

"Song of Solomon" by Toni Morrison essay

Song of Solomon is a social commentary on racism and its negative effects in the society, abandonment and a journey of self discovery. Morrison, through the journey that Milkman undertakes, is able to make her audience examine racial relations in ...

Soren Kierkegaard essay

Soren Kierkegaard wrote on Fear and Trembling (1986) using the pseudonym Johannes de Silentio. The name Johannes de Silentio that was chosen by Kierkegaard meant John of Silence. It is not easy to understand why he choose this names but some of the ...

Spinoza vs. Leibniz on God’s Existence essay

According to Spinoza, there is only one substance, which is God. Divine substance is free because it exists in accordance with its own nature; it is eternal, because the existence lies in its essence. In accordance with Lin, Spinoza holds a number ...

Swinburne’s defense of substance dualism essay

a) Swinburne’s defense of substance dualism proceeds in two stages. First, he surmises that an external observer’s knowledge of the events occurring to persons’ “bodies and their parts” would not be enough to make ...

The Analysis of Ethics in the 21 Century essay

Introduction Ethics is known as a field of philosophy that defines whether the behavior of the individuals shall be considered as right or wrong. Namely, this science elaborates the criterion which is applied to distinguish the types of socially ...

The Barber Paradox essay

Russell’s Barber paradox is quite philosophical. It needs an intellectual mind to answer. It shows a logically impossible scenario since the barber only has two options: either to shave himself, or be shaved by a barber (who he is). The two ...

"The Bomb" essay

The novel The Bomb was written by Frank Harris. In the story, the police are engaging themselves in dispersing street protests. This is in the year 1886, and a bomb is thrown at the police killing eight of them. Many other civilians are killed and ...

The Buddhists essay

Buddhism is one of religion in the world. However, Buddhism applies most of the philosophic concepts more than the beliefs and myths that on the basis of religion. This is because their way of life emphasizes on leading a righteous life, being alive ...

The Conclusion of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics essay

This paper deals with Aristotle’s argument on the identity between theoretical/contemplative activity and the highest human happiness, which Aristotle opposes to partial happiness derived from activities of ethical virtues. The author examines ...

The Enlightenment essay

The development of humanity is divided into different stages. Some of them provided the human beings with tragic events while others were inert. Nevertheless, only a few of these stages gave the people impetus to improvement. One of them, without ...

The Ethical Dilemma essay

1. The major responsibility issue in this scenario is the company’s obligation to protect unsuspecting and uninformed consumers from the harmful effects of its products. In light of research findings, betel nuts increase the risks of oral ...

The Euthyphro Dilemma essay

This paper will explain the Euthyphro Dilemma basing the argument on where Plato’s stand is in the history of philosophy and then explain the argument based on Euthyphro Dilemma. Plato was a Greek philosopher who was Socrates’ student ...

The four critical Elements of a meaningful life essay

Donald Miller meticulously accounts for four elements constituting a meaningful life in the article “How to Tell a Good Story with your Life or The four Critical Elements of a Meaningful Life.” The four elements are significant in the ...

The Human Nature essay

Most philosopher believe that human nature is a mix of good and evil which Kant does not have the same opinion as the other philosophers as he rejects this theory that human nature is a mix of good and evil. A human being is good when he does what ...

The Mind essay

The mind is a complex element in a living organism that assists to understand the world around them, be able to interpret experiences and internalize ideas pertaining reality in general. Dualism and physicalism are two philosophical entities that ...

The Moral Panic Model essay

A moral panic refers to a public panic or fear triggered by alarming media over an issue that is believed to be a threat to the sensibilities and peaceful coexistence in the society. Reactive laws and public policies reinforce a moral panic. The ...

The Nature Of Philosophy essay

Philosophy was at the core at the very beginning of all sciences due to the reasons that lie in its nature. Philosophical knowledge grounds on inquiry and constant questioning the truth. Up to now, no research can take place in any science without ...

The Nature of Truth essay

The nature of truth is very complex. This actually implies that it is difficult to find out the truth in most cases. Getting to find out what exactly happened in a situation or experience is like finding a needle lost amongst weeds. This is further ...

The Philosophical Difference between Republicans and Democrats essay

Introduction Political analysts struggle to list the significant philosophical difference that exists between the republicans and democratic and how their parties view the proper role of the federal government. Others struggle to validate the claim ...

"The Prince" Niccolo Machiavelli essay

The Prince is the book that was written by an Italian philosopher known as Niccolo Machiavelli. The book analyses the politics, and it observes the way human behaviors today are the same as the years behind in the field of politics. Machiavelli ...

The Problem of Evil: If God is Good, Why Do People Suffer? essay

Introduction There is a great argument which says that, if God is believed to be all-good and all-powerful, He would have created earth the same way he created heaven. This would make the universe to be a place with no suffering, no evil and free ...

The Spirit essay

A spirit represents a power that controls the willpower of people. A spirit might be an unidentified force accountable for the ambiance in a gathering of people, or for the frame of mind contained by an individual; it can as well be as private as ...

The Stages of Confucianism essay

China is the country of an ancient civilization and rich philosophical heritage. History of philosophical thought of ancient China dates back to the beginning of first century BC. The most influential direction of Chinese philosophy is Confucianism. ...

The System of Ethics essay

Question 1 Mrs. Warren can ethically justify herself to Vivie by making her realize that she took the profession, not for self-interest, but because she had to make ends meet by giving her a good life and quality education. The profession of Mrs. ...

The Theory of the Soul essay

The theory of the soul is a postulation by Plato that there are three souls: the appetitive, reasonable and emotional components. He derived them from the analogy of the city and the soul. The argument is that individuals ought to have same values ...

Theology by John Caputo essay

John D. Caputo is one of the leading philosophers whose work is mainly focused on hermeneutics, phenomenology, deconstruction and theology. This is one of the reasons that make Caputo hybrid philosophers whose work is aimed at producing impure ...

Theory of Forms and Monotheism essay

Monotheism denotes to the conviction, found in many cultures, in a solo, universal God. Numerous religions in the universe are categorized as monotheistic, and the outstanding examples are Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Habitually juxtaposed with ...

Thoughts on Environmentalism essay

Environmentalism can be defined as the combined effort of advocating for or working at protecting the natural environment from destructive practices such like pollution and depletion. Environmentalists are people who are concerned with the quality ...

Tutorial Assignment essay

Hume’s Distinction between Ideas and Impressions Hume asserts that an impression is a perception that entails live hearing, feeling, seeing, and other senses among human beings. This implies that events such as seeing and hearing are real and ...

What Is Ethical Dilemma? essay

Ethical dilemma is a condition in which ethical principles or teachings faces controversy or rather conflict resulting into lack an effective affirmative action.  According to Bonner & Vandecreek (2006), ethical dilemma is an argument ...

Who You Are and Who You Ought To Be essay

Humanity is at a point of crossroads where it must awaken or become extinct as we have been living, and operating collective egos that have literary destroyed humanity. We need to awaken and become who we are supposed to be. Ego is an illusion of ...

Yin and Yang essay

It is inherent in the natural order of things that positives and negatives are critical in a balanced environment. Therefore, the assertions of yin yang are significant in explaining the order of things in the universe. In life, there are good and ...

Zen Buddhism, Modernity and Western Philosophy essay

The silence and the language as two opposite concepts reveal double nature of man’s perception of the world. The harmony preserved in silence unchains the person from distortion of reality. According to Bodhidharma, the ultimate truth is ...
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