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Reflection on Public Speaking

Personally, I really adore the art of public speaking because it has played a crucial role in shaping the type of person I am right now. I can freely and with confidence present speeches in front of people, a matter I could not handle before attending the public speaking class. I can also say that my skills and abilities in public speaking have sharply increased and this is proved by my current positive portfolio records. The portfolio indicates essential amount of growth and developed on the art of speaking altogether. However, I cannot continue to highlight the benefits I have managed to enjoy without reflecting on my previous weakness that I possessed before getting to learn the art altogether.

Firstly, I was very afraid of speaking in front of groups of people or rather gathering since I could not gather enough confidence to do so. Secondly, I was shy of those gatherings and so lacked the skill needed in public speaking. This is because I did not know how to arrange words and thus lacked the ability to attract the attention of the audience in that matter.


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I was also poor in terms of pronunciation and articulation of words altogether. My awakening in taking public speaking class came because I need to make an impromptu speech on my friend’s birthday party. I am happy to indicate that after joining and subsequently attending the several public speaking classes as well as functions my prowess in the art increased presumably well. My worst experience in public speaking came when I took to present a speech in the course of the “Chinese Spring Festival” whereby my pronunciation for words was worse let alone the nervousness and ineffective visual aid technique. In fact, I had to take out my I Pad, as always, for assistance in finalizing the speech. While all this was taking place, my palm sweated; I experienced an accelerated heart beat as well as memory loss. My subsequent experience with speech presentation was when I was tasked with the activity of writing a commemorative speech for my class which had the topic” Retirement Speech”. In this fictional speech, addressed to my employees, the outcome from the teacher indicated that it had fair content but possessed poor spellings of English words. I took to learn from the mistakes and in fact realized that my being a non-native English speaker my task was to even take more time practicing it altogether. I realized the importance of practice only after joining the public speaking class.

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My third experience in speech presentation or rather public speaking happened at the history class whereby the speech came out horrible than I expected, again, factors which hindered my perfect presentation was fear and poor pronunciation of English words. Personally, I am from northern part of China in a town called Yan Ji which is near Russia and North Korea borders and so my English is poor all the same. My final experience in public speaking came when I made a speech about the topic “A gilded cage is still a cage” that basically talked about cruelty subjected to animals when confining them in Zoos. On a positive matter, the speech came out really well especially because I took to practicing several speeches and also attending the lecture made by Yukie Tatta who presented a speech about “Muslims in Europe”. From her speech I learnt the importance of speaking slow in the course of public speaking since it helped with pronunciation of words hence audibility as a whole.

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Personally, I need the art of public speaking because I will need it my career path. I aspire to venture into hotel management and thus public speaking will heighten my public relations which are considered to be a key component in the success of a business. Apart from public speaking, I do possess interests on movies, cars, computers, travelling as well as watching wildlife animals. I believe that acquisition of public speaking skills will contribute positively in searching for a good job as well as intensifying my level of communication with my business contacts taking into account that I aspire to open up my own business after graduating from LCJ.



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