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Disseminating the Results

The outcomes of the project should be disseminated to the concerned parties such as the key stakeholders and to the greater nursing community. Thus, certain methodologies must be used to deliver the results in the most effective manner

Strategies for Disseminating the Results

The first strategy for disseminating the results is the use of a report. The Report must be developed to state the specific evaluations of the project. The report should be organized following the topics from the introduction, executive summary, and program applicability in the environment as well as the conclusion (Rimer & Emmons, 2005). After development of the report, it should be sent to all participants. This will ensure that evaluation feedback is complete (Rogers, 2003). The report should also contain evaluation results specifically the changes that have occurred after implementation of the project.

The second strategy is the use of a website. A website should be developed to disseminate evaluation results of the project to the leadership team, stakeholders as well to the entire staff. The structure of the website should address all the results including the positives and negatives (Kerner, 2006). In addition, disseminating evaluation results through the website will have an added advantage because visitors user-friendly will have access to the results. Thus, such visitors will be able to easily disseminate the information to their colleagues within and outside the organization (Rogers, 2003). Other features should also be included to enable visitors share links to ensure that everybody is able to get the information at the right time as well as give their feedback through the website (Kerner, 2006). For instance, the website should have polling questions, feedback form as well as site search engine. This makes it more users friendly.


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Finally, a workshop can also be prepared. This will involve the key stakeholders and the general staff. During the workshop, evaluation results will be presented to the team. A workshop is important because participants will be in a position to directly ask questions about the effectiveness of the project (Glasgow et al., 2004).


As analyzed above, the most effective strategy should be used to disseminate information to the key stakeholders and the entire staff. However, it is important to use more than one strategy to ensure that all the intended parties are able to access the information (Glasgow et al., 2004). Therefore, the use of a report, website as well as organizing a workshop will facilitate sharing of information and giving feedback on the outcomes.



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