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Free Custom Medicine Essay Paper

2-Day "Perfect" Diet essay

During the period of two days, I kept the diet and now I will try to compare the amount of nutrients that I got during these two days with the amount of nutrients needed for one to lead a healthy lifestyle. First of all, the energy value is the ...

A Career in Nursing essay

It is widely documented that the healthcare revolution that began in the late 1990s led to many changes especially those related to fiscal restraint and cost containment in the healthcare sector. Most importantly, the twentieth century is referred ...

A Daring Paradigm essay

According to Chapman (2005), a healing hospital should include a number of prerequisite concepts. That is, hospital management should be deeply committed to having their staff trained on how to provide those who visit their health care institutions ...

A Unique Patient Identifier essay

The Health Management Information Systems refers to a software application that is used to store all the information gathered of the people seeking for medical attention in hospitals around the United States. The HMIS stores information on the ...

AARP Presentation essay

Introduction The elderly have unique psychological, social, emotional, and physical needs that require nursing attention.  Nurses who care for the elderly are usually involved in dealing with age related problems as well as treating chronic ...

Abnormal Psychology essay

Treatments of mental disorders have had a broad array from super harsh to super soft in the popular culture, which is traced back to 19th century and earlier. This kind of disorders is not limited by age, religion or race, as long as one is exposed ...

Abortion and Mental Health essay

The authors of an article write about problems that women in violent relationships face especially when they are forced to have an abortion. The authors states “Men aged 18 to 35 years (n=1318) who completed assessments of perpetration of ...

Abortion should be legalized essay

The abortion debate has been one of the most contested debates in the recent past among different societies from the developed to the developing nations. The abortion debate has brought sharp reactions among the public on whether it should be ...

About Schizophrenia essay

This essay deals with the diagnosis of schizophrenia. It explains the challenges faced by patients who are diagnosed with schizophrenia against their own will. It will base its argument on the views of Thomas S Szasz on mental illness diagnosis and ...

Abstinence essay

This refers to the practice of restraining from all aspects involving sex for psychological, social, legal and religious reasons. Considering the current generation where children know about sex at tender age due to media influence, it becomes a big ...

Abuse of OxyContin and Other Prescription Painkillers essay

The Drug enforcement Administration has targeted as a top priority the illegal use of the prescription painkiller OxyContin in the wake of what the agency says is a dramatic and dangerous increase in the drug's availability. Simply crushing the ...

Access to Healthcare at Non-profit Hospitals essay

Among other healthcare organizations, non-profit hospitals have always been under public scrutiny and, therefore, provoked many heated discussions. These hospitals differ greatly from for-profit healthcare facilities. Unlike for-profit hospitals, ...

Acute Knee Sprain essay

A normal knee has a joint formed by the tibia bone from below, the patella in the middle and femur from above. The patella is held in the middle by four ligaments. These ligaments are Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL), Posterior Cruciate Ligament ...

ADA Mediation essay

The student in question meets the definition of “disabled” under the ADA which is “a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one’s ability to perform ‘a major life activity’” (Deskin Law ...

Addictive Personality essay

Addictive personality refers to a meticulous set of personality traits making an individual predisposed to particular addictions. Addictions characteristics include psychological or physical dependency, which negatively affects the life quality of ...

Adlerian and Reality Therapy essay

Adlerian therapy and reality therapy are two examples of psychotherapy commonly used in counseling. Psychotherapy counseling of clients is through interaction between a professional counselor and a client. This treatment tries to improve the well ...

Adlerian Therapy essay

While using the Adlerian therapy, therapists view the client’s problem by identifying the underlying problems, addressing wrong thoughts and correcting belief patterns of their clients. Adlerian therapists view the clients’ problem by ...

Advanced Directives essay

Patients and healthcare providers have different opinions that concern the application of advanced directives. Below are the responses to the questions in the correct order. Directives are legal, authoritative documents that enable a patient to put ...

Advanced Practice essay

This coursework investigates the literature on the conceptualizations of advanced practice in nursing. It summarizes Hamric’s conceptual model of nursing practice and describes how this model can fit into the advanced systems of nursing ...

Advanced training methods essay

After some time in training, muscles adapt to the training. The muscles will thus need an increase in the intensity for continued results and continued increase in muscles size, endurance, and strength. For the continued results, a person should ...

Advocacy Efforts by the AMA essay

The American medical Association (AMA) is a nonprofit making health association in USA. The association constitutes physicians and doctors in the United States, who came together with an aim of advocating for rights of individuals in the medical ...

Affects of Medical Regulations on Patient Care essay

Introduction The industry of health care has undergone fundamental alterations in the last twenty years; these changes have a great impact on patients as compared to workers. The relationship between specific changes in workforce; therefore, the ...

Against Abortion Debate essay

Abortion has been a very controversial topic for a long time now. Questions regarding the legality of abortion have filled the literary domain for a long period (Evaline, 2003). The availability of birth control options serves to dismantle the ...

Alcoholism essay

The article “Who is at risk for alcoholism” written byForoud, T., Edenberg, H.J., and Crabbe, J.C. deals with genetic factor which may lead to alcohol dependence. The World Health Organization estimates that nowadays alcohol is the cause ...

Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse essay

People usually abuse various substances such as tobacco, alcohol and other forms of drugs, because of varied and rather complicated reasons. These complications are evident in the hospitals and emergency rooms through the direct damage of these ...

Alcoholism: Problem and Solution essay

Introduction Alcoholism has always been the factor that ruined families, lives, and even generations. According to scientists, the majority of cases are connected with hereditary deviations in genes. About 50% of all cases of alcohol addiction are ...

All About Schizophrenia essay

Schizophrenia is an illness that attacks the brain, and is characterized by a collapse of thought processes and poor emotional responses. It usually has lots of consequences for individuals suffering from it, their families, and the entire society. ...

Ambulatory Care Services essay

There are a number of services that are incorporated with ambulatory care services. They include dental services, minor surgical and medical procedures, and diagnostic procedures such as X-rays, biopsy procedures and blood tests. There are many ...

America's Current Medical Record Systems essay

The problem with America's current medical record systems is that most of them are paper-based making them ineffective in communication and accessibility. A high number of patients make visits to their doctors, with each American making ...

American Medical Association essay

The theme in the book is pain and suffering. This was especially common and severe for women who still had to care for their families alongside the harsh living conditions they were exposed to as slaves. Suffering is also evident where slaves and ...

American Red Cross essay

Public health deals with the health of the population. It revolves around prevention of diseases and injuries, health protection and promotion. Public health emphasizes on the social situations and systems that have an influence each person within a ...

An Advanced Practice Nurse essay

An advanced practice nurse is described as a nurse with a large amount of clinical knowledge usually to a post-graduate level, with a high amount of skill and experience and wide scope in the practice of nursing. Hamric’s values should not be ...

Analysis of the American Society essay

Nurses live and work in a world that has become - and will remain - unequivocally pluralistic in nature and outlook. To put this another way, nurses now live and work in a world in which there is no one single reality, but many coexisting ...

Analyze Cross-cultural Psychology essay

Culture is a set variables that set symbolic beliefs, values and norms that hold a meaning at the minds of closely related people who identify with a similar context in how they related locally in their own environment. Human beings are influenced ...

Ancillary Services essay

Introduction Without ancillary services nurses, doctors, dentists, and other medical practitioners would not be in a position to work effectively. On the same, without ancillary services patients would not receive proper treatment for various ...

Anti Doping Policy in U.K. essay

Employee anti doping policy and drug testing have been around for more than 30 years. The practice was embraced by private employers early on and is now widespread, particularly among larger companies. The development of anti doping programs in ...

Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria essay

The most alarming issue in the modern is the hardship encountered in treatment of infections caused by bacteria due to resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. There are various categorization of antimicrobial agents defined their action mechanism. ...

Antibiotics Prior to Surgery essay

An antibiotic is a medicine, which limits the multiplication of microorganisms. It is also referred to as antibacterial, and is meant to curb the infections brought about by bacteria. One dose of antibiotics used before the surgery is known to stop ...

Antidepressants essay

Antidepressants are medicines that are primarily used to help people who have depression. According to Sife, the medicine works by stimulating the nerve cells to make more neurotransmitters while at the same time also preventing their uptake (Sife, ...

Assessment of a Patient essay

According to Paul (1990), critical thinking is the intellectual and disciplined process of applying skilful reasoning as a tool to guide for an action. The skills of critical thinking relate to the process of decision making in clinical matters. ...

Asthma essay

Asthma is a disease regarded as a chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes that causes swelling and narrowing of the airways, difficulties in breathing. However, this narrowing of the airways can be totally or partially treated with medication. ...

Asthma and Urban Sprawl essay

Centuries of years ago people died from incurable at that time diseases, however, they were oblivious of the threats which humanity faces today, namely the constant dangers to people’s health caused by the globalization and urban sprawl. With ...

Astraphobia essay

Storms are phenomena that are natural and are known to generate mixed emotions. Some love storms and others suffer from Astraphobia. Astraphobia it is an abnormal fear of thunder and lightning, this phobia affects both humans and some animals. The ...

Autism and Early Years Practice essay

The book Autism and early years practice: a guide for early year’s professionals, teachers and parents by Kate Wall focuses on the education concerns of children with autism. It highlights the early year’s intervention on children with ...

Autism Problems essay

Autism is a neurological disorder which is characterized by impaired social interaction problems, difficult in communication and repetitive behaviors. Autism disorder begins earlier in children under three years. It affects the brains thus causing ...

Autistic Disorder in Children essay

People suffer from various disorders. The disorders range from mental, physical and emotional disorders. All the disorders affect the normal functioning of an individual. This essay looks at autism, which is a disorder, which affects children. The ...

Avian Flu Antigens essay

Immunology techniques are based on the compatibility of the antigen and antibody reactions that are used in clinical diagnosis of viral infections. The case at hand is the screening of the villages with an aim to determine the infection. Blood ...

Back Pain Problems essay

Back pain problems have been in my family for some time. This is an initiative I am taking to address this as a personal issue. Given the scope of causes of back pain problem, I have designed this enlighten my family and the public in general on how ...

Behavioral and Socio-Emotional Approaches to Treatment and Interventions for Individuals with Autism essay

Autism is a serious disorder affecting children. Thousands of parents in all parts of the world face the challenge of autism in their children. Much has been written and said about the nature and consequences of autism for children. Unfortunately, ...

Behavioral Influences essay

Key Components and Relationships The expectancy theory provides insights into the forces behind people’s preference for certain behavioral options as opposed to others. Accordingly, the theory posits that people will be motivated if they ...

Bellevue Hospital - New York essay

Bellevue is arguably one of the oldest hospitals in the United States. It was established in 1736 as an infirmary, but over the years, the hospital has made great and positive growth to medical science, public health and education in the United ...

Bio essay

1. Lymphoma: Lymphoma is cancer that affects the lymphatic cells in the immune system. The cause of this ailment is uncertain, but several factors have been attributed to it. People at the risk of contracting the disease include the old, people with ...

Biological and Humanistic Approaches to Personality essay

Personality is defined as the collection of various thoughts, feelings, behaviors and other characteristic traits that are associated with a person (Burger, 2008). Various theories and approaches have been devised to try and come up with an ...

Bipolar Disorder essay

Bipolar disorder also is known as manic depression, manic-depressive illness or manic psychosis. Without proper treatment, this mental illness can be accompanied by affective state, the destruction of relationships and career, and some suicidal ...

Blood Case essay

Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is essentially based on the utility principle which proclaims that an act is good if it leads to the emancipation of happiness or pleasure (especially if it leads to the greatest pleasure/happiness). The major mission ...

Blood Transfusion essay

Introduction Blood transfusion has been the main process used during surgeries and other critical conditions involving loss of blood. However, the method is associated with high risks, necessitating the need for an alternative. Technically, with the ...

Brain Death and Life Support System essay

By the end of 1980, a rule was passed by Washington Supreme Court under which “brain death” was considered to be a “legal” method to determine death. Under this verdict death was defined as “irreversible cessation of ...

Breast Cancer essay

Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by abnormal cell growth. It is the leading cause of death across the globe. In 2008, more than 7 million people, which is nearly 13% of all deaths, died because of different types of cancer ...

Buying and Selling Organs essay

An organ transplant refers to a surgical operation that involves the removal and replacement of a destroyed body organ. Body organs perform distinct functions and if any of them is damaged, the body cannot function properly. A graft involves ...

California Health Care Reform essay

The State of California has initiated significant initiatives aimed at introducing reforms into the health care sector. In the last 3 years significant milestone has been made on account of changing the existing framework of health care delivery ...

Cardiology Nursing Staff essay

Undoubtedly, cardiac patients at the greatest risk are geriatrics approaching the age of 70 and experience cardiac pain even at rest. According to cardiologists, their electrocardiogram is quite characteristic in the sense that it has a segment of ...

Cardiovascular Disease essay

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are ailments that affect the circulatory system or the heart. There are three kinds of CVD including stroke (cerebrovascular disease), heart failure, and coronary heart disease (Silversteinet al, 2006). Coronary heart ...

Carl Rogers Person-Centered Therapy essay

Client-centered therapy is a non-directive form of talk-psychotherapy that was developed by psychologist Carl Rogers almost 70 years ago as an alternative to the then existing orientations that relied on interpretation or guidance. Using cases ...

Causes and Prevention of Atherosclerosis essay

Atherosclerosis is a health disorder that is characterized by the hardening of the arteries. In normal circumstances, Atherosclerosis is caused by aging. This occurs when plaque builds up in the arteries over time, making them narrow and stiff. The ...

Causes of Drug Usage essay

Since such a phenomenon as drug usage appeared in the society, a lot of efforts were made to comprehend the reasons of it. Getting an understanding of what leads to drug usage and how the process of involving in this “disease” occurs is ...

Causes of Substance Abuse essay

Substance abuse, also known as drug abuse, has been a serious problem for many people. Substance abuse is continuous taking dangerous illicit drugs and alcohol. Continuous use of this substance can lead to one suffering from dependence syndrome. ...

Celiac Disease essay

Celiac disease affects the small intestines. When one has a celiac disease there is allergic reaction in the small intestines towards gluten that is commonly found in wheat, barley and oats. This immunological reaction results in an inflammation ...

Cell Carcinomas essay

This essay investigates the literature available on the connection between HPV and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas in the US. It establishes the whether the experimental design was clearly described and if the possible influences on the ...

Cerebral Palsy in Adolescence essay

Cerebral palsy refers to a brain disorder caused by an injury in some parts that are usually in control of a person’s ability to utilize the muscles and bodies. Cerebral is anything that relates to the brain while palsy refers to that weakness ...

Changing Role of the Nurses essay

Introduction The nurses have a complex behavior expected of them. However, nursing has faced insurmountable problems throughout a long time and turbulent history due to some considerable differences in one or more nursing institutions. These ...

Child Abuse Analysis essay

Introduction and Research Question Child abuse is a pervasive phenomenon. Still, despite the growing body of statistics, the question of why children suffer from abuse and how to stop the cycle of violence lacks any answer. As of 2005, 3.3 million ...

Childhood Sexual Abuse and Eating Disorders essay

Childhood sexual abuse is thought to have a significant influence on the cognitive behaviors of individuals later on in life. Some researchers have in the past concentrated on the psychological impact of such experiences on women (Waller & ...

Childhood Vaccinations essay

Immediately after birth, the man faces the necessity to be vaccinated. In the modern society, vaccination is universally accredited. Yet, the most careful consideration is given to the effects of vaccination by young parents when a baby is born to ...

Chronic Bronchitis essay

Chronic bronchitis is a diagnosis featured with constant cough and sputum producing. It may be accompanied by airflow blockage or obstruction taking duration of over two to three months in two years. Testing aids such as pulmonary function may be ...

Clinical Case essay

This paper investigates the literature that is available on religious influences on the provision of healthcare. It entails an interaction between the student and the client to help understand the spiritual and/or religious dimensions of the ...

Clinical Nurse essay

This coursework establishes the goals and objectives of a clinical nursing specialist practicum. It demonstrates advanced knowledge and skill that a clinical nursing specialist should demonstrate in the care of patients with cardiovascular ...

Clinical Nurse Specialist essay

This coursework establishes the goals and objectives of a clinical nursing specialist practicum. It develops a perfect understanding of the discipline, as well as the expertise required in the nursing practice. In particular, it focuses on the ...

Clinical Psychology essay

Clinical psychology basically uses three main basic theoretical models with the main aim of understanding human behavior. These approaches are also used to aid in formulating research plans, assessments as well as treatment options. The approaches ...

Cognitive Psychology: Human Object Recognition essay

For a very long time object recognition in human beings has been one of the most debated topics in computer vision and psychology. Within the past ten years, psychologists have shifted their approach from construction objects in three dimensions to ...

Cognitive Psychology essay

QUESTION 1 Discuss experience dependent plasticity and face recognition as they relate to: a)    Evolution The brain is one of the most important organs in the animal body. It is able to change and adapt to the environment. The ...

Common Problem Worldwide essay

Shortage of nurses has been a common problem worldwide. The intervention mechanism will involve the following: firstly, identifying the problem and the main causes of this situation. Secondly, an effective plan will developed taking into ...

Complementary Alternative Medicine or Native American Healing Techniques essay

Under the pressure to reduce healthcare costs, complementary and alternative medicine is becoming a relevant alternative to traditional pharmacological therapies. As the burden of chronic diseases continues to increase, medical professionals are ...

Compulsive Eating Disorder in Women essay

Compulsive eating disorders are characterized by extremes. People with compulsive eating disorders experience rigorous disturbances in their eating behavior. Such disturbances include extreme reduction in the amount of food taken or eating too much. ...

Congenital Diabetes essay

A consistent increase in blood sugar that is not controllable leads to diabetics. The situation is congenital, chronic, and irreversible. The risk factors that are attributed to these disorders include issues such as hereditary factors. Through a ...

Cosmetic Surgery essay

Cosmetic surgery is a type of correctional surgery or rather a restoration of form to achieve a desired look or function. The surgery will mostly involve procedures that are intended for improvement of appearance through surgical or medical ...

Critical Analysis of a Second Selected Scenario from Caseworld essay

Introduction The purpose of current paper is twofold: two explore pathophysiology of angioplasty condition in a general context and to evaluate the effectiveness of an early mobilisation post-angioplasty. To accomplish the tasks, the present paper ...

Curbing Prescription Medication Abuse essay

Numerous strategies have been designed to reduce the probability of prescription medication abuse from taking place. However, regardless of the efficacy of the system established, there are still flaws that provide prescription drug users with a ...

Current Marketing Strategies for Mental Health Services essay

Hayes’s article is essentially a marketing plan meant for ‘The Greater Lawrence Mental Health Centre which is located in Lawrence (GLMHC), Massachusetts (Hayes, 1984). This a non profit making medical health facility with its activities ...

Custody of Obese Children essay

In this ranging debate, a number of quarters have added their voices into this increasing sea of perspectives, perceptions and opinions. Below, there is information on various opinion sources that will help in shaping a reasoned argument and ...

Death Experience essay

This paper explores several experiences which are near to death. The study has been conducted both online and offline. The paper mainly focuses on body experiences when there is impending death due to cardiac respiration problems. The main question ...

Death in a Nursing Home essay

Whether being admitted to a nursing home increases the risks of death is a difficult question. The current state of literature provides rich information on the risks and problems facing elderly nursing home residents. This paper is a review of ...

Definition of Advanced Practice essay

This essay investigates and discusses the definition of advanced practice in nursing and the core values of nursing, as explained by Hamric. These core values are intended to guide nursing practice, as well as the advanced practice. They include ...

Definition of Counseling with an Illustration of Its Most Important Aspects essay

The history of counseling psychology is part of the history of the twentieth century. It was born out of the compassion, idealism and social concern that ushered in a century that seemed full of hope and promise for a better world and a richer ...

Dementia essay

Dementia is a neurological disorder that entails a collection of disorders that impinge on the brain. Individuals having dementia may experience difficulties in handling problems and memorizing things. The various forms of dementia are: - lewy body ...

Dementia Problem essay

Dementia has been associated with impaired memory, poor orientation, low thinking capacity, low comprehension, language problems, poor calculation, poor judgment and learning capacity. With such effects there is need to establish the magnitude on ...

Dental Amalgam Controversy essay

Dental amalgam which is also known as silver filling is one of the dental filling materials that are used for restoring the structure of a decayed tooth. This filling material is made up of liquid mercury, which forms half of the compound containing ...

Dental Health essay

Application of Geographic Information System in Dental Public Health/Oral Health Care Health is one of the most important factors which indicate general welfare and quality-of-life of people. Mane factors which cause diseases differ in distribution ...

Depression essay

Everyone feels "blue" at certain times in his or her life. In fact, transitory feelings of sadness or discouragement are perfectly normal, especially during difficult times. But a person who cannot "snap out of it" or get over ...

Design of Health Care Organization essay

The main factors that influence organizational structure are those internal and external driving forces, which generally result in globalization and financial crisis. Thus, each company tries to build its own corporate structure that would lead the ...

Development of Functionalism and Pragmatism essay

Functionalism seeks to describe not the manner in which consciousness occurs but why it does. It is greatly influenced by the efforts of William James and the weighty impact of Darwin’s evolutionary theory. Functionalism searches to comprehend ...

Development of Medicine essay

The field of medicine has evolved immensely through time. Throughout history, people have practiced different activities in order to cure ailments, including witchcraft, ancient medicine and surgical procedures (Porter, 1997). This paper will ...

Developmental Disorders in Children essay

Developmental disorders in children are conditions that are characterized by children’s inability to acquire normal skills of development for their appropriate age. These conditions have the potential to affect their ability to behave, learn, ...

Dietary Plans essay

Carbohydrates play an important role in the physiological processes through providing a source of energy. The nervous system and the brain depend upon the glucose from carbohydrates in order to function properly. The entire body, on the other hand, ...

Dieticians and Nutritionists essay

Introduction Dieticians and nutritionists are the experts in nutrition and food. Their main task is to advise people what to eat and how to do it properly in order to achieve a health-related goal or lead the healthy lifestyle (Swanson, 2005). The ...

Direct Patient-Care Techniques essay

However, these efforts will have to be complemented with a constant review of the current literature, as well as engaging in the constant research. Although most of this research will be based on nursing and patient care, I will broaden it to ...

Discussion Effects of HIV Medication essay

HIV medication has lead to devastating effects on the child’s or adolescent’s brain or neurodevelopment. It has lead to depression, emotional distress, and anxiety. In addition, it can cause impairment of memory and thinking. This kind ...

Disease/Disability Group (Diabetes) essay

Diabetes is a chromic disease that is common in people with high blood sugar because of a failure of the pancreas to produce ample insulin or the cells failing to respond to the produced insulin. A person with diabetes usually has frequent urination ...

Disease Warriors essay

Summary This paper discusses different matters relating to Disease Warriors. It answers vital questions concerning various diseases highlighted in the episodes and significant individuals, who contributed to the development of diseases. The world is ...

Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem essay

From the time one is still young, parents educate their children to always be obedient and emphasize that obedience is a virtue, and disobedience is unethical. This forms the opinion that the society has accepted. Obedience is taught in almost all ...

Diversity in Health Care essay

Our world is multicultural, its demographic situation and economics are in the process of a constant change. People from different cultural backgrounds face the problem of health status disparities. That is why cultural diversity is a prior notion ...

DNP vs. PhD for Advanced Practice Nurses essay

In 2004, the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) was established by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) with a directive to be adopted by all advanced practice nurses (IOM, 2011). The degree was designed as the highest attainable ...

Does beauty standard affect and harm human body essay

A woman who constantly compares herself with the way the girls from magazine covers look don’t work for raising her self-esteem, and on the contrary, decreases it; in its turn, it has been known for decades that high self-esteem defines good ...

Down Syndrome essay

Down syndrome (usually abbreviated DS) is a medical condition caused by a chromosomal disorder in which the patient has 47 chromosomes instead of the normal 46. People suffering from Down syndrome are characterized by mental retardation (with a mean ...

Dr. Pinsky "Putting Broken Lives Together Again" essay

Alcoholism runs in families. Dr. Pinsky showed that alcoholism is a serious problem within our modern society and it should be cured correctly with respect to emotion of alcoholics. The writer makes to ask ourselves: Why people become alcoholics? ...

Drug Abuse essay

Lloyd, Jacqueline et al., Social contextual factors associated with entry into opiate agonist treatment among injection drug users. It’s a Health publication. The primary audience of the Journal is the American public. Injection drug users or ...

Drug Abuse Treatment essay

This paper is on drug abuse treatment in prison systems. Various reports have shown that a number of prisoners in U.S prisons have serious drug abuse problems, thus in need of treatment before they return to the society. A report by the bureau of ...

Drugs essay

The key clinical features of the scenario that lead to administering of oxygen included;  Post  cardiac arrest   Low blood oxygen levels Chronic and acute hypoxemia Symptoms of shock Low cardiac output Low metabolic ...

Drugs Legalization essay

Introduction The opponents of drugs legalization believes that the fight against drugs is yet to succeed in eradicating drugs from the society, though they appreciate that the effort is not in vain. While drug abuse has increased among different ...

Dysmenorrhea Related to Healthy People essay

Dysmenorrhea is not among the most essential goals of Healthy People 2020. Still, women's reproductive health remains one of the top priorities in Healthy People 2020. This paper includes a detailed overview of the health condition and its relation ...

Dyspareunia and Vaginismus essay

These are disorder associated with sexual pain that affects women exclusively. Dyspareunia refers to pain during intercourse while Vaginismus refers to sudden, involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles that interfere with sexual intercourse ...

Early Sexual Education essay

We are living in a time when sexual activity is at its peak. The country has suffered immensely with the rise of sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, and abortions. This, therefore, calls for the intervention of early sex education ...

Eating Disorder essay

Eating disorders can be defined as the presence of abnormalities in the eating habits of individuals that is broadly characterised by consumption of insufficient or excess food as required by the body. Research studies have identified this problem ...

Eating disorders; Anorexia essay

Theme: Eating disorders; Anorexia Topic: Contemporary effects of the mass media on eating habits that lead to anorexia Thesis: How and why the mass media has become a mediating structure between college students and their bodies by sending powerful ...

Eating Disorders as a Social Problem essay

Numerous facts prove the assumption that eating disorders are no longer the problem of an individual, but rather the problem of whole society. There are two main types of eating disorders – anorexia and bulimia. The majority of diseases are ...

Effectiveness of behavioral treatment for children with autism essay

The proposed research topic is: Effectiveness of behavioral treatment for children with autism. The main research question is: which behavioral approach is best for children with autism? Behavioral approaches have been recognized as crucial ways of ...

Effects of Addiction Essay essay

Addiction is a condition which manifests in an individual’s inability to control their craving for a certain element, substance, or practice. It is commonly associated with substance abuse as seen in most rehabilitation settings and other ...

Effects of Depression on Memory essay

Depression is defined as a serious disturbance in a person’s mood, which greatly interferes with his/her ability to function effectively, for instance, ability to eat, work, have fun, and sleep. Even though, people experience mood swings from ...

Effects of Malpractice Insurance Cost on the Healthcare System essay

Abstract This paper looks into the ways by which malpractice insurance cost has affected the healthcare system. To achieve this, it will address several issues which include: the role of malpractice insurance cost in healthcare organizations; its ...

Effects of Substance Abuse essay

Substance abuse can be potentially lethal to the body. Abusers can acquire cancer, heart problems, and liver disease. All the three are life-threatening. Substance abuse can also have social effects (Kolander, 45). The abusers are more likely to ...

Effectual Healthcare Liberation Systems essay

Effectual healthcare liberation systems rely profoundly on elevated degrees of proficiency in professionalism and statement. The wellbeing of the patient and eminent initiatives as well as magnet conditions consent that healthcare employees practice ...

Electronic Medical Records Limitations essay

The implementation of EMR application has been hindered mainly by; Technical issues including poor integration levels with various applications, functionality and quality are uncertain and it’s hard to use. It’s very costly to install, ...

Embryonic Stem Cells and Treatment essay

Numerous controversies and heated debates have been witnessed concerning the use of living beings in medical experimentation for purpose of research. The use of stem cells from a human embryo has triggered debates on many fronts. Medical experts, ...

Emergency Department Patient Literacy essay

The ability of an individual to write, read, understand and speak is known as literacy. Literacy is not only required in education or academic level but the need of literacy is immensely important in other fields of life. The literacy allows ...

Empowerment in Health Promotion essay

Introduction The concept of empowerment in actual health promotion and education practice has been a long standing concern among health experts in majority of critical health settings. This is attributed to the fact that numerous health programs ...

End of Life Medical Ethics Literature Review essay

One of the most sensitive problems in the entire healthcare system is the end of a\a patient’s life. Unfortunately, every human being is not an elf from the Tolkien’s “Lord of The Rings”. We are not immortal. Naturally, ...

Epidemiological Analysis of Dengue essay

Dengue fever is a new disease and it has not been studied fully. Therefore, there exist only a few clinical trials and research studies dedicated to it. In few infection instances, dengue could be transmitted during organ transplant when the donors ...

Euthanasia essay

Euthanasia is a practice in which an individual suffering from a terminal illness is medically killed through the use of a lethal chemical. The life of such an individual can also be ended through suspension of medical treatment. Euthanasia is ...

Euthanasia in the United States essay

Back, A. L., Wallace, J .I., Starks, H. E., & Pearlman, R .A. (1996). Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in Washington state. JAMA, 275(12), 919-925. This article provides estimates of the number of patient requests for euthanasia and PAS ...

Euthanasia Problem essay

Euthanasia is the intentional termination of life of a very sick person's life in order to relieve them of their suffering. This is usually in cases where the person has an incurable condition. There are other instances where some people want their ...

Existential to Adlerian Therapy essay

Existential Therapy also referred to as counseling is an approach to the core reasons as to the existence of human beings. It is a theory that aims at answering questions on; 1) The existence of a human being and the reasons for the short lifespan, ...

Explanatory Model and Culture essay

There are many definitions of health. In this essay, I would like to talk about this notion within the frames of its spiritual meaning. Health is the link between the state of physical and spiritual well-being, which is reflected on our social ...

Factors That May Contribute To Altered Nutrition in Elderly essay

Introduction The elderly are a group of people that are susceptible to nutritional problems. There are many factors that contribute to this problem. Some of the factors that may contribute to altered nutrition in elderly include the following; ...

Fallacies Paper essay

Over the years, abortion has generated the most heated debate in the world. Abortion is terminating a pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo from the uterus. Legalizing abortion does more good than when abortion is illegal.Legalizing abortions have ...

Family and Medical Leave Act essay

This is a Federal law in the United States of America that was enforced in 1993. It advocates for provision of unpaid work- protected leave to workers from their employers. Though this is only approved on the basis of family or medical care. This ...

Folk Remedies essay

Using home remedies for sicknesses is not just about the old wife tales of the earlier centuries. It includes different natural remedies that help reduce troublesome symptoms. A home remedy also includes home treatment with over the counter drugs ...

Forensic Psychologist essay

Forensic Psychiatry refers to a little specialty under Psychiatry and a back up science of criminology. It covers the interface found between law and psychiatry. A forensic psychiatrist offers a number of services that are determining an ...

Freud’s Civilization and Discontents essay

Introduction In the article Civilization and its discontents Sigmund Freud compares savage and civilized human lives to get a general meaning of civilization. He generalizes psycho-social theories and mainly deals with the cruel and violent nature ...

Freud’s theory of personality essay

Freud’s theory of personality posits that human behavior is composed of three parts which constitute the psyche. The three psychic elements develop at different stages with the Id developing first, then the ego, and,, lastly, the superego. The ...

Frivolous Malpractice Suits Have or Have not Caused an Increase in Health Care Cost to the Average Family essay

Introduction Congruence of the doctor’s treatment and diagnosis of a patient reminds one of an intricate dance, which is too complicated to avoid missteps. A patient can underestimate or overestimate some of his symptoms, so a doctor can ...

Fundamental Motor Skills essay

Fundamental motor skills is one of the most essential assessment in the physical education setting that provide a wide base of movement abilities from which more advanced skills can be developed. A child whose fundamental motor skills are not ...

Future Directions of Healthcare essay

Predicting the future of healthcare in America is not a very possible exercise as there are several challenges that have the potential to define the future of strategic healthcare. This paper will discuss five of these challenges including proposed ...

Genetic Fingerprinting in Paternal Testing essay

Paternity testing determines whether a person is the biological father of a particular child. The paternity testing procedure presupposes collection and examination the DNA sample of blood, skin, hair or anything else from a child and the father ...

Genetic Fingerprinting in Paternal Testing Issue essay

Questions of paternity presented a challenge to potential parents and researchers for many years. ABO phenotypes were used during the first half of the 20th century, the problem was that the blood group information of ABO only excluded potential ...

Genetic Therapy essay

Introduction Gene therapy is among the most scrutinized medical applications. Genetic therapy characterizes the introduction of genes with the ability to prevent a disease from progressing and preferably to cure the disease.  A normally ...

Gestalt Psychology essay

Structuralism theorists alleged that every mental procedure could be divided into smaller bits thus categorizing elements and constructing blocks of every reflective process. Functionalism refers to the examination of the intentions of various ...

Glaser Health Products essay

Operations costs are primary recurring costs associated with central operations other than cost of goods sold that are incurred in order to generate sales. They include depreciation on factory equipment, depreciation on factory building, cost of ...

Goals of Psychology essay

Understanding human behavior is critical to various parties. It helps in proper management of people as one can predict the outcome of various actions. Psychology is primarily involved in understanding human behavior. Psychology has four main goals. ...

Gonorrhea essay

STIs are usually spread from one individual to another when having sex. There are many kinds of sexually transmissible bacteria, parasites and viruses, which cause gonorrhea, chlamydial infection, syphilis, chancroid, trichomoniasis, genital warts, ...

Government-Run Health Care Affirmative essay

In 2009, the Affordable Health Choices Act was passed. The aim of the act was to make healthcare more affordable and available for Americans. There has been a lot of opposition to such healthcare legislations. This opposition is as a result of ...

Graduate Nursing Education essay

The adult nurse practitioner program prepares students to undertake advanced nursing practice in providing primary care to “at risk” and chronically-ill adult patients and their families in a wide range of care settings including ...

Hallucinogens essay

Abstract LSD is one of the strongest hallucinogens known today.  It has been studied since 1943 and its potential is not studied fully yet.  It has strong influence on human psychic, and besides unforgettable trip it can give and ...

Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm essay

Components of Healing Hospitals The premise of healing hospitals is on the creation of an optimal healing environment for the patient. A healing environment encompasses the conditions of care giving and the nature of care provided to the patient. ...

Health Beneficiaries essay

Change in End-of-Life Care for Medicare Beneficiaries: Site of Death, Place of Care, and Health Care Transitions in 2000, 2005, and 2009 Teno, M. J., Gozalo, P. L., Bynum, J. P. W., Lelland, N. E., Miller, S. C. . . . Mor, V. (2013). Change in ...

Health Care Analysis essay

Health care may be described as the treatment or management of illness. Broader descriptions may also include preserving of health through services that may be offered. Health care services may range from services such as medical, dental, ...

Health Care Competition essay

Introduction Majority of markets is left for consumers to decide the quantity and prices that prevail. In this case, the government plays a limited role in regulating the markets. It is a typical scenario where competitors vie to satisfy the market ...

Health Care Finance essay

Health care is an essential element in the life of any individual. Access to medical services not only provides one with a sense of well-being, but prevents any fatalities arising from medical emergencies. Preventable ailments can be diagnosed and ...

Health Care Job Analysis essay

Organizational change impacts all aspects of health care delivery. The goal of this paper is to perform a detailed job analysis for the position of Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). The paper includes the description of the organizational change ...

Health Care Organization essay

Maintenance and improvement of health of citizens is a fundamental priority of the government in the current conditions and is vital for the preservation of society and national security. Reforming of the health care system requires the adaptation ...

Health care provider and faith diversity essay

Caring for patients is somehow involving and it can be very tiring. One has to take extra care to protect him/her from exhaustion and especially due to lifting things and overworking. A man is a living being and has to rest every now and then both ...

Health Care Reform/Affordable Care Act essay

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a comprehensive health reform legislation, which was signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010. The new law aims at expanding healthcare coverage, increasing healthcare access and affordability, ...

Health Care Spending essay

Health care is one of the largest components of the American economy. Currently, 14 percent of our national wealth is spent on it each year. While consumer prices rise about 2 percent annually, health care costs are going up three times faster, ...

Health Care Spending Analysis essay

United States’ health care, is provided by many legal entities. Health care facilities in the country, is owned and operated largely by the private sector. Health insurance is the main provider of the funding for healthcare in the private ...

Health Care Spending Paper essay

Introduction The United States of America is a country that has experienced tremendous achievements in the establishment of a model health care system. The current system is indeed functional within constraints of the impending economic dilemma ...

Health Concepts and Behavior Change essay

The definition of health has been an elusive matter for sociologists as various definitions have emerged from different health professionals. Whereas other scholars have defined it as a negative approach to health or the lack of illnesses in the ...

Health Disparities essay

Summary Health disparities refer to statistically significant differences in the health status of populations. These are often preventable and reflect other underlying differences in the population in question, namely the ones in ethnicity, ...

Health Education Plan essay

Importance of Health Education Good health is every prudent individual’s and governments’ or societies joint responsibility. Good health in this case not only applies to the physical well being of an individual but also includes the ...

Health Information Changes essay

The benefits of health information changes include; first, it allows for efficient treatment of the patients. There is faster turnaround time for results. Patients are also given medication quickly hence reducing chances of dying. Secondly, it is ...

Health Information System essay

Health Information System provides a way for health systems to assimilate information from diverse sources. This enables the health system to utilize information gathered for formulating policies that will enhance the management of the health ...

Health Information Technology essay

Health Information Technology (HIT) has been adopted to help in advancing the quality and protection of Medicaid. It involves the use of electronics to coordinate activities. These can be in activities like drug prescription and recording the health ...

Health Needs Assessment for Diabetic Children essay

Purpose Diabetes is a chronic disease that influences every aspect of person's life. Diabetes can result in poor health, disability, and even premature death. Type 1 diabetes is known as insulin dependent diabetes.  It develops when the ...

Health Organization Case Study essay

UnitedHealthcare is believed to be the largest medical insurance provider in the United States. The organization is well-known for its detailed strategic approaches to health care insurance and its strong commitment to innovations and cost-effective ...

Health Proposal essay

The industry of Health Care occupies a sixth of the total U.S. economy. It is the scope of the intersection of interests of powerful pharmaceutical and insurance corporations, hospitals, caregivers and the all doctors and nurses. The Healthcare ...

Healthcare Covers essay

For low-income earners, the Pennsylvanian government has ensured they have cheap covers to suit their pay. In other words, they have subsidized healthcare covers for a whole family. Additionally, Medicaid offers free insurance covers for pregnant ...

Healthcare Marketing essay

Q.1 How has the traditional family evolved, and how does this affect health care marketing? In the early 19th century, a family consisted of a father, mother, children and sometimes the presence of a grandparent, uncle or aunt. This family was held ...

Healthcare Policy essay

General policy making viewpoints that exist today with respect to access, cost and quality of healthcare in the United States Delivery of health care in the United States continues to face several problems to date with regard to cost of health care, ...

Healthcare System in Russia essay

The "vertical" of control over the health institutions include ministerial (federal), regional (major centers and cities) and local (municipal) levels. Governmental (federal, regional, municipal) public health authorities have the right to control ...

Healthy Grief essay

Grief is a feeling of great sadness expressed in different ways and for different reasons. It is a reaction to negative events or circumstances in life such as death or loss, which occurs in a number of emotions over time. A commonly accepted model ...

Henry Fayol essay

According to Henry Fayol's theory of management, managerial ability is more salient in higher level of management than in lower echelons. Henri Fayol outlined the functions of management to be;planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and ...

HIV Awareness in India essay

Introduction The prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the world has had immense effects on both the economic and social environment. Sexually active people are prone to the virus and campaigns to increase awareness have been ongoing in different states at ...

HMIS Standards essay

Each and every one of us has visited a hospital either in need of medical attention or just to visit someone admitted in the hospital. One is always given a form to fill that contains personal details like the names and address of the patient ...

Home Care Nursing essay

Expert nurses are expected to have developed skills and similarly have a good understanding of the patients and know how they should be cared for over a given duration of time based on education and experience. However, the acquisition of skills and ...

Hormone Imbalance and Alzheimer's Disease essay

Hormone imbalance is a violation of the normal state of hormones in the blood that leads to serious changes in the human body. Alzheimer’s disease may be the result of this imbalance that affects the patient’s well-being. The imbalance ...

Hospice Care essay

Hospice Care is a special kind of healthcare, which main aim is to keep the patient comfortable after the diagnosis that the underpaying disease cannot be cured nor be treated. Therefore, hospice care focuses on the palliation of a terminally ill ...

Hospital Acquired Complications essay

Hospital acquired complications are one of the main issues that hospital administrators have to deal with each day. As a matter of fact, it is one of the main reasons cited for litigation of patients against hospital facilities alongside ...

Hospital Management essay

Following the latest growing demand for the transplantable organs by the hospital clients, there is a dire need for the supply of organs to meet their demands, specification, and precision to the purposes, which they are intended for, within the ...

Hospitalists essay

Since the mid-‘90s, hospitalists have taken the American health care system by storm. These medical specialists are all over the American hospitals. The number of hospitalists nationwide was about 15, 000 in 2007, and it has been increasing ...

Hospitality Industry essay

INTRODUCTION Hospitality industry is a fast growing industry. Kempinski is the oldest hotel company in the world. The company’s root is in Germany it was established in 1987.Kempinski Hotels are well known hotels and resorts which currently ...

Hospitals essay

The major service that hospitals offer is health care; however, many hospitals offer teaching and research.  Research may include both clinical research, which involves patients, and laboratory research that does not involve patients. Hospital ...

How cocaine effect dopamine in the brain? essay

Dopamine is generally a neurotransmitter, or a substance synthesized in the brain by certain neurons that are responsible, for pleasure and motivation among other functions. After synthesis, the substance is stored in special little bags, referred ...

How Do Culture, Enculturation and Social Expectations Affect Adulthood Experiences, Growing Old And The Perceptions of Aging in Human Development? essay

Adulthood is a process of growth and maturity in humans. It has several stages such as early, middle, and late adulthood. Adulthood is influenced by various fundamental factors including cultural, biological, and social factors. Different people ...

How Does Culture, Enculturation and Social Expectations Affect Conceptions and Experiences of Elderly Illness essay

Culture, social, and enculturation are fundamental factors that affect the elderly in a major way in the society. This is because they are practices that individuals encounter from childhood to adulthood until their old age or point of death. While ...

How Dr David Finkelhor's psychological perspectives of abuse contributes to our understanding of the causes of abuse essay

Dr David Finkelhor has studied abuse problems among children and family violence in general since 1977. In his empirical and conceptual work, he points out the psychological impact of abuse, especially among children. He believes that child sexual ...

How Effective Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Compared to Other Psychological Therapies and Pharmacological Options in Treatment of Postnatal Depression essay

Postnatal (post-partum) depression remains a popular object of medical and psychological research. Thousands of women all over the world report “a loss of self” following the birth of their children. Almost every tenth delivery ends up ...

How Genes Work to Regulate Cell Activity essay

Protein structure determinations perfectly complement genomic information. The proteins revealed in these structures are marvelous molecular machines. Each consists of a chain of amino acids (or several chains) whose sequence is encoded in the ...

How to Lose Weight essay

“Instead of giving myself reasons why I can’t, I give myself reasons why I can” (Eason). Before the procedure is discussed, let us look at the benefits of weight loss and the extent to which weight should be lost. It should be kept ...

How to Tame a Wild Tongue by Gloria Anzaldua essay

Gloria Anzaldua’s ‘how to tame a wild tongue’ is an expression and illustration of someone who refuses to let go of her heritage with a view to belonging to a given setup. It looks at her traumatizing experience in a ...

Human Service Profession Help essay

Late last year, a fourteen year old boy was involved in an accident that happened in the streets of Washington City. Besides, the traffic police found out that the involved person was a minor and the boy was also intoxicated. This meant that the ...

Huntington disease essay

Huntington's disease (before - Huntington's chorea) is a rare genetic disorder of the brain characterized by involuntary jerky movements (chorea), restless behaviour and degradation of personality and intelligence, leading to mental, physical, and ...

Illness/Condition essay

Introduction The application concepts seen in most population and health intervention programs aim at strengthening community health fundamentals of the respective populations they are handling. The running of these programs is elementally based ...

Impact of Healthcare by Technology essay

Technology has improved and completely transformed the medical office in the public health sectors across the world. Health care practiced today cannot be virtually recognized from the one practiced in the past centuries. Technology has improved ...

Importance of Recycled Water essay

There has been an increasing pressure on water resources which has led to the development and escalation of the concept of beneficial use of recycled water. It is fast becoming an imperative subject for water agencies all over the world. Due to ...

Influences on Perception essay

Human perception is fundamentally affected by a multitude of factors some may arise inherently. The Gestalt theory in perception introduces a fundamental element regarding human perception based on the concept of atomism, which eliminates the ...

Influenza Virus Basic Concepts essay

There are various forms of influenza of influenza; those that have been identified include influenza A, influenza B, and influenza C. Type A usually results in causation of localized outbreaks seen in many places. Type B is known to cause sporadic ...

Information Technology in Healthcare essay

Information technology (IT) has found widespread applications in the field of health care whereby it facilitates collection, storage, retrieval, and transfer of health information electronically. As a result, IT enables health care providers to ...

Informed Consent essay

The informed consent has been obtained for treatment of sally, but few things have not been disclose about Sally’s status. The informed consent states that the patient should be informed about his treatment and by obtaining the consent from ...

Institutional Negligence essay

Nursing is a field that requires not only service but also keenness. This is one thing that a hospital should always be prepared to face. Therefore, in this situation, it is evident that the patient did not fail on his side but the hospital at large ...

Introduction and Justification of the Study essay

Muscular stretching prior to exercise historically has been recommended by physical educators, individuals involved in athletics, and a variety of healthcare practitioners as an integral component of a preparatory program to prevent musculoskeletal ...

Introduction to Billing and Coding essay

The patient presents an appointment Adrian is a patient having a back problem. He needs to get immediate help from a medical officer. The first step he needs to take is book for an appointment with the doctor before proceeding to meet him or her at ...

Introduction to Nursing Research essay

Nursing is one of the medical fields that are rapidly changing. This is accelerated by the increasing research in different areas (Aiken et al. 2002). Most of the research done is aimed at ensuring that the outcomes of the patient care are improved. ...

Investigative Psychology essay

This paper begins with an introduction that highlights the problem of the research. The problem highlighted is Investigative Psychology that deals with the relationship between a criminal, the environment, and a victim. The introduction gives a ...

Is Fast Food Good for this Notation? essay

Lack of time and hectic schedules caused the necessity of fast food consumption as people have no time to cook during the day. Thus, they depend on the food which is served in public places. Fast food industry is rapidly influencing our diets, the ...

Is there a place for nanotechnology in Medicine essay

In the contemporary world, the application of technological applications has been adopted as a growth and developmental strategy in different industrial settings. Medicine being an important field by virtue of its role in the maintenance of human ...

Japanese Encephalitis essay

Japanese encephalitis refers to a viral disease, which infects both human and animals. The disease is caused by a flavivirus, which affects the membranes surrounding the brain. Mosquitos that breed on rice fields transmit the virus. Most of the ...

John Bowlby essay

During the 1930s and 1940s John Bowlby, considered one of the most influential child psychiatrics, worked at a clinic for mentally disturbed adolescents. It was in this context that, between 1936 and 1939, he conducted a research on the case ...

Kidney Function and Alcohol essay

Filtration The kidney plays an important role in the body in eliminating the waste products consumed or produced by other organs. One of its functions is filtration of the products that enters it. The filtration process in the kidneys takes place ...

Killer Diseases Have No Respect for National or Political Borders essay

Understandings that societies have about illnesses have social ramifications that extend beyond the physiological conditions alone. Cancer and heart disease are major causes of death in North America. AIDS, a new disease, is an epidemic with ...

Knee Injuries essay

The age of the patient, history of knee pain and its location are vital factors when diagnosing knee injuries. A medical practitioner should find out when the knee pain started and its location plus the age of the patient. Previous knee injuries can ...

Lab Report essay

This paper covers the diagnostic methods used in the diagnosis of avian flu, a viral infection that is associated with certain species of birds. It is a severe infection that spreads incredibly fast. Besides birds, the infection also affects humans. ...

Learning Disabilities in Tertiary Education essay

Introduction Field, Sarver, & Shaw (2003) allude to the fact that one in every five children and one in every seven adults are affected by learning disabilities. About 120,000 students are diagnosed with learning disabilities every year. ...

Legal Abortion essay

I am Omar and I have a proposal on a movie project about the legalization and implementation of abortion in all the countries in the world. Abortion is a worldwide action that entails the termination of pregnancy before the normal time of delivery. ...

Legalization of Anabolic Steroids essay

Anabolic steroids are kind of artificial or synthetic testosterone form; this is the hormones that identify the sex of a human being. They are therefore known as anabolic-androgenic steroids which refer to a chemical that boosts the mass of the ...

Legalization of Drugs essay

The history of drug use is ancient. Nowadays, people, especially young ones, take drugs because they want changes in life, they want to escape from routine problems, feel relaxed, experiment or rebel, because of curiosity, social influences, ...

Legalization of Euthanasia essay

The proponents of legalization of euthanasia are the ones who have seen their loved ones die in suffering. This is in case such an individual did not benefit from the palliative care. Indeed, such individuals do not advocate for the so called ...

Legalization of Marijuana essay

Introduction The issue of whether the use of marijuana should be legalized has been a controversial subject not only in the United States of America, but also in other countries that have banned its use. It is impossible to deny the fact that ...

Legalization of Marijuana Problem essay

Introduction To legalize or not to legalize marijuana is rather challenging question. The modern society is transforming, but it is hardly ready for such kind of radical changes. Different members of society have their own concerns about the policy ...

Legalizing Marijuana Use for Recreational Purposes essay

Since time immemorial, the use of marijuana has been prohibited and illegalized in many countries across the world. This is because of the belief that marijuana has no positive impact on the human body. Since then, marijuana has been associated with ...

Leukemia essay

Leukemia is the cancer of blood cells. The word leukemia is derived from Greek words Leukos means white and Haima means blood.  In this type of cancer, the growth and development of the blood cells (especially white blood cells) become ...

Lifespan Development essay

Adolescence is one of the most confusing stages of human lifespan development. Adolescents undergo profound physiological and psychological changes, which either facilitate or impede the development of effective social ties. This paper reviews the ...

Lupus essay

Lupus is a persistent autoimmune infection that usually makes the body’s immune system to attack its organs and tissues which include the skin, joints, blood, kidneys, brain, heart and lungs. Its symptoms comprise loss of appetite, swollen ...

Managed Care essay

Managed care refers to a variety of methods used in the United State, and it is intention is to minimize the health care costs and advance the quality of care providing. Managed care is the program of coordinating, rationalizing and channeling the ...

Managing a Hospital essay

Managing a hospital without prior knowledge of medicine may be difficult. To provide a high standard of health care services, administrators must acquire the right mix of principles and practices common to any managerial position. Management in the ...

Manassas Cardiology Associates essay

Manassas Cardiology Associates is a professional group that specializes in diseases related to the cardiovascular and peripheral vascular systems. They offer quality consultative services in addition to a cardiac diagnostic testing. To ensure the ...

Marijuana Analysis essay

The author of the article ‘Medical Marijuana is a dangerous fraud focuses on the potential damages of the use of marijuana in medicinal applications due to the potential harm it poses on the human body as seen in many instances. He focuses his ...

Martin Memorial Hospital essay

The Luiz Jimenez/Martin memorial hospital case explores extrajudicial medical returns or theexerciseof hospitalsprivatelydeporting of immigrantsickpeople. This contravenes with thelawof the United States, which demands that hospitals ...

Maslow Theory essay

Abstract This paper provides a concise critique on the relevance, application, and overarching effect of the famous Maslow hierarchy of needs with regard to the modern day school functional system. Philosophers have proposed new ways and strategies ...

Massachusetts General Hospital: An Overview essay

Massachusetts General Hospital or MGH is basically a teaching hospital under Harvard Medical School. MGH is also popularly known as Mass General Hospital. It is primarily a biomedical research unit facilitated in Boston of Massachusetts. There are ...

Mayo Clinic Pulmonology Center essay

Introduction The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota is one of the best pulmonology centers in the United States. This clinic’s consistent focus on high-quality care in all specialties has made Mayo Clinic a famous brand all over the country. ...

Medical Apartheid essay

Racism entails the belief that some races are superior to others in society. From as early as the colonial era, racism in the United States of America has been a crucial issue. Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, Mexican etc were ...

Medical Bioethics essay

Bioethics is concerned with some of the most disturbing topics, such as the nature of life, what kind of life is worth inhabiting and the nature of death. Eugenics on the other hand refers to the study of the activities under social control that may ...

Medical Device Packaging and Sustainability essay

Sustainability is one of the main extending ambitions in medical devices industry. The alterations outlined in this paper can be prepared to pack designs to meet these goals that will as well culminate other profitable efficiencies. Options are to ...

Medical Disaster Response essay

It is true that hospitals nearest the scene of a disaster are often overwhelmed with self-triaged patients before the first EMS transport are dispatched from the scene. There are so many reasons as to why the “worried well” seek ...

Medical Error and Legal Scholarship essay

A medical error is an adverse effect that is harmful to a patient. Medical errors are usually preventable in all cases. In many cases, medical errors involve inaccurate diagnosis of a medical condition. There are various medical procedures, such as ...

Medical Field Study essay

On many instances medical groups have partially or solely depended on the primary care physician practices in times of referrals. This is however changing nowadays where apart from the physician activities carried out; an evaluation on the customer ...

Medical Futility essay

Baby k case is a court case that took place in the court of the United States in October 13 1992 and ended in April 5, 1995. Baby K, known as Stephanie Keene who was an anencephalic baby was born in the hospital of Fairfax, Virginia district in the ...

Medical Insurance Organization essay

Medicaid can be defined as a medical insurance organization that covers the medical needs for the eligible persons in the United States. The eligible people should be the needy who cannot afford medical services. Those who require private health ...

Medical Intervention essay

After collecting and analyzing the data, the study results showed that the public did not support the use of medical intervention for troubled children, even in the cases of suicidal threats there were mixed reactions towards psychiatric ...

Medical Services essay

This paper critically analyzes the strategies employed between the years 1996 through 2001 to 2011 to fight poverty in the United States. The main concern is the liability of healthcare expenses on family finances, which has further impoverished low ...

Medical Terminology essay

The extensive use of medical abbreviations puts the patient at risk. Several misleading medical abbreviations have posed serious risks to numerous patients. It occurred since most of the prescriptions that occurred in form of abbreviation ended up ...

Medicare essay

Since early 1990s health care issues have been a major concern in the United States. As early as in 1915, various agencies embarked on ways of establishing government health insurance programs (National Academy of Social Insurance Study on Medicare ...

Medicare Parts essay

Medicare has four different parts that help to cover specific medical services: Medicare Part A Medicare Part A is health insurance provided by Medicare and covers hospital inpatients and skilled nursing facility (Medicare.gov, n.d.). People qualify ...

Medicine and Ocean essay

Many years ago, before the existence of the present technology that we rely on currently, before plants were cultivated for food, animals kept as livestock, the basic human need to relieve pain and prolong life prompted man into the search for ...

Modalities Used essay

Addressing drug treatment problems entails the application of various modalities, which are essentially used to determine the urgency level and treatment option that will be used. This mainly entails the establishing the frequency and respective ...

Mutagens essay

Agents known as mutagens cause the changes in the DNA sequence. DNA mutation may occur through nucleotide substitution, deletion, and insertion and may range from a single DNA base to a large chromosome segment. DNA mutations may be hereditary or ...

Natural Healing essay

According to a survey by Angus Reid in Canada conducted in September 1997, over 42 percent of the country’s population now uses natural healing methods and/or visits a doctor offering alternative treatments (Sikand, 1062). Why has this ...

Natural selection analysis essay

Natural selection is a process by which organisms adapts to their natural environment. Human beings are unlike animals as far as the process of natural selection is concerned (McGinley, 2012). Technological advancement has to a small extent affected ...

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome essay

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome mostly occurs as a result of complications due to the use of antipsychotic drugs. The term resulted after observations on patients who had been diagnosed with the psychic related problems. The researched drugs to be ...

New Jersey Medicaid essay

Introduction DMAHS govern state and federally sponsored health insurance agenda groups of moderate and low-income people. Furthermore, New Jersey Medicaid is a privileged program that gives health insurance for more than 500,000 very low-income ...

News Event on Escherichia Coli Bacteria essay

The scientific name of the referred organism discussed in the article is Escherichia coli. These are bacteria that exist in various serotypes which can be broadly grouped as enteroaggregative, enterotoxigenic, enteropathogenic and enteroinvasive. ...

Non-Infectious Disease “Lung Cancer” essay

1.    What Are the Presenting Symptoms of This Lung Cancer Disease? Loss of appetite accompanied with loss of weigh. Constant pain in the chest area, usually, the pain is dull, aching, and persistent. Coughing up blood or rusty-colored ...

Non Value-Added Cost in a Doctor's Office essay

There are some costs that do not add any value in offices. Considering a medical clinic, the operations within it determine the number of employees needed and how they will coordinate. Considering Dr. Steve Rosenthal’s medical practice, the ...

Normal and abnormal behavior essay

"Normal" and "abnormal" behavior Normal and abnormal behavior is always judged based on what is accepted and vice versa.  There are myriad of difficulties in defining what is considered normal or abnormal. The first difficulty is because there ...

Nurse to Physician Relationships essay

The main health professionals in hospitals consist of nurses and physicians. While physicians perform the technical roles such as surgery, nurses play a highly critical role in ensuring that patients are well taken care of, and that they recover ...

Nursing Advocacy essay

Nurses nowadays are increasingly required to offer not only just physical comfort for their patients (as it had been in the past) but also the psychological, social and spiritual comfort for them. This takes one more importance, especially if the ...

Nursing and HealthCare essay

Nurses are integral in the execution of healthcare roles and responsibilities. They are responsible for clinical, administrative, educative, supervisory, recording and reporting of, communicative and counseling activities as ably demonstrated in the ...

Nursing Care essay

Healthcare is a broad that comprises of different areas of specialization. There is the field of medicine, pharmacy, chiropractic and nursing practice among many others. People, from ancient times till today, rely heavily on health care for ...

Nursing Community essay

Different community organizations offer ample platform for the experience of clinical matters. The main objective of this paper is to discuss my public health experience, when I worked with the community. I was assigned to a church, and different ...

Nursing Degree is better than Any Other Degree essay

Nursing as a profession is the is the area that focuses on taking care of people so that they can recover, maintain, or attain optimum health and enjoy quality in life. A nursing degree has many advantages towards the community and the people taking ...

Nursing Informatics essay

Nursing develops and gets complicated with each passing day. Two issues continue to challenge this profession including how to differentiate medical care from nursing care and how to record the well being of medical patients. Using electronic ...

Nursing Questions essay

Florida State through its rigorous Board of Nursing has developed various reasons to revoke, suspend or reprimand a nurse from practicing his/her profession. The reasons include: any attempt by any member to use, or be seen to use a certificate or ...

Nursing Research essay

Nursing research a progressive inquiry geared to build trustworthy evidence about critical issues in the nursing profession, including nursing practice and ethics. In the field of nursing, research is pertinent as it provides the basis of evidence ...

Nursing School Application essay

Dr. Orison Swett Marden, M.D., (1850 – 1924) once said “every experience in life, everything with which we have come in contact in life, is chisel which has been cutting away at our life statue, molding, modifying, shaping it. We are ...

Nursing should only be taught in University essay

In many different countries in the world have always preferred that nursing and other career courses should be taken as one qualifies for university levels it is be well known that School is for gathering knowledge; it acts as a stepping stone to ...

Nursing Theorists essay

Introduction The term ‘nursing’ is today used to refer to the healthcare profession who focuses on the provision of care to individuals and families or even communities with the aim of assisting them to attain and maintain their optimal ...

Nutrition essay

Nutrition is a process of acquiring the right category of food to ensure good health and growth. Nutrition is essential for growth and fitness of health because without good nutrition, one may develop a weak immune system. This may endanger ...

Nutrition During Pregnancy essay

The energy needs are hiked to foster growth and development of the tissues such as placenta, amniotic fluid and fetus, maternal tissues like uterus and breasts, tissue synthesis, and maternal fat deposition. The approximate extra cost of energy ...

Obamacare essay

The rendered article comes from The Economist. It was published on the 2 of July, 2012. The title of the item is “Obamacare and the Supreme Court. It Doesn't Mean Anything, Yet.” The author of this contribution is Willy Wilkinson. His ...

Obesity essay

The article: Medicare extends coverage for obesity by Melissa Healy is a report containing a medical plan aimed at cubing overweight and obesity in America. According to the report, obesity screenings are to be done to as many people as possible ...

Obesity essay

Obesity is a health care impairment that is a result of an excessive or abnormal accumulation of fat. The last one is the primary source of stored energy. It also secretes many hormones and cytokines. An excess central fat deposition may lead to ...

Oregon Health Insurance Experiment essay

Research has taken over empirical studies in the modern-day world. Research forms an integral part of day-to-day life and is attributable to the great strides made in the advancement of human life. A recent study by the Oregon hospital regarding ...

Organ Donation Issues essay

The following article attempts to demystify the practice of organ donation. It will discuss the concept, the myths and facts, as well as the advantages and disadvantages in relation to this practice. According to the US Health and Human Services ...

Organic Food essay

The Organic Age has come. The number of organic food fans constantly increases. The goal of this paper is highlight the essence of the organic foods controversy. The paper includes a brief discussion of organic foods, their essence and main ...

Osteoporosis essay

The bones are significantly important forms of connective tissues in the body that comprise primarily of fibrous protein collagen impregnated with a mineral phase of calcium phosphate (Braun & Anderson, 2007). This gives the bones the ability to ...

Osteoporosis in Young Women essay

Osteoporosis in young women results from a drop in estrogen levels in the body, which leads to bone frailty as estrogen works to protect the bones (Popat et al., 2009). A poor diet with inadequate vitamin D and Calcium leads to osteoporosis as the ...

Pain Assessment, Management and Patient Centered Care essay

Pain is believed to be a physiological phenomenon that informs people on the harmful effects that damage the body or pose a potential danger to it. Pain is the subjective awareness that is a result of transduction, transmission, and modulation of ...

Palliative and End of Life Care essay

The palliative care is described as the area whereby, healthcare focuses on the relieving and the prevention of the suffering patients. Unlike the hospice care, the palliative medicine is seen as appropriate for the patients and the disease stages ...

Palliative Care and Nursing Advocacy essay

Palliative care is the medical approach or simply comfort care aimed at slowing the progress of a disease or reducing its severity. Palliative care is very crucial when a patient is suffering from an incurable disease or when the patient has other ...

Panspermia essay

Panspermia theory came up in the 19th and early 20th century as an idea of the possibility of existence of bioorganic molecules, seeds, germs, and organisms in space and how they reached the earth. According to Arrhenius and Kelvin, panspermia ...

Paranoid Schizophrenia essay

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder which is described as a collapse of thought process and poor emotional responsiveness. Schizophrenia contains five subtypes: paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated, residual, post-schizophrenic, and ...

Parkinson’s Disease essay

Parkinson’s disease refers to a progressive neurological disorder that affects one’s movement, causing shaking (tremor), rigidity (muscle stiffness), slowed movement, and impaired balance among other dominant symptoms. Parkinsonism is ...

Parkinson's Disease essay

Parkinson's disease is a neurological disorder caused by the inefficiency conversion of l-Dopa into dopamine. Dopamine is a crucial production in the brain as it helps in the control of muscular movement. Patients suffering from Parkinson's disease ...

Pathological Lying essay

Introduction Professional psychiatrists have tried to come up with definitions of the term pathological lying. It is generally takes the definition of a habitual or compulsive behavior of lying. Anton first established a description of this term in ...

Patient Health Data and Electronic Records essay

The discovery of electricity and a wheel changed everything, people developed these technologies to the incredible level and the way we live today is based on the technological progress. The situation in the health care area is that same and further ...

Patient Safety essay

Patient safety Patient care as a healthcare discipline emphasizes highly on the analysis, reporting, and prevention of any medical error that may lead to adverse healthcare situations. There are many avoidable medical errors which have for a long ...

Payment of Medical Bills essay

Medicaid issignificantin the payment of medical bills for the poverty stricken individuals. However, poverty is not the determining factor towards an individual’squalificationfor Medicaid. Medicaid iscriticalfor the disabled, blind people, ...

Pediatric Class Project essay

Accidents in children are common phenomena, they accounts to quite a portion of mortality amongst the children. This is so because children are vulnerable since they are eager to explore their surroundings and as they learn and discover new features ...

Perfect Body essay

ABSTRACT The ideal American women are not thin. Many women idealization is to have the perfect body. A beautiful body captivates men’s hearts. Historically, a perfect body encompasses being slim and well -proportioned. Men generally choose a ...

Personal Health Project essay

Since I was a chain smoker, I intended to adopt a plan for stopping my chain smoking habit. There were several reasons that led to this decision; the habit had to a great part affected my life and health, which were deteriorating; I had the loss of ...

Personal Nutrition and Exercise Plan essay

Ischemic Heart disease, Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Disease are all examples of Heart Diseases caused by atherosclerosis, which comes about as a result of deposits of fats in the coronary arteries. The coronary arteries function as ...

Personality Assessment Instrument or Inventory Critique essay

Psychological personality instrument refers to tools that are often used and recommended for assessing personalities. These tools help to bring understanding of: personal strengths and weaknesses, other team members’ strengths and weaknesses, ...

Perspective on Health Care essay

Health care is an area that I love venturing in. The most compelling issue is the development of vaccinations that have been occurring in the recent times. They serve to prevent people from contracting diseases. In previous years, as documented in ...

Pertussis Outbreak essay

Pertussis is a common disease among infants. Though the disease affects infants, teenagers, and adults, it is more prevalent in infants. Typically, Pertussis is a respiratory disease characterized by coughing. It is caused by bacteria known as ...

Pharmaceutics essay

In the field of pharmacy, weight is an operation which entails ascertaining the specific weight of the material that will be used in preparing the compound of a recommended prescription or particular dosage of a drug. In this regard, weighing is ...

Physical and Mental Effects of Energy Drinks on the Body essay

Introduction There is a growing worry regarding the effects of energy drinks on both physical and mental fitness of the human body. Energy drinks that are highly caffeinated and mixed with alcohol impose a great effect on a person. However, they ...

Policy Players and Their Roles essay

Across the nation, state public health departments are facing rapid changes. The emergence of managed care for publicly insured populations under both Medicaid and Medicare, welfare reform, and the shift in political ideology to neoliberalism ...

Polylactic Acid Fibers essay

Over the last half century, durable synthetic polymers including nylon and polyester have derived from petroleum products and have been used for different industrial applications and for making clothes. However, despite their durability, Mochizuki ...

Polymerase Chain Reaction essay

PCR, as mentioned before, is an acronym for polymerase chain reaction. It is a technique that entails DNA amplification used in detecting the presence of the DNA strands in the infected individuals or organisms. The requirements for this include ...

Positive Behaviour Programs essay

Introduction The implementation of key positive behaviour programs in the elementary school system is a major challenging task seen among education program administrators in various school settings. This usually involves a brain storming approach ...

Post-Traumatic Disorder essay

The book “The Things They Carried” is a novel that has a collection of short stories that are related to each other. It is a unique book that focuses on various traditions. O’Brien offers his readers a war memoir as well as the ...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder essay

During the last two decades, the world has witnessed various unpleasant activities that have posed a challenge to the psychological well-being of individuals and societies. Such happenings include massive terrorist activities, devastating ...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder essay

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety-related condition that develops after one is exposed to a terrifying ordeal or event in which a grave physical harm occurs or is threatened. Traumatic events that can trigger PTSD include human-caused or ...

Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis essay

To detect any forms of genetic shortcomings in an embryo (formed during the process of vitro fertilization prior to pregnancy), pre-implantation genetic testing is performed. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) refers to a situation where one ...

Pregnancy essay

Maternal Serum alpha fetoprotein level increases gradually during pregnancy to a peak level around the 30th week of gestation period. Alpha fetoprotein test is carried out between the 14th and 22nd weeks but is more accurate when performed between ...

Premenstrual Syndrome essay

For a long period of time, doctors and the general public did not treat Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) seriously. However, this situation has changed, and Premenstrual Syndrome is globally embraced as an authentic condition within medical circles. ...

Prescription Drug Pricing essay

Prescription drug pricing, like all market-driven mechanisms, is often driven by a combination of many factors. Price dispersion is one of these factors. Price dispersion is often done as a result of costly consumer searches through examination of ...

Prevalence of Different Nose Shapes essay

This study will give a detailed view about the nose and its different size and shape in a 15-year-old population. It will go ahead and illustrate more on the use of the 3D techniques related to the face, which are the cone beam computed tomography, ...

Problems in Nursing essay

Professionals in the nursing profession experience a variety of problems that lead to ethical dilemmas. Some of the problems that nurses face include staffing crisis, wrong medication orders, inappropriate tasks, inadequate training, just to mention ...

Productive and Counterproductive Behavior Paper essay

In handling the different measures of modern business organization, human resource managers should be able to recognize that they are in need of facing the challenge of handling the differences and the intercultural complexities among the workers on ...

Proper care for PICC line essay

Health care has been undergoing rapid evolution evident by great application of integrated technologies. Some of the modern technologies maybe inefficient if used carelessly or with low professionalism. Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) ...

Psychoanalysis essay

Behavioural sciences deal with the disciplines that explore the interactions of all living things in their natural environment. These sciences involve systematic investigation and examination of animal and human behaviour. This is done through ...

Psychological Disorder and Treatment essay

Biological causes of depression are associated with an occurrence of significantly low levels of neurotransmitters, which include dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine (Adrian, 2001). In addition, evidence from research shows that hormonal ...

Psychological Effects of Amputation essay

J.M. Coetzee the author of Slow Man a 2005 publication presents a literal masterpiece novel of a man who is grappling with the misfortunes in his life after losing his leg in a road accident. The title Slow Man, depicts Paul Rayment a 60 year old ...

Psychological Trauma essay

The story clearly shows that the soldiers are undergoing this psychological trauma as it lasts for more than 30 days, which is different from brief stress disorder. Post-traumatic stress symptoms persist for a longer time and affect one or rather ...

Psychopathy essay

Definition According to Cooke  et al (1997)“Psychopathy is a socially devastating personality disorder defined by a constellation of affective, interpersonal, and behavioral characteristics, including egocentricity, manipulativeness, ...

Psychosocial Approach Paper on Type 2 Diabetes in seniors essay

Diabetes is essentially a disease associated with the body’s functional metabolism and is often characterized by recurring episodes of hyperglycemia leading to absolute or relative insulin deficiency (English & Williams, 2001). According ...

Psychosocial Models essay

Medical Model The medical model of addiction counseling involves the incorporation of medicinal or drug based mechanisms aimed at detoxifying the affected individual with an aim of assisting them recover from their addiction. In recent times the ...

Putting the Public in Public Health New Approaches essay

In the article “Putting the Public in Public Health: New Approaches” by Georges Benjamin, the author discusses several ways in which the public can be involved to ensure that high public health standards are maintained. First and ...

Quality of Care essay

Quality of care is the type of care that a patient is given in a hospital institution that lacks any form of negligence. The duty owed by the hospital is ensuring that the patient always receives quality care while he or she is in the hands of its ...

Reflection Paper on Personal Health essay

I have always given importance on my physical, spiritual, and emotional health, that is why I always, at least to some extent, try to check my daily activities to see if they are all within the definitions of overall well-being. On health surveys I ...

Refusing Immunizations essay

The denial of vaccination became a trend throughout the United States where it is considered as a part of the widespread movement aimed at limiting the number of toxins to which children are exposed. There is a need to think not about the punishment ...

Registered Nurses essay

The proposed solution entails developing a policy agenda that points to enactment of workable solutions. To effectively deal with the problem of shortage of nurses, it is essential to increase the number of registered nurses. This will be achieved ...

Registered Nurses Union essay

Abstract Many factors affect the outcome of the nurses’ work in regards to the patients’ health. Unionization of the registered workers union has brought many changes to the health sector. There are claims that the hospitals that have ...

Reimbursement for Medical Services essay

The subsidies allocation for the escalating cost of prescription drugs is an advantage for the average and low earning American family setting. The enactment of the program in the form of a legislative proposal and subsequent adoption into the ...

Reproductive Biology Research Proposal essay

Background Information Nanotechnology refers to the study and practice of controlling matter on a molecular and atomic scale. Modern nanotechnology, as novel as it is, helps scientists to deals with molecular structures that are sized between a ...

Research on Obstetric Practice essay

Numerous studies have been done regarding the health and safety of childbirth. These efforts are aimed at determining the various shortfalls that underlie the methodologies adopted during maternal care provision. Previously, there has been tight ...

Respiratory Protection Standard essay

Permissible Practice To control occupational diseases brought by breathing in air that contains harmful agents such as pathogens, dust, smoke, etc. avoiding air contamination should be the main goal. Control measures example room ventilation, ...

Rheumatic heart disease essay

Rheumatic heart disease is a medical condition which affects the heart whereby the entire heart gets damaged. It is associated with the rheumatic fever since most of its occurrence appear shortly after has had the fever. It mostly affects children ...

Role of a Therapeutic Relationship essay

Medical based therapy is much effective compared with no treatment. Despite the fact, that treatment is done with the help of therapy, less than half of individuals who use this strategy find themselves in the non-distressed range. Medical based ...

Roy's Role Function Adaptive Model essay

The Roy Adaptation Model (RAM) was created by Sister Callista Roy in 1964. Its development has been dynamic since then to become one of the most instrumental nursing models in the twenty first century.Many nurses worldwide practice nursing from ...

Safe Entry and Clean Up at New Orleans essay

Procedure for Safe Entry and Safe Clean Up Procedures at the New Orleans Hospital Abstract It has been six weeks since the deadly Hurricane Katrina swept through the town of New Orleans, sparing little in its path. One of the major casualties of ...

Schizophrenia: Difficulties Surrounding Those, Who Are Given Diagnosis against Their Will essay

For decades, professional psychiatrists and medical scholars were trying to persuade the general public that mental illness was something an individual could not control. In other words, because mentally ill patients are not capable of controlling ...

Security Breaches in the Healthcare essay

Many of the security breaches in the healthcare occur in the IT departments and involve data handling. They may be caused by direct hacking or unauthorized access to healthcare databases due to laxity in handling of such data (Chickowski, 2010). ...

Selecting and Adopting HER essay

Electronic Health Record (EHR) refers to “a repository of electronically maintained information about individual’s lifetime health status and health care, stated such that it can serve multiple legitimate users of the record” ...

Sensory adaptation essay

There are reasons why humans have sensory capabilities. The ability to hear, taste, smell, see and feel are all part of a wondrous design that makes life a colorful journey for every individual trying to experience the best out of the life that they ...

Sensory Perceptions essay

Perception is a conscious registration of sensory stimulus in the human mind. When an animal is able to perceive, this is seen as apparent from the responses to application of stimuli. Nevertheless, the perceptivity nature is only surmised. It is ...

Sexual Harassment Problem essay

Sexual harassment is considered to be a type of discrimination which is based on sex. It can occur in different circumstances, for example a victim and a harasser may be a man and a woman, the harasser may be a co-worker, an agent of the employer, ...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases essay

Sexually transmitted diseases are also known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or venereal diseases (VDs). They are transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse. STDs spread through bodily fluids, for example, seminal and vaginal ...

Shortage of Nurses essay

In order to deal with the problem of shortage of nurses effectively, it is important to develop an applicable plan. This plan should be implemented in accordance with the needs and requirement of the organization. The new policy should solve the ...

Should Physician Assisted Suicide Be Legalized? essay

The subject of euthanasia has always been controversial, producing extreme reactions and emotions from each opposing camp. Throughout the whole history of the mankind, there were those who strongly supported the above-mentioned issue and those who ...

Should the USA Have or Not Have Universal Health Care? essay

Critics of the American health care system often offer to reform it by using foreign models. They point out that in many countries health care costs are much lower than in the U.S., and the efficiency of health care services is higher. The United ...

Sicko essay

Michael Moore filmed several recommendable documentary movies. Bowling for Columbine, Roger & Me, Fahrenheit 9/11 are the most popular among them. In his most controversial film, Sicko, this famous documentarist shows his exceptional talent of a ...

Sicko and Health Care essay

Michael Moore’s documentary Sicko offers an indictment of the American healthcare industry and a compelling view of the health challenges facing many. America has been in the forefront of making meaningful economic reforms, but Moore’s ...

Similarities and Differences between Nursing Process and the Research Process essay

The nursing process is different from research process. However, there are some academicians who observe the difference as negligible. Some claim that the research process must make use of a nursing procedure. Consequently, it is crucial to show the ...

Skin Colour essay

Melasma is a skin challenge that is commonly known as the mask of pregnancy or chloasma faciei and is known to be present in pregnant women. This skin disorder is a tan or a dark skin discolouration and can affect everyone but is usually common in ...

Skinner's Behaviorist Psychology and Its Criticisms essay

Behaviorism is the proposal that human beings react unavoidably to stimuli, and individuals who have power over the stimuli have power over others. There is no free will or autonomy as usually imagined, only reactions to seeming gratifications and ...

Sleep Deprivation essay

Developing and analyzing the impact of sleep deprivation on the brain and behavior needs to be critically considered, as it affects many people in the society. Health terms, such as sleep debt, have become synonymous terms used by doctors to ...

Solutions of HIV in Africa essay

HIV pandemic is coming out as one of the most serious health problems of Africa. For instance, it has been hypothesized that HIV progression rates are higher in Africa as compared to industrialized nations. This paper identifies a problem, gives ...

Somatization Disorder essay

Chapter 8 Somatoform disorders can be classified as a group of physical ailments which may not have conventional physiological basis but rather psychological basis. Such disorders may fail to get explained by any medical disorder, any other mental ...

Spiritual Assessment essay

The assessment of a patient’s spiritual status, especially a patient suffering from cancer, poses a challenge to many clinicians as they try to guide the patients and stay by them during the most trying times of their lives. Patients ask ...

Sport and Exercise Physiology essay

Human body is an astonishingly complex device. At any given time, there is a complicated communication amid various organs, tissues, cells, and systems that coordinate the physiological roles. When someone thinks of many processes happening inside ...

Steps Used to Prove Malpractice essay

Malpractice refers to an omission or an act by a physician during patient treatment, which differs from conventional norms of practice in the medical profession and leads to an injury to the patient. Trust is a significant factor in the relationship ...

Steroids Control Gas Exchange in Plants essay

Introduction Glyphosate-Resistant ‘Superweeds’ May Be Susceptible To Diseases 1. Observations and questions leading to the experiment: Weeds growing in the field soil get damaged to various extents when subjected to the. Some weeds are ...

Strategies at Banner Health Care essay

Banner healthcare is a non-profit making health organization covering a number of states in the United States. The states serviced by Banner healthcare through the provision of Healthcare services include Arizona, Alaska, California, Colorado, ...

Stress essay

Stress is the nonspecific response of the body to the action of extreme factors, some intractable or threatening situation. During stress, the body produces the hormone adrenaline, which forces the body to survive. Stress is a normal part of life, ...

Stress in Nursing Practice essay

Introduction Nursing is a stressful profession. Thousands of new and experienced nurses face various negative consequences of work in stressful environments. Stress does not allow nurses realizing their workplace potentials to the fullest. It is due ...

Substance Use Disorders and Mental Illness essay

Substance Abuse Substance abuse is characterized by use of drugs or other harmful substances without the supervision or approval of medical professionals. More often than not, abuse of substances such as narcotics, stimulants and hallucinogens among ...

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome essay

Section 1: The Health Issue Sudden infant death syndrome is an unexpected demise of a child between one month and one year of age that is not predictable by careful examination of the medical history. The death cannot be explained even after the ...

Summary of welfare essay

The issue of testing drug for the welfare of the less privileged has been controversial. The discussion tries to establish whether the random screening of the welfare recipients has any benefit to all the stakeholders ranging from the taxpayers, the ...

Technology and Public Health essay

According to the Health Technology Resolution of the WHO World Health Assembly, health technologies can be defined as the application of well-organized knowledge and skills in the form of machines, devises, vaccines, procedures and system developed ...

Teenage drinking essay

Teenage drinking has been a societal problem for a considerable time and as such, researchers have been in the forefront to resolve the problems associated with it. Adolescent drinking, also known as binge drinking is the focus of research because ...

Teenage Motherhood essay

Teenage pregnancy has become a major issue in communities globally because of the negative effects it is associated with. Majority of teenage mothers and their children are likely to face challenges in their living. This paper will address some ...

Tenants of Industrial Hygiene essay

Industrial hygiene refers to the science dealing with the prediction and control of unhealthy working conditions in workplaces to prevent disease outbreaks (Greenberg, 2003). This is extremely significant because employees will be productive for an ...

Thalassemia essay

Thalassemia is a blood disorder that is hereditary in nature. It is the most common disorder in the world that is hereditary and characterized by a single gene defect. Thalassemia was first discovered in ...

The Agency under Consideration essay

The agency under consideration is American Red Cross. It is a charitable organization, which is mainly managed by volunteers. It offers humanitarian services in the form of disaster relief and other services to community members the United States of ...

The Alcohol essay

Alcohol seem to have been in use from pre-historic time and has not been the preserve of human kind alone, it is apparently a much sought after beverage even by animals and insects. Evidence to support this fact is not completely conclusive but one ...

The Alzhemeirs and Dementia essay

This project is aimed at ascertaining the ways in which Alzheimer’s and dementia diseases affect families living in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. The research is carried out for the purpose of determining how it is possible to help ...

The Assisted Suicide Issue essay

Introduction This term is commonly used when a doctor assists a terminally ill person to die. However, other terms such as death with dignity and physician aided dying are used to represent the same thing (Humphry, 2006). It occurs when someone ...

The Back Pain Revolution essay

            Back pain is an inevitable problem that faces all people. Once in the life of a human being back would be the cause of sleepless nights. Children are not mostly affected by this ...

The Cause of Schizophrenia in Young Adults (16 to 25) essay

Schizophrenia is one of multifaceted illnesses. So far, the professionals have not been capable to tell an actual cause of this disease. However, some events may cause the disorder in people because of genes. That individual has the possibility to ...

The Controversy over Recovered Memories essay

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the issue of recovered memories. Since the last century, researchers have had differing opinions on how to interpret and treat recovered memories. Often, these arguments have found their way into courts ...

The Dietary Guidelines Recommendations and Critique essay

To have an ideal figure and to be fit and healthy is a dream of every woman. That is why we refer to different diets or recommendations given by specialists in order to look well and. Having read the executive summary of the latest edition of the ...

The Drug Abuse essay

Substance abuse or drug abuse is an adaptive pattern use of substances the use of the substances is not dependent. In drug abuse the drugs are not consumed for medical purposes. Drugs associated with abuse include Alcohol, cocaine, opoids, ...

The Effect of Rape during Pregnancy essay

In criminal law, the word rape refers to an assault by and to a person that involves sexual intercourse with an unwilling person or literally without the person's consent (Patricia, 2005). Outside law, rape as a term is in use often interchangeably ...

The Electronic Health System essay

People should not entrust Google with their electronic medical records. This is because by creating an electronic health system without proper security controls which could not only be a rejected privacy risk, but could also be doomed to achievement ...

The Epidemiology essay

Autism spectrum disorder prevalence in the year 2006 was found to have gone down. This was done on children who are aged eight years. The population of the children was 1000 (Center For Disease and Prevention, 2006). The prevalence can be seen to ...

The Federal Medicare essay

The EMTALA act states that every hospital that enjoys the federal Medicareis obligedto provide emergency care to all patients, without any attention tostatusof theimmigrantor hispositionto pay for the services offered. Astoundingly enough, the ...

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks essay

I agree that the doctor’s act was unethical because Henrietta had been sedated so that she could undergo the operation; hence, she was unconscious at the time the tissues were extracted (Rebecca 33). Thus, taking advantage of Henrietta’s ...

The Immune System essay

The immune system encompasses a group of specialized cells and organs that develop to shield the body against invasion and attacks by unfamiliar invaders. In addition to fighting off infections brought about by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and ...

The Impact of Household Income on Cognitive and Behavioral Development of a Child essay

Abstract This paper examines how household income influences behavioral and cognitive development of pre-school children. Because of the time constraints, the study is based on the review of secondary data from previous studies. This research paper ...

The Individual and the Disease essay

A disease is any deviation from or interruption of the structure or function of any body part, organ, or system that is manifested by a characteristic set of symptoms and signs and whose etiology, pathology, and prognosis may be known or ...

The Key Functions of EMR essay

This type of system makes the information searchable, readable (because the doctors writing is never perfect), and the information can be shared with the patient in the rooms and shown in a text format so they can understand what the doctor has ...

The Left Brain vs. the Right Brain: How It impacts Learning essay

A brain is the central organ involved in acquiring, processing and storing information. It consists of two parts: the right and left hemispheres. The hemispheres  are connected via a group of nerves called the corpus callosum. Through research, ...

The Metric System essay

The biggest challenge that nurses and medical practitioners ever faced is recording measurements of clients from different parts of the world. The mere thought of taking and recording weight and or length of children at the antenatal care unit of ...

The Monopoly on Pharmaceutical Patents essay

Pharmaceutical patents are either process patents or product patents. This is the protection of process patents from the exploitation of their invented technological procedures of product formulation, whereas product patents prevent the entire ...

The New Health Care Reforms essay

Introduction On March 21st 2010, the Health care reform bill was passed by the House of Representatives, amidst disapproval from the republicans. Since the establishment of Medicare in 1965, the health care reform bill is viewed as one of the most ...

The Nursing Dilemma essay

Introduction Nursing is an activity that involves dealing with another person’s life and it is therefore important that a lot of ethics are integrated in the practice. These ethics normally act as guidelines for the nurses and they are meant ...

The Patient Health essay

The Strong model has also proposed a variety of changes that need to be introduced in the patient health care with the view of making it more professional. This model was designed by the faculty at the StrongMemorialHospital in New York City. The ...

The Pharmaceutical Industry essay

Introduction Globally, pharmaceutical industry was normally characterized with sudden growth, better structural stability, and an industry that had better and high profits with frequent innovations. Exceptionally, this was being experienced by the ...

The Psychiatric Medication essay

There has been an increase in the psychiatric medication use among children, which is not understood clearly by the common public. The media attention has led to development of theories that describe the attitudes of the public regarding the ...

The Relationship between Depression and Cognitive Deterioriation in Older Adults essay

The population structure of the United States is changing; the older age group is increasing in size relative to the younger generation. The trend is expected to continue, especially starting in 2020, when the baby boomer population—estimated ...

The Relationship between Obesity and Childhood Diabetes essay

In general obesity means having an excess amount of body fat. However, there is no difference between obesity in children and in adults since body mass index (BMI) is used in both. For instance, some would refer to diabetes as having at least 20% ...

The Smoking Problem essay

Introduction It is a common knowledge that smoking is harmful to one’s health. This habit has been associated with dangerous lung problems such as cancer, meaning that it is not wise to smoke. In addition, smoking annoys people around the ...

The Sport Injuries essay

There are different forms of injuries seen in the fields and causes vary depending on the activity done by a person. The foot and ankle injuries are the most common type of injuries among sportsmen’s. The causes of the injuries vary with the ...

The Study of Acupressure Therapy essay

Being a traditional technique of Chinese origin, acupressure is used to treat various types of diseases. Acupressure therapy is widely used in Asian countries like Japan, China, Bhutan, Tibet, Nepal, India and others. It is the science and art that ...

The Subprime Mortgage Crisis essay

In the second half of the past decade, economies around the world were faced with an unexpected financial crisis that led to an exponential increase in the number of borrowing delinquencies, defaults, and eventual foreclosures. Subprime mortgages ...

To Accept or Reject a Client essay

This essay investigates the literature that is available on ethics and the practice of medicine. It establishes the moral cause that one would follow when approached by a social misfit. According to the essay, a well-known professional baseball ...

Transition Role in Nursing essay

Any individual who has the necessary skills in nursing and passed the relevant licensing requirements receives a practicing license that enables them to engage in nursing activities. Nursing, as a profession, demands that nurses adhere to the ...

Transplant Rejection essay

Transplantation is that act of transferring cells, tissues or organs from one site to another. Transplant rejection is the process by which a transplant recipient’s immune system attacks the transplanted cells, tissues or organs ...

Treatment essay

Ashley X’streatmentisgenerallycastas a brutalinitiativeby her parents in asking for the treatment of their daughter to make her life easy.Opponents and supporters of what has come to be known as the Ashley Xtreatmenthave come out strongly to ...

Treatment Intervention essay

A family on the brink of collapse needs urgent assistance to restore it to its usual status. The fact that a father can have an extra-marital affair is an indication of extreme dissatisfaction as a family man. The mother’s sudden behavior of ...

Treatment of Acute Venous Thrombosis in a Female Thriathlete essay

Introduction Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) has become an important public health problem as it affects more than 20 million individuals in the United States (Bluth, Benson & Ralls et al., 2008). Estimates of the incidence of DVT range between ...

Trends in Health Information Systems and Applications essay

The recurring health management problems of this organization can be sufficiently addressed through incorporation of more efficient health information systems. These are with regard to: Errors surrounding patient medication, misplaced lab results ...

Unconventional Childbearing Rituals essay

Every person has the own history of birth. Each history is different due to experiences and methods for the delivery of a baby. Unconventionalism of a child birth depends on the culture where the child is born. What is considered a norm is some ...

Universal Medical Precautions essay

In the 1980s, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) established guidelines and precautions specifically to protect medical care professionals, and any other person who may be exposed to blood-borne pathogens. Under these precautions, the human blood ...

Unsaturated Fatty Acids and Cancer Prevention essay

Many researchers have studied the link between diet and cancer. Therefore, several studies indicate that there are some foods, which can actually cause cancers of the stomach, breast, mouth, and bowel by influencing their onset and progress. On the ...

USA’s Medical Insurance essay

There are several issues, involved in the potential reduction in USA’s medical insurance reimbursement of 40%. This report has a list of issues for the board of directors on the ways possible for meeting the impacts of the proposed funding ...

Use of DDT in Malaria Vector Control essay

Types of Toxicology Data Used in Making the Decision The type of toxicology data used in making such a decision is subject to the cumulative estimated dietary intake (CEDI) values. DDT does not have very high CEDI levels. For substances with such ...

Utilitarian Ethics in Organ Transplants essay

Introduction In the contemporary medical bioethical practices, there is an observable increase in the emergence of sensational perspectives regarding appropriateness of transplantable organisms in reference to utilitarian ethical provisions. ...

Values in Nursing Practice essay

In conclusion it is seen that Hamric’s core values in nursing practice can be applied in most situations and should be encouraged whenever dealing with a patient to promote the nurse- patient relationship and to promote better patient ...

Virtual Leadership in Clinical Research essay

This paper presents a summary of my interview with a leader in clinical research. The decision to settle on him as the best person to interview was the fact that he has attained his position at a rather very early age. Indeed, a friend of my ...

Water Treatment essay

Safety and purity of world waters has been given a very great focus. Water treatment is very essential that we can avoid many possible diseases that are waterborne like typhoid, cholera, jaundice and so on. When dealing with water recycling, there ...

Weight training essay

Weight training is a form of strength training that develops the size of skeletal muscles. For this purpose it utilizes the force of gravity as an opponent to the power generated by muscles through eccentric or concentric contraction. A variety of ...

What is Diabetes? essay

Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week. (2010). Diabetes: The Future of the Diabetes Care Devices Market to 2016 - The Key Demand Drivers Remain Intact, 4265. Retrieved from http://elibrary.bigchalk.com.ezp-00rrw.lirn.net This article provides a ...

Why Do People Smoke Marijuana essay

You can call it weed, ganja, Mary Jane, pot or grass but marijuana remains the most abused drug. This is one of the illegal drugs used enormously worldwide. In the United States, marijuana is easily accessible. This is the main reason why such a ...

Why is oral hygiene important? essay

It is important for every person to pay attention to their oral hygiene throughout his life. This is because not only does it have a costly treatment but it is quite painful as too. Even though majority of people are aware that they need to brush ...
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