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Juvenile Justice Issues

This paper presents a proposal on criminal justice by incorporating concepts that relate to juvenile cases. First, the paper highlight issues entailed in criminal justice system, and its responsibility in providing assistance to defendants, victims, and their families to find justice they need.

The purpose of this essay is to depict how criminal justice, which involves juveniles, incorporates law applicable to individuals under the age and responsible for criminal acts. In most cases, those who fall within this category are below 18 years, and the state governs the law that protects the juveniles. Readers need to understand that in matters concerning the juvenile justice, they venture more into rehabilitation rather than punishment. This proposal will also highlight on various terms used in juvenile justice, and how tribunals operate in handling adults and juvenile cases.

The other vital aspects concerning juvenile justice, which people need to know, are that in case a juvenile court relinquishes its jurisdiction, it leads to transfer of juveniles to adult court. This paper also enlightens issues concerning juvenile justice where the state statues create courts for children. This enhances means of handling the juvenile delinquency, which the courts embed to ensure welfare, and safety in children. In relation to juvenile justice, the paper also reveals the parents patriae doctrine, which gives authority to the state to legislate for custody, protection, and care. This is significant in criminal justice that involve juvenile because; it enhances general welfare of children within its jurisdiction (Haugen, 2009).


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This proposal also articulates on issues concerning prevention act in juvenile delinquency. Readers will be in a position to find out the purpose of the act, which is to aid local communities and states in provision of society related preventive services to youth. In addition, this act saves the youth from becoming delinquent, and provides training in occupations that leads to technical assistance in a given field.

In this paper, I ought to incorporate juvenile courts, which are tribunals that pass judgments for offenses committed by adolescents and children under the age of majority. This implies that cases committed by minors, and children involve different treatment when contrasted to crimes which adults commit (Scott, 2008). For instance, this paper incorporates various subjective examples of offences, which juveniles commit, and their punishments. Committing offences such as drug abuse can subject the minor to rehabilitation form of punishment where they under gore corrections while engaging in community services.

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However, in cases where the offences are severe such as gang related acts and murder; courts treat such crimes committed by juveniles the same way as they handle adults. Readers should also understand that the court presses similar charges as to adults for juveniles who commit other serious offences such as rape, and robbery. This implies that in criminal system, juvenile courts have no jurisdiction over cases that involve minors charged the same manner as adults. This paper also reveals how the juvenile justice system allows the lawyer to represent the minor in a legal way. The reader need to understand that in juvenile system, probation officers, parents or social workers participate in the process for effective results which prohibit the minor to engage in future crimes. Readers should also understand that engaging in serious offenses and repetition of crimes can land juvenile offenders to prison and later transferred to state prison when they become adults.

There are also vital terms that readers need to know concerning criminal justice, that relate to juveniles. The first term is delinquency, which refers to offences that minors commit, or juvenile behavior that is out of accord with accepted law. Dependency is another term used in juvenile justice, which involves non-parental individuals to participate in cases by taking care of the minor. Detention is jailing adolescents temporarily while waiting for disposition of their cases. The laws incorporate the need of detention hearing before the judge can hear the juvenile case.

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Considering the criminal justice, this paper reveals how different platforms operate. For instance, I ought to compare and contrasts how tribunals handle cases of children and adults separately. By reading this proposal, the reader will be in a position to understand that it is vital to categorize minors, and adults in different courts to enhance justice. This step is significant because; it makes it easier for courts to handle cases, and treat the convicts fairly in relation to their ages. In criminal justice, the separate system for juveniles is vital as it handles cases by dividing juveniles into three categories.

The first group involve the delinquents youth who engage in criminal adult acts that involve felonies and misdemeanors. The second category that will assist the reader to understand the juvenile justice is the status offenders. The minors under this category indulge in offenses that would not define as crime when committed by adults. A good example involves escaping home, curfew violations, and truancy. This point explains to the reader why in criminal justice, there is need of two tribunals to handle cases of adults and children separately due to their nature. The third category of juvenile justice handles cases involving dependent and neglected minors. This involves deprived youths who need supervision and support.

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This proposal also enlightens the reader to note that in diverse court platforms, age is a significant factor that determines how tribunals handle cases of adults and juveniles. The common law requires juvenile court to handle a minor accountable for crime from a minimum age of seven years. The criminal justice approaches involved in this proposal will be useful in giving content of the final paper.



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