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Communicate Ideas

Interpersonal communication is the method that is used to communicate ideas, feelings, and thoughts between people. The skills of interpersonal communication are behaviors that are learned and thus can be improved through practice and reflection.

For instance, Sarah Trenholm and Arthur Jensen argued that the use of silence, paraphrasing, asking the right question, and reflecting on feelings has helped individuals to build strong interpersonal communication. Investigatons show that in communication one can easily learn by watching others perform and also by paying attention to other dimensions such as the motivational orientation, performance and value standards of the person acting, as well as how the repertoires are applied for various persons and targets.(Trenholm S. and Jensen A., 2011)

According to research, people with a safer attachment style have more satisfying and greater social networks. Compared to them, those who have rather apprehensive or avoidant connection style has shown to have minor and less satisfying social support networks. Resent evaluations in a certain college examined the function of ICC (interpersonal communication competence) as being a possible link to the social support and attachment association. A strong support was exposed for this model. These mediator analyses have indicated that the interpersonal communication competence has global deficits that could be accounted for the smaller sizes of the social support networks and decreased levels of contentment among more avoidant and also among more fretfully connected people. For instance, people who have been brought up in isolation lack essential learning experience. In the long run, this reflects in displaying distorted and socially unacceptable forms conduct.


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Nonetheless, successive analyses investigating specific dimensions of interpersonal communication competence showed that the lower support contentment among very anxious people is caused by a lack of boldness in social relations. It provided that for individuals connected in a more avoidant way, the decreased sizes of network could be outstandingly accounted for by lower self-disclosure levels. Therefore, a lack of brazenness added to the poorer levels of self-disclosure could be inimitably accounted for the eventual decrease of support fulfillment.

Therefore, an inadequate person might have learned the fundamental elements of interpersonal communication, however he or she might not have developed the appropriate thought process needed to manage the use of these elements in interpersonal encounters. An important dimension of control is connected to the timing of behaviors. For instance, a skilled behavior involves implementing behavior at the most opposite time. The person also learns when to use behavior and it is as crucial as learning what such behaviors are and how to apply them.

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Nonetheless, as stated by Hargie (2010), interpersonal communication incorporates the communicators’ knowledge of information so as to influence the whole process of communication.



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