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Funny in Farsi: a Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America

Funny of Farsi is non-fiction book written by Firoozeh Dumas. She is a young American author and academician. The book uses different stories to show the today’s China, and the experiences of Chinese immigrants in to the United States of America. The funny book as referred to as by many has the title “A memoir of Growing up Iranian in America.” The book starts with the family of the seven year old Firoozeh who moves from Iran to the new land of whites, California.

Starting the book with positive sides stands a better chance rather than starting with the negative side. This is a wonderful book, which more often will make you laugh most of the time. Her narration as Duma is covered by colorful and likeable characters, more so her father Kazem as a character. In her writing she expresses contagious affection from the Iranian culture where she comes from.

The mainly expressed point in this book is the shared humanity. In her narration, the change of the surrounding made her to have questions which comes out clearly that, the Americans view the Iranians as evil and they hate them. In this regard she try to show that on the other side whether hated or not, they are also people like they (whites) are. This is the reality that contrasts with what people get from the media as the bad image of the Iranians(


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In her narration she points out that use of the media such as the TV to learn about a country or people is not the best way. It is evident that TV will give you more facts but most of the time it uses the negative side to portray people. It may at time use the idealistic or romanticized picture to show best side on those people. To support this using TV to learn the people of US you will never get to conclude that these people are rapist, murderers or robbers. On the other side, using the same means to study a country of Muslims, you will not come up with any positive image about this group of people. It provides the best means to study a specific country. It is only through befriending someone who belongs to that same country that you get a fail judgment.

What Firoozeh wants to figure out is that apart from what we know about the Iranians, we just know one side of them without having the good side of their character. She also tries to show that, what Iranians face in these countries such US, is far much than a fish trying to survive out of water.

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However this book also has got the negative side of it. The book has got a complete bunch of stories, this makes the exercise of extracting what is in this piece of work not interesting. Too many stories are at time hard to read and understand their intended purpose. Having so many stories the book has lost the connection as one goes through it, this is what is referred to as the flow. It is a book which does not go into details making it more of superficial in the addressed issues.

The book has also experiences which happen day in day out. These are the issues which one is aware of and no need of notification since they are to the attention of everybody. Most of the issues which are addressed in this book mostly turn out to be trivial to most of the people. They are those issues considered more obvious to most people. They seems to be of little significance and not large enough to consider. The writer is also a victim of language barrier. This makes it hard to grasp issues she is addressing at first hand. This has made the book receive negative criticism by its readers.



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